Engineered E.coli for PQS and BDSF systems

Engineered E.coli for PQS and BDSF systems preview image

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Dundee_igem_2014 Dundee iGEM 2014 (Author)



Tagged by Dundee iGEM 2014 about 10 years ago

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;;; creation of populations ;;;
breed [signals signal]                           ;; PQS (green) signalling molecules for iGEM setup
breed [signal2s signal2]                         ;; PQS (green) signalling molecules for WT setup
breed [PQSRs PQSR]                               ;; PQSR receptors bound to the inside membrane
breed [PQSAs PQSA]                               ;; PQSA promoter 
breed [GFPs GFP]                                 ;; GFP produced when the promoter is dimerised by interaction with BCAM0228P or PQS_2.PQSR

breed [BDSFs BDSF]                               ;; BDSF signalling molecule
breed [ATPs ATP]                                 ;; ATP inside cytoplasm
breed [ADPs ADP]                                 ;; ADPs inside cytoplasm that are formed when ATP loses a phosphate
breed [BCAM0228s BCAM0228]                       ;; BCAM0228 inside cytoplasm
breed [BCAM0228Ps BCAM0228P]                     ;; phosphorylated BCAM0228
breed [Pcblds Pcbld]                             ;; Pcbld promoter

;;; setup of all variables ;;;
globals [  
  i                                              ;; counts x coords when colouring cell membrane
  j                                              ;; counts y coords when colouring cell membrane
  x                                              ;; counts x coords when colouring cytoplasm
  y                                              ;; counts y coords when colouring cytoplasm
  difference                                     ;; count of the difference between ATP and ADP 

  a                                              ;; controls number of PQSRs/BCAM0227s for the top and bottom membrane
  b                                              ;; controls number of PQSRs/BCAM0227s for the side membranes
  c                                              ;; controls number of PQSRs for the corners of the membrane
  sep                                            ;; controls distance between PQSRs/BCAM0227s on the top and bottom membrane
  sep2                                           ;; controls distance between PQSRs/BCAM0227s for the side membranes
  ja                                             ;; counts x coords for PQSR/BCAM0227 setup
  jap                                            ;; counts y coords for PQSR/BCAM0227 setup
  degraded-signal                                ;; count signals degraded
  degraded-GFP                                   ;; count GFPs degraded
  todie                                          ;; count signals to die each tick

;;; attributes associated with all the turtles ;;;
turtles-own [
  speed mass energy                              ;; controls the speed, mass and energy of the turtles for kinetics
  last-collision                                 ;; keeps note of when the previous collision has occured
  sticker                                        ;; boolean variable keeping track of whether a PQS is bound to PQSRPqsR  
  dimerised                                      ;; keeps note of whether PQSR has been dimerised by signalling molecules
  ready                                          ;; boolean variable keeping track of whether the promoter is interacting with the activated receptor
  bound-signal                                   ;; a counter for the number of signalling molecules bound to PQSR
  BDSF-bound                                     ;; boolean variable for whether BDSF is bound to BCAM0227
  transporter                                    ;; boolean variable for transporting the newly synthesized PQS out of the cell
  ATP-bound                                      ;; boolean variable for whether ATP is bound to BCAM0227 
  BCAM-bound                                     ;; boolean vairable for whether BCAM0228 is bound to BCAM027P 

to make-movie-WT-PQS
  user-message "First, save your new movie file (choose a name ending with .mov)"                     ;; prompt user for movie location
  let path user-new-file 
  if not is-string? path [ stop ]  ;; stop if user canceled
  movie-start path
  while [count signal2s with [color = sky] < 25 ]
    [ go
      movie-grab-view ]
  movie-close                                                                                          ;; export the movie
  user-message (word "Exported movie to " path)

to make-movie-iGEM-PQS
  user-message "First, save your new movie file (choose a name ending with .mov)"                     ;; prompt user for movie location
  let path user-new-file 
  if not is-string? path [ stop ]  ;; stop if user canceled
  movie-start path
  while [ ticks <= 1000]
    [ go
      movie-grab-view ]
  movie-close                                                                                          ;; export the movie
  user-message (word "Exported movie to " path)

to make-movie-iGEM-BDSF
  user-message "First, save your new movie file (choose a name ending with .mov)"                     ;; prompt user for movie location
  let path user-new-file 
  if not is-string? path [ stop ]  ;; stop if user canceled
  movie-start path
  while [count GFPs >= 0 and count GFPs < 10 ]
    [ go
      movie-grab-view ]
  movie-close                                                                                          ;; export the movie
  user-message (word "Exported movie to " path)

;;; creates a class called particles for calling-in GFPs, ADPs, BCAM0228s and BCAM0228Ps ;;;

to-report particles
  report (turtle-set GFPs ADPs BCAM0228s BCAM0228Ps)

