Fuzzy logic Epidemic Model

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1 collaborator

Images George Dombi (Author)


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With this general framework, you can easily define the nodes and edges (things and relationships).


;; Ceate local variable for each node.

;; The variable contains the name of the thing the node represents.

;; By using local variables here, we allow NetLogo to spell-check our references to the

;; nodes later. Whereas, if we just used the strings everywhere, misspellings can cause

;; frustration. Also allows one to use SHORT symbols in the code, but have LONG

;; descriptive names in the display and output.


| let wolves "wolves"

| let sheep "sheep"

| let grass "grass"

| let sheps "shephards"

| let poachers "poachers"


;;Define the nodes.

;; The create-node helper procedure does this for us.

;; The parameters are:

;; Name: A string. This is used both as a label, and as a tag used to locate and associate the nodes

;; Value: A number. This is the initial value of the node

;; Trend: A number. This is the initial trend of the node (that is, is the node currently increasing or decreasing?)

;; Lower-Limit: A list. This is used to define a lower limit for the nodes value, if any.

;; The list may have two forms:

;; If there IS a lower limit, then the list must be : [ true LIMIT ] where true is the boolean constant true, and LIMIT is a number.

;; If there IS NOT a lower limit, then the list must be: [ false ]

;; To make this easier and the meaning clearer in code, use the helper reporters provided.

;; Upper-Limit: A list. This is used to define an upper limit for the node's value, if any.

;; The list is the same format as the Lower-imit.


;; The Limit helpers are:

;; (no-lower-limit)

;; (lower-limit-is NUMBER)

;; (no-upper-limit)

;; (upper-limit-is NUMBER)

| create-node: wolves 100 1 (lower-limit-is 0) (no-upper-limit)

| create-node: sheep 100 1 (lower-limit-is 0) (no-upper-limit)

| create-node: grass 1 1 (lower-limit-is 0) (no-upper-limit)

| create-node: sheps 100 1 (lower-limit-is 0) (no-upper-limit)

| create-node: poachers 100 1 (lower-limit-is 0) (no-upper-limit)


;; Leave this line alone. If any node-name mismatches occur, this variable is changed.

set errors! false


;; Define the rules for the relationships among nodes, called "edges".

;; The define-rule: helper procedure does this for you.

;; The parameters are:

;; WHEN: a meaningless helper reporter. Can be ommitted.

;; inlet-node: A string (or node variable) naming the node that may be trending up or down.

;; This node feeds the rule (edge)

;; Relationship verb 1: A number. Can be plus 1 or minus 1. Use the helper reporter INCREASE or DECREASE

;; Target-node: A string (or node variable) naming the node that is affected by the trend of the source node.

;; Relationship verb 2: A number, just like relationship 1

;; BY: a meaningless helper reporter, can be safely ommitted

;; Relationship magnitude: A positive number. This describes the relative amount by which source affects target.

;; 1 is usual, and means that when source is increasing (by any amount) target increases by 1

;; If a weaker relationship is desired, then use a fraction.

;; If a stronger relationshiup is desired, then use a value greater than 1

;; (I do not know if this is a feature of fuzzy cog maps or not, but there is it, if you want it.

;; A note on trend direction: By combining INCREASE and DECREASE, the trend direction is established.

;; For example, if both are INCREASE, or both are DECREASE, then a positive relationship is made.

;; (also, note that WHEN apples INCREASE oranges INCREASE is the SAME relationship as

;; WHEN apples DECREASE oranges DECREASE. The one implies the other. Likewise for INCREASE and DECREASE.

;; However, A INCREASE B INCREASE is NOT the same rule as B INCREASE A INCREASE!

;; In a fuzzy-cog-map rule, only the target / outlet of the rule is changed by the rule!

| define-rule: when wolves increase sheep decrease by 1 ;; wolves eat sheep

| define-rule: when sheep increase wolves increase by 1 ;; sheep feed wolves

| define-rule: when grass increase sheep increase by 1 ;; grass feed sheep

| define-rule: when sheep increase sheps increase by 1 ;; sheep employ shephards

| define-rule: when sheps increase wolves increase by 1 ;; shephards kill wolves

| define-rule: when sheps increase sheep increase by 1 ;; sheps husband sheep

| define-rule: when poachers increase sheep decrease by 1 ;; poachers steal sheep

| define-rule: when poachers increase wolves decrease by 0.1 ;; poachers kill wolves

| define-rule: when wolves increase poachers decrease by 0.5 ;; wolves kill poachers

| define-rule: when sheps increase poachers decrease by 0.1 ;; sheps catch poachers

| define-rule: when sheep increase poachers increase by 1 ;; sheep attract poachers

| define-rule: when sheps increase grass increase by 1 ;; sheps expand grass

IN the interface, the only weird thing is "binary trend?"