;;; setup the characteristics of PQS for the iGEM setup ;;;

to setup-signal
   set speed 10
   set mass 25000                                    
   set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
   set last-collision nobody
   set size 4
   set shape "dot"
   set sticker false
   set bound-signal 0

;;; setup the characteristics of PQS molecules for the WT setup ;;;

to setup-signal2
   set speed 10
   set mass 25000                                    
   set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
   set last-collision nobody
   set size 4
   set shape "dot"
   set sticker false
   set bound-signal 0
   set transporter false

;;; setup the characteristics for PQSA promoters ;;;

to setup-PQSA
   set speed 10
   set mass 25000                                    
   set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
   set last-collision nobody
   set size 4
   set shape "circle 2"
   set color 78
   set ready false  

;;; setup the characteristics for PQSR receptors ;;;

to setup-PQSR
  set color 103 
  set shape "square"
  set size 4

;;; setup the characteristics for the GFP molecules ;;;

to setup-GFP
  set speed 5
  set mass 1000
  set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
  set last-collision nobody
  set color red
  set size 5
  set shape "star"

;;; setup the characteristics for the of BDSF molecules ;;;

to setup-BDSF
  set speed 5
  set mass 1500
  set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
  set last-collision nobody
  set color gray
  set size 3
  set shape "dot"
  set BDSF-bound false

;;; setup the characteristics for the of ATP molecules ;;;

to setup-ATP
   set speed 5
   set mass 100
   set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
   set last-collision nobody
   set color 26
   set size 2
   set shape "dot"
   set ATP-bound false

;;; setup the characteristics for the of ADP molecules ;;;

to setup-ADP
   set speed 5
   set mass 100
   set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
   set last-collision nobody
   set color 22
   set size 2
   set shape "dot"

;;; setup the characteristics for the of BCAM0228 molecules ;;;

to setup-BCAM0228
  set speed 5
  set mass 500
  set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
  set last-collision nobody
  set color 106
  set size 3
  set shape "square"
  set BCAM-bound false

;;; setup the characteristics for the of BCAM0228P molecules ;;;

to setup-BCAM0228P
  set speed 5
  set mass 500
  set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
  set last-collision nobody
  set color red
  set size 3
  set shape "square"

;;; setup the characteristics for Pcbld promoters ;;;

to setup-Pcbld
  set speed 5
  set mass 800
  set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
  set last-collision nobody
  set color 78
  set size 3
  set shape "circle 2"

;;;;; setup for iGEM PQS system ;;;;;

to setup-iGEM-PQS
;;; setup the initial values for the loops ;;;  
  set i 30
  set j 29
  set x 31
  set y 25
  set ja (-30) 
  set jap (-10)
;;; calls for the creation of the environment ;;;  
;;; creation of the cell membrane ;;;
  set i -30
  set j 29
  set i -30
  set j -29
  set i 30
  set j -29
;;; colouring in the cytoplasm ;;;
  set x 31
  set y -25

;;; creation of the other molecules, the number of each is controlled by a slider ;;;
;;; with random positions either outside the cell (randomize-extracellular) or within the cell (randomize-intracellular) ;;;
  create-signals initial-PQS
  [ setup-signal
    set color green
  create-PQSAs initial-PQSA
  [ setup-PQSA
  ;;; creation the PQSR receptors ;;;

;;;;; setup for WT PQS system ;;;;;

to setup-WT-PQS
;;; setup the initial values for the loops ;;;  
  set i 30
  set j 29
  set x 31
  set y 25
  set ja (-30) 
  set jap (-10)
;;; calls for the creation of the environment ;;;  
;;; creation of the cell membrane ;;;
  set i -30
  set j 29
  set i -30
  set j -29
  set i 30
  set j -29
;;; colouring in the cytoplasm ;;;
  set x 31
  set y -25
;;; creation the PQSR receptors ;;;
;;; creation of the other molecules, the number of each is controlled by a slider ;;;
;;; with random positions either outside the cell (randomize-extracellular) or within the cell (randomize-intracellular) ;;;
  create-signal2s initial-PQS
  [ setup-signal
    set color green
  create-PQSAs initial-PQSA
  [ setup-PQSA

;;;;; setup for iGEM BDSF system ;;;;;

to setup-iGEM-BDSF
;;; setup the initial values for the loops ;;;    
  set i 30
  set j 29
  set x 31
  set y 25

set ja -31
set jap -10
;;; calls for the creation of the environment ;;;   
;;; creation of the cell membrane ;;;
  set i -30
  set j 29
  set i -30
  set j -29
  set i 30
  set j -29
;;; colouring in the cytoplasm ;;;
  set x 31
  set y -25
;;; creation of the other molecules, the number of each is controlled by a slider ;;;
;;; with random positions either outside the cell (randomize-extracellular) or within the cell (randomize-intracellular) ;;;  
  create-BDSFs initial-BDSF
  [ setup-BDSF
  create-BCAM0228s initial-BCAM0228
  [ setup-BCAM0228
  create-Pcblds initial-Pcbld
  [ setup-Pcbld
  create-ATPs initial-ATP
  [ setup-ATP