When off, the sum of the amounts of increase or decrease of all the inlets to a node is calculated, and the total is used to determine the trend.

So, if there the inlet changes are : +8 -2 -3 then the sum is (8 + (-2) + (-3)) = 3, so the trend is POSITIVE.

When ON, only the directions of the amounts of increase or decrease matter.

So, if the inlet changes are: +8 -2 -3, then the sum is ( 1 + (-1) + (-1)) = -1, so the trend is NEGATIVE!

Comments and Questions

How to Keep same image at each start-up (Question)

Hi, I need some help to keep this model with the same image at each start-up. I found this model created a number of years ago, but I'm not sure of its original author. I have a number of questions about the model as to how it should work. Hoping to ask a lot of questions later. For now what causes the initial placement of the circle to change at each start up? I want no overlap between the circles and the small numbers (-1,0,+1) to be near the small white circles. Bye for now. G

Posted over 10 years ago

Click to Run Model

  ;; iterations-limit ;; (slider)

  nodes ;; entities in the system
  edges ;; the relationships between entities




[ name
  trend ;; +1 or -1 or 0
  inlets  ;; the set of edges connecting to nodes influencing this node 
  outlets ;; the set of edges connecting to nodes influenced by this node

[ name ;; allegedly used for labelling, e.g. "more fishing decreases fish" does not really appear in output
  inlet ;; node who's trend is being tracked
  outlet ;; node affected by the trend
  direction ;; +1 or -1, positive or negative relationship
  magnitude ;; degree to which trend affects outlet, relative to all the inlets of that outlet
  influence ;; magnitude * direction... pre-calculate in setup!
  net-influence ;; magnitude * direction * trend (from node)

;; In setup, the nodes and edges are defined
;; It might be fun to also have a drag/drop interface for this...
;; but that is candy.

to setup
   ask patches [ set pcolor gray + 4 ]
   set iterations 0
   ;; STEP ONE
   ;; Ceate local variable for each node.
   ;; The variable contains the name of the thing the node represents.
   ;; By using local variables here, we allow NetLogo to spell-check our references to the
   ;; nodes later. Whereas, if we just used the strings everywhere, misspellings can cause
   ;; frustration. Also allows one to use SHORT symbols in the code, but have LONG
   ;; descriptive names in the display and output.
   let suscept "Susceptibles"
   let immune "Immune"
   let ill "Diseased"
   let dead "Dead"
   ;; let poachers "poachers"
   ;;STEP 2
   ;;Define the nodes.
   ;; The create-node helper procedure does this for us.
   ;; The parameters are: 
   ;; Name: A string. This is used both as a label, and as a tag used to locate and associate the nodes
   ;; Value: A number. This is the initial value of the node
   ;; Trend: A number. This is the initial trend of the node (that is, is the node currently increasing or decreasing?)
   ;; Lower-Limit: A list. This is used to define a lower limit for the nodes value, if any.
   ;;      The list may have two forms:
   ;;        If there IS a lower limit, then the list must be : [ true LIMIT ] where true is the boolean constant true, and LIMIT is a number.
   ;;        If there IS NOT a lower limit, then the list must be: [ false ]
   ;;        To make this easier and the meaning clearer in code, use the helper reporters provided.
   ;; Upper-Limit: A list. This is used to define an upper limit for the node's value, if any.
   ;;       The list is the same format as the Lower-imit.
   ;; The Limit helpers are:
   ;;      (no-lower-limit)
   ;;      (lower-limit-is NUMBER)
   ;;      (no-upper-limit)
   ;;      (upper-limit-is NUMBER)

   create-node: suscept      400   1  (lower-limit-is 0) (no-upper-limit) 
   create-node: immune        25   1  (lower-limit-is 0) (no-upper-limit)
   create-node: ill           25   1  (lower-limit-is 0) (no-upper-limit)
   create-node: dead           0   1  (lower-limit-is 0) (no-upper-limit)
  ;; create-node: poachers     100   1  (lower-limit-is 0) (no-upper-limit)

   ;; Leave