;;; position randomizing procedure for extracellular particles (PQS,BDSF) ;;;

to randomize-extracellular
 setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  if (pcolor != 8) 

;;; position randomzing procedure for intracellular particles ;;;

to randomize-intracellular
 setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  if (pcolor != 78) 

;;;;; this procedure is what is run through (looping) during the operation of the simulation ;;;;;

to go
  if ticks > 1200 [stop]
  ;;; for all turtles except PQSRs check for collision and apply random motion ;;;
  ask turtles [
    if breed != PQSRs [
      rt random-float 360]]
  ;;; signalling molecules must only continue moving if they are not bound to PQSR ;;;
  ask signals [
    if sticker = false [
      fd 1]] 
  ;;; signalling molecules must only continue moving if they are not bound to PQSR ;;;
  ask signal2s [
    if sticker = false [
      fd 1] 
    if transporter = true [
  ;;; the promoters can flock towards to the receptors and bounce off the membrane ;;;
  ask PQSAs [
    fd 1]
  ;;; BDSFs can only continue moving if they are not bound to BCAM0227 ;;;
  ask BDSFs [
    if BDSF-bound = false [
      fd 1 ]]
  ;;; ATPs can only continue moving if they are not bound to BCAM0227 ;;;
  ask ATPs [
    if ATP-bound = false [
      fd 1 ]]
  ;;; these promoters can bounce off the membrane or bind to BCAM0228Ps ;;;
  ask Pcblds [
    fd 1]
  ;;; particles can bounce off the membrane ;;;
  ask particles [   
    fd 1]
  ;;; decay procedure
  ;;; in order to keep the number of ATPs high, create more ;;;
  if count ADPs > (initial-ATP / 5) [                                ;; if the count of ADPs is greater than a fifth of the initial-ATP count
    set difference (count ADPs - (initial-ATP / 5))                  ;; set the global variable "difference" to the difference between the two values
    create-ATPs difference                                           ;; create "difference" number of ATPs
    [ setup-ATP                                                  
    ask n-of difference ADPs [die]                                   ;; ask "difference" number of ADPs to die
    set difference 0]                                                ;; reset the global variable "difference" to 0
  ;;; the simulation continues forward one tick ;;; 

;;; procedure to create the background of the simulation ;;;

to background
  ask patches with [pxcor >= -60 and pxcor <= 60][set pcolor 8]                                              ;; colour the extracellular region light grey 
  ask patches with [pycor > 25 and pycor < 30 and pxcor > -30 and pxcor < 30][set pcolor 74]                 ;; colour the top part of the membrane dark turquoise
  ask patches with [pycor > -30 and pycor < -25 and pxcor > -30 and pxcor < 30][set pcolor 74]               ;; colour the bottom part of the membrane dark turquoise
  ask patches with [pycor > -11 and pycor < 11 and pxcor > 47 and pxcor < 52][set pcolor 74]                 ;; colour the rhs part of the membrane dark turquoise
  ask patches with [pycor > -11 and pycor < 11 and pxcor > -52 and pxcor < -47][set pcolor 74]               ;; colour the lhs part of the membrane dark turquoise

;;; procedures to create the curved corners of the cell membrane  

to top-right-corner                                                                                          ;; for the top right corner of the cell membrane
  ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor = j][                                                                ;; set a global variable "i" for the xcoord and a "j" for the ycoor                                                                                                                                
    if i < 40 [                                                                                              ;; the curve has to be created in stages 
      ask patches with [pxcor >= i and pxcor < (i + 2) and pycor <= j and pycor > (j - 4)][set pcolor 74]    ;; for the first section we want the curve to be gentle with depth 4 patches
      set i (i + 2)                                                                                          ;; the general outline for this section is move along right 2 
      set j (j - 1)                                                                                          ;; and down 1
      top-right-corner]                                                                                      ;; repeat until section is complete
    if i >= 40 and i < 48 [                                                                                  ;; the next section is slightly steeper 
      ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor <= j and pycor > (j - 5)][set pcolor 74]                         ;; this section has depth 5 to compensate for the inside edge being smaller than the other
      set i (i + 1)                                                                                          ;; general outline here being move along right 1
      set j (j - 1)                                                                                          ;; and down 1
      top-right-corner]                                                                                      ;; repeat until section is complete
    if i = 48 [                                                                                              ;; the final section is a little different and so is written in 3 parts 
      ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor <= j and pycor > (j - 6)][set pcolor 74]                         ;; each part has to stop inline with the right side membrane
      set i (i + 1)                                                                                          ;; so the 3 parts follow the outline move along 1 right
      set j (j - 2)                                                                                          ;; and move down 2
      top-right-corner]                                                                                      ;; but each part has a depth 2 shorter than the previous 
    if i = 49 [                                                                                              ;; so at i = 48, the depth is 6 so membrane is betweeen j and (j - 6)
      ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor <= j and pycor > (j - 4)][set pcolor 74]                         ;; at i = 49, the depth is 4 so membrane is between j and (j - 4) 
      set i (i + 1)                                                                                          ;; and finally at i = 50, the depth is 2 so membrane is between j and (j - 2)
      set j (j - 2)                          
    if i = 50 [
      ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor <= j  and pycor > (j - 2)][set pcolor 74]]
    ask patches with [pxcor = 47 and (pycor = 11 or pycor = 12)][set pcolor 74]                              ;; these last 3 patch commands are to make the curve look smoother
    ask patches with [pxcor = 46 and pycor = 13][set pcolor 74]
    ask patches with [pxcor = 39 and pycor = 21][set pcolor 74]]

to top-left-corner                                                                                           ;; for the top left corner of the cell membrane
  ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor = j][                                                                ;; procedure follows the same protocol as top-right-corner                                                                        
  if i > -40 [                                                                                               ;; just with different coordinates
    ask patches with [pxcor <= i and pxcor > (i - 2) and pycor <= j and pycor > (j - 4)][set pcolor 74]
    set i (i - 2)
    set j (j - 1)
  if i <= -40 and i > -48 [
    ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor <= j and pycor > (j - 5)][set pcolor 74]
    set i (i - 1)
    set j (j - 1)
  if i = -48 [
    ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor <= j and pycor > (j - 6)][set pcolor 74]
    set i (i - 1)
    set j (j - 2)
  if i = -49 [
    ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor <= j and pycor > (j - 4)][set pcolor 74]
    set i (i - 1)
    set j (j - 2)
  if i = -50 [
    ask patches with [pxcor = i  and pycor <= j and pycor > (j - 2)][set pcolor 74]
    set i (i - 1)
    set j (j - 2)
  ask patches with [pxcor = -47 and (pycor = 11 or pycor = 12)][set pcolor 74]
  ask patches with [pxcor = -46 and pycor = 13][set pcolor 74]
  ask patches with [pxcor = -39 and pycor = 21][set pcolor 74]]

to bottom-left-corner                                                                                        ;; for the bottom left corner of the cell membrane
  ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor = j][                                                                ;; procedure follows the same protocol as top-right-corner  
  if i > -40 [                                                                                               ;; just with different coordinates
    ask patches with [pxcor <= i and pxcor > (i - 2) and pycor >= j and pycor < (j + 4)][set pcolor 74]
    set i (i - 2)
    set j (j + 1)
  if i <= -40 and i > -48 [
    ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor >= j and pycor < (j + 5)][set pcolor 74]
    set i (i - 1)
    set j (j + 1)
  if i = -48 [
    ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor >= j and pycor < (j + 6)][set pcolor 74]
    set i (i - 1)
    set j (j + 2)
  if i = -49 [
    ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor >= j and pycor < (j + 4)][set pcolor 74]
    set i (i - 1)
    set j (j + 2)
  if i = -50 [
    ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor >= j and pycor < (j + 2)][set pcolor 74]
    set i (i - 1)
    set j (j + 2)
  ask patches with [pxcor = -47 and (pycor = -11 or pycor = -12)][set pcolor 74]
  ask patches with [pxcor = -46 and pycor = -13][set pcolor 74]
  ask patches with [pxcor = -39 and pycor = -21][set pcolor 74]]

to bottom-right-corner                                                                                       ;; for the bottom left corner of the cell membrane
  ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor = j][                                                                ;; procedure follows the same protocol as top-right-corner
    if i < 40 [                                                                                              ;; just with different coordinates
      ask patches with [pxcor >= i and pxcor < (i + 2) and pycor >= j and pycor < (j + 4)][set pcolor 74]
      set i (i + 2)
      set j (j + 1)
    if i >= 40 and i < 48 [
      ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor >= j and pycor < (j + 5)][set pcolor 74]
      set i (i + 1)
      set j (j + 1)
    if i = 48 [
      ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor >= j and pycor < (j + 6)][set pcolor 74]
      set i (i + 1)
      set j (j + 2)
    if i = 49 [
      ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor >= j and pycor < (j + 4)][set pcolor 74]
      set i (i + 1)
      set j (j + 2)
    if i = 50 [
      ask patches with [pxcor = i and pycor >= j and pycor < (j + 2)][set pcolor 74]
      set i (i + 1)
      set j (j + 2)
    ask patches with [pxcor = 47 and (pycor = -11 or pycor = -12)][set pcolor 74]
    ask patches with [pxcor = 46 and pycor = -13][set pcolor 74]
    ask patches with [pxcor = 39 and pycor = -21][set pcolor 74]] 

;; commands to color the cytoplasm
;; due to the curved corners of the cell membrane the cytoplasm has to be "colored" pretty much line by line based on coordinates 

to cytoplasm-top                                                                                           ;; for the top half of the cytoplasm
if y > 22 and y <= 25 [                                                                                    ;; the global variables are "x" for the xcoord and "y" for the ycoord
 ask patches with [pxcor >= (- x) and pxcor <= x and pycor = y][set pcolor 78]                             ;; since the cell has vertical symmetry the area to be coloured is between x and -x 
   set x (x + 2)                                                                                           ;; the first part follows the gentle curve of the cell membrane and so the general outline for this section
   set y (y - 1)                                                                                           ;; move down 1 ycoord and add 2 xcoord
   cytoplasm-top]                                                                                          ;; repeat until section is complete
if y > 14 and y <= 22 [                                                                                    ;; the next section has 2 colours
  ask patches with [pxcor >= (- x) and pxcor <= (x) and pycor = y][set pcolor 78]                          ;; 77.9 is the region closest to the membrane of width 5 patches and 78 (marginally lighter) is the centre cytoplasm region                  ;; this colour difference is to contain the signalling molecules in the region closest to the membrane ( 77.9 colour)
   set x (x + 1)                                                                                           ;; the general outline for this section is down 1 and add 1 x since th curve is steeper
   set y (y - 1)
   cytoplasm-top]                                                                                          ;; repeat until section is complete 
if y > 10 and y <= 14 [                                                                                    ;; the curve of the next section is steeper still and so this section follows the outline down 2 and add 1 x
  ask patches with [pxcor >= (- x) and pxcor <= (x) and (pycor = y or pycor = (y - 1))][set pcolor 78]
   set x (x + 1)
   set y (y - 2)
if y >= 0 and y <= 10 [                                                                                    ;; in the final section the membrane is no longer curved
  ask patches with [                                                                                       ;; and so the general outline is just down 1 ycoord
    pxcor >= (- x) and pxcor <= x and pycor = y][set pcolor 78]
  set y ( y - 1)
ask patches with [pycor > -11 and pycor < 11 and pxcor > 44 and pxcor <= 47][set pcolor 78]              ;; as before the region closest to the membrane as to be slightly darker than the main cytomplasmic region
ask patches with [pycor > -11 and pycor < 11 and pxcor >= -47 and pxcor < -44][set pcolor 78]

to cytoplasm-bottom                                                                                        ;; the bottom half of the cytoplasm is coloured in the same way as the top half
if y < -22 and y >= -25 [                                                                                  ;; but starts at the very bottom of the cell
  ask patches with [                                                                                       ;; and so the procedure runs through increading ycoords instead of decreasing ycoords!
 pxcor >= (- x) and pxcor <= x and pycor = y][set pcolor 78]
   set x (x + 2)
   set y (y + 1)
if y < -14 and y >= -22 [
  ask patches with [pxcor >= (- x) and pxcor <= (x) and pycor = y][set pcolor 78]
   set x (x + 1)
   set y (y + 1)
if y < -10 and y >= -14 [
  ask patches with [pxcor >= (- x) and pxcor <= (x) and (pycor = y or pycor = (y + 1))][set pcolor 78]
   set x (x + 1)
   set y (y + 2)
if y < 0 and y >= -10 [ 
  ask patches with [
    pxcor >= (- x) and pxcor <= x and pycor = y][set pcolor 78]
  set y ( y + 1)
ask patches with [pycor > -11 and pycor < 11 and pxcor > 44 and pxcor <= 47][set pcolor 78]
ask patches with [pycor > -11 and pycor < 11 and pxcor >= -47 and pxcor < -44][set pcolor  78]

;;; procedure for the PQSR receptors in the PQS system ;;; 
;;; the receptors sit on the inside part of the membrane ;;;
;;; we need a procedure which spreads the receptors equally around the cell ;;;
;;; in an actual cell the receptors can move but for the purpose of this animation they have a fixed location ;;;

to receptors                  ;; a slider specifies the initial number of PQSR receptors.  This number is a multiple of 4 between 4 and 52
  set a ((initial-PQSR / 4))  ;; The initial number of PQSR has to split between the top/bottom, sides and corners of the membrane
  set b (initial-PQSR / 8)    ;; in general the top/bottom get 1/4 of initial-PQSR each; the sides get 1/8th each; and corners 1/16th each
  if initial-PQSR != 4 and initial-PQSR != 8 [    ;; if the initial-PQSR is 4 or 8 the positioning is slightly different                       
    ;;;  for the top/bottom of the membrane ;;; 
    set sep (floor(60 /( a * 2)))               
    if ja <= (30 - sep) [                              
      ask patches with [(pycor = 25  and pxcor = (ja + sep)) or (pycor = -25  and pxcor = (ja + sep)) ]                       
        [ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]
      set ja (ja + (2 * sep) )
   ;;; for the sides of the membrane ;;; 
    set sep2 (ceiling (20 /( b * 2)))
    if jap <= (10 - sep2) [                              
      ask patches with [(pycor = (jap + sep2)  and pxcor = 47) or (pycor = (jap + sep2)  and pxcor = -47) ]    
        [ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]
      set jap (jap + (2 * sep2))
  ;;; if the number of PQSRs on the top/bottom and the sides is less than initial-PQSRs we make up the numbers on the corners 
  if count PQSRs < initial-PQSR [
    set c (initial-PQSR - (count PQSRs))
    if  c != 8 [
      ask patches with [pxcor = 40 and pycor = 19][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]
      ask patches with [pxcor = -40 and pycor = -19][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]]
    if c = 4 or c = 12[   
      ask patches with [pxcor = -40 and pycor = 19][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]
      ask patches with [pxcor = 40 and pycor = -19][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]]
    if c >= 6[
      ask patches with [pxcor = -36 and pycor = 23][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]
      ask patches with [pxcor = -44 and pycor = 15][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]
      ask patches with [pxcor = 36 and pycor = -23][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]
      ask patches with [pxcor = 44 and pycor = -15][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]]
    if c >= 8[
      ask patches with [pxcor = -36 and pycor = -23][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]
      ask patches with [pxcor = -44 and pycor = -15][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]
      ask patches with [pxcor = 36 and pycor = 23][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]
      ask patches with [pxcor = 44 and pycor = 15][ sprout-PQSRs 1 [setup-PQSR]]]

to BCAM0227                       ;; a slider specifies the initial number of BCAM0227.  This number is a multiple of 6 between 6 and 30
  set a ((initial-BCAM0227 / 3))  ;; The initial number of BCAM0227 has to split between the top/bottom and sides of the membrane
  set b (initial-BCAM0227 / 6)    ;; in general the top/bottom get 1/3rd of initial-BCAM0227 each and the sides get 1/6th each
  ;;;  for the top/bottom of the membrane ;;; 
  set sep (ceiling(60 / (a * 2)))             
  if ja <= (31 - sep) [                              
    ask patches with [(pxcor = (ja + sep) and (pycor > 23 and pycor < 32)) or (pxcor = (ja + sep) and (pycor < -23 and pycor > -32)) ]                       
      [ set pcolor 125]
    set ja (ja + (2 * sep))
  ;;; for the sides of the membrane ;;; 
  set sep2 (round (20 /( b * 2 )))
  ifelse initial-BCAM0227 != 18 [
    if jap <= (11 - sep2) [                              
      ask patches with [(pycor = (jap + sep2) and (pxcor > 45 and pxcor < 54)) or (pycor = (jap + sep2)  and (pxcor < -45 and pxcor > -54)) ]    
        [ set pcolor 125]
      set jap (jap + (2 * sep2))
  [ if jap <= (10 - sep2) [                              
    ask patches with [(pycor = (jap + sep2) and (pxcor > 45 and pxcor < 54)) or (pycor = (jap + sep2)  and (pxcor < -45 and pxcor > -54)) ]    
      [ set pcolor 125]
    set jap (jap + (2 * sep2))
;;; procedure for interaction of particles and cell structures ;;;

to bounce 
  ;; signalling molecules can diffuse through the membrane or bounce off it ;;
  if breed = signals or breed = signal2s[
    if random 100 >= diffuseprob [  
      if [pcolor] of patch-at dx 0 = 74 [set heading (- heading)]
      if [pcolor] of patch-at 0 dy = 74 [set heading (180 - heading)]]]
  ;; when a BDSF molecule interacts with a BCAM0227 it stays bound. The BCAM0227 will change colour from 125 (magenta) to 82 (dark cyan) ;;
  ;; once the BCAM0227 has transferred its phosphate to BCAM0228 the BDSF dissociates ;; 
  if breed = BDSFs [
    if [pcolor] of patch-here = 125 [set BDSF-bound true activation]
    if [pcolor] of patch-here = 124 [set BDSF-bound false deactivate]]
  ;; when an ATP molecule interacts with a BDSF.BCAM0227 it phosphorylates the BCAM0277. The BCAM0227 will change colour from 82 (dark cyan) to red ;;
  if breed = ATPs [
    if [pcolor] of patch-here = 82 [set ATP-bound true autophosphorylation]]
  ;; when BCAM0228 interacts with a phosphorylated BCAM0227 the phosphate is transferred from BCAM0227 to BCAM0228. BCAM0228 changes from blue to red and BCAM0227 from red to 124 (dark magenta)
  if breed = BCAM0228s [
    if [pcolor] of patch-here = red [set BCAM-bound true steal]]
  ;; all turtles except ATP can bounce off BDSF.BCAM0227 complex (82 - dark cyan) ;; 
  if breed != ATPs [
    if [pcolor] of patch-at dx 0 = 82 [set heading (- heading)]
    if [pcolor] of patch-at 0 dy = 82 [set heading (180 - heading)]]
  ;; all turtles except BCAM0228 can bounce off a phosphorylated BCAM0227 (red) ;;
  if breed != BCAM0228s [
    if [pcolor] of patch-at dx 0 = red [set heading (- heading)]
    if [pcolor] of patch-at 0 dy = red [set heading (180 - heading)]]
  ;; all turtles except BDSF bounce off BCAM0227 (pcolor 125) and unphosphorylate BCAM0227 (pcolor 124) ;;
  if breed != BDSFs [
    if [pcolor] of patch-at dx 0 = 124 [set heading (- heading)]
    if [pcolor] of patch-at 0 dy = 124 [set heading (180 - heading)]
    if [pcolor] of patch-at dx 0 = 125 [set heading (- heading)]
    if [pcolor] of patch-at 0 dy = 125 [set heading (180 - heading)]]
  ;; all turtles except PQS (since they have special instructions) bounce off the membrane ;;
  if breed != signals and breed != signal2s [
    if [pcolor] of patch-at dx 0 = 74 [set heading (- heading)]
    if [pcolor] of patch-at 0 dy = 74 [set heading (180 - heading)]]

;;; procedure for binding 2 signalling molecules to PQSR in iGem setup ;;;

to stick
  let receptor one-of other PQSRs-here
  if receptor != nobody [
    ask receptor [
      if bound-signal < signal-required [
        if random 100 <= (bindprob) [                  
          ask signals-here [
            set sticker true ]
          set bound-signal (bound-signal + 1 )]

;;; procedure for binding 2 signalling molecules to PQSR in wt setup ;;;

to stick2 
  let receptor one-of other PQSRs-here
  if receptor != nobody [
    ask receptor [
      if bound-signal < signal-required [
        if random 100 <= (bindprob) [
          ask signal2s-here [
            set sticker true ]
          set bound-signal (bound-signal + 1 )] 

;;; procedure for the promoter to be attracted to the PQSR which has been dimerisized by PQS ;;;

to flock
  set dimerised one-of PQSRs with [bound-signal = 2] 
  if dimerised != nobody [
    ask dimerised [
      let candidate min-one-of PQSAs [distance myself]
      ask candidate [ 
        face myself  
        set ready true

;;; procedure from promoter and activated PQSR interaction ;;;

to transcribe 
  ;; in iGem setup GFP is produced ;;
  if count PQSAs-here = 1 and ready = true and count PQSRs-here = 1 and count signals in-radius 2 = 2 [
    ask signals in-radius 2 [
      move-to one-of patches with[ pcolor = 8]
      set sticker false
      set bound-signal 0 ]
    hatch-GFPs 1 [                           
    ask PQSRs-here [
      set bound-signal 0] 
    ask PQSAs-here [
      set ready false]] 
  ;; in wt setup PQS is produced. However it is coloured sky blue to differentiate between initial PQS and new PQS ;;
  if count PQSAs-here = 1 and ready = true and count PQSRs-here = 1 and count signal2s in-radius 2 = 2 [
    ask signal2s in-radius 2 [
      move-to one-of patches with[ pcolor = 8]
      set sticker false
      set bound-signal 0 ] 
    hatch-signal2s 1 [
      set color sky
      set transporter true]
    ask PQSRs-here [
      set bound-signal 0]
    ask PQSAs-here [
      set ready false]] 

;;; procedure for movement of new PQS out of the cell ;;;
;;; the new PQS can't bind to PQSR until it has moved out of the cell and back in again ;;;

to transport
  ifelse random 100 <= diffuseprob [  
    face one-of patches with [pcolor = 8]
    if [pcolor] of patch-here = 8 [ set transporter false
      set sticker false
      set bound-signal 0]]
  [if [pcolor] of patch-at dx 0 = 74 [set heading (- heading)]
    if [pcolor] of patch-at 0 dy = 74 [set heading (180 - heading)]]
  fd 1

;;; procedure to allow BDSF to attach to BCAM0227 and change the colour of BCAM0227 to dark grey ;;;

to activation
  ask patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = 125] [
    set pcolor 82]
  repeat (1.5 * 12) [
    ask patches with [pcolor = 82] [
      ask patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = 125] [
        set pcolor 82]]]

;;; procedure for ATP to transfer a phosphate to the complex BDSF.BCAM0227 and change the breed to ADP and change the colour of BDSF.BCAM0227 to red ;;;

to autophosphorylation
  if ATP-bound = true [
    set breed ADPs
    ask patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = 82] [
      set pcolor red]
    repeat (1.5 * 12) [
      ask patches with [pcolor = red] [
        ask patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = 82] [
          set pcolor red]]]
    set ATP-bound false]

;;; procedure for BCAM0228 to "steal" phosphate from the complex BDSF.BCAM0227 and change breed to BCAM0228P and BDSF.BCAM0227 color to dark magenta (124) ;;;

to steal
  if BCAM-bound = true [
    set breed BCAM0228Ps
    face one-of patches with [pcolor = 78]
    ask patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = red] [
      set pcolor 124]
    repeat (1.5 * 12) [
      ask patches with [pcolor = 124] [
        ask patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = red] [
          set pcolor 124]]]]

;;; procedure to change BCAM0227 back into a state where BDSF can join to it - BDSF detaches from BCAM0227 changing BCAM0227 colour to magenta (125) ;;;

to deactivate
  ask patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = 124] [
    set pcolor 125]
  repeat (1.5 * 12) [
    ask patches with [pcolor = 125] [
      ask patches in-radius 1 with [pcolor = 124] [
        set pcolor 125]]]
  set BDSF-bound false
  move-to one-of patches with[ pcolor = 8]

;;; procedure to synthesize GFP when BCAM0228P interacts with Pcbld ;;;

to bind                                                                    
  ask BCAM0228Ps-here [
    hatch-GFPs 1
      set color green]
    set breed BCAM0228s 
    move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = 78]
    set BCAM-bound false]

to degrade
  if ticks mod decay-frequency = 0 [
    if count signals > 0 [
      set todie ((count signals / 100 ) * degprob)
      ask n-of todie signals[die]
      set degraded-signal (degraded-signal + todie)]
    if count signal2s > 0 [
      set todie ((count signal2s / 100 ) * degprob)
      ask n-of todie signal2s[die]
      set degraded-signal (degraded-signal + todie)]
    if count BDSFs > 0 [
      set todie ((count BDSFs / 100 ) * degprob)
      ask n-of todie BDSFs[die]
      set degraded-signal (degraded-signal + todie)]
    set todie ((count GFPs / 100) * degprob)
    ask n-of todie GFPs[die]
    set degraded-GFP (degraded-GFP + todie)
    set todie 0

;;; procedure detecting collisions between particles in the environment ;;;

to check-for-collision 
  if count other turtles-here = 1 [                                          ;; if two turtles occupy the same current space    
    let candidate one-of other turtles-here with                             ;; choose one as a candidate
      [who < [who] of myself and myself != last-collision]                   ;; who was not the last candidate for collision
    if (candidate != nobody) and (speed > 0 or [speed] of candidate > 0)[    ;; if there is a candidate who is not stationary
      collide-with candidate                                                 ;; run the collide-with procedure with the candidate
      set last-collision candidate                                           ;; having taken part in a collision, set the asking turtle's last collision
      ask candidate [ set last-collision myself ]                            ;; and the candidate turtle's last collision

;;; a procedure controlling the physics of collisions between particles which are colliding ;;;
;;; the equations below take into account the masses, speeds and heading of the colliding particles and carries out momentum conservation calculations ;;;

to collide-with [ other-particle ] 
  let mass2 [mass] of other-particle
  let speed2 [speed] of other-particle
  let heading2 [heading] of other-particle
  let theta (random-float 360)
  let v1t (speed * cos (theta - heading))
  let v1l (speed * sin (theta - heading))
  let v2t (speed2 * cos (theta - heading2))
  let v2l (speed2 * sin (theta - heading2))
  let vcm (((mass * v1t) + (mass2 * v2t)) / (mass + mass2) )
  set v1t (2 * vcm - v1t)
  set v2t (2 * vcm - v2t)
  set speed sqrt ((v1t ^ 2) + (v1l ^ 2))
  set energy (0.5 * mass * speed ^ 2)
  if v1l != 0 or v1t != 0
    [ set heading (theta - (atan v1l v1t)) ]
  ask other-particle [
    set speed sqrt ((v2t ^ 2) + (v2l ^ 2))
    set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
    if v2l != 0 or v2t != 0
      [ set heading (theta - (atan v2l v2t)) ]

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Dundee iGEM 2014 about 10 years ago Included background information Download this version
Dundee iGEM 2014 about 10 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Engineered E.coli for PQS and BDSF systems.png preview Preview for 'Engineered E.coli for PQS and BDSF systems' about 10 years ago, by Dundee iGEM 2014 Download

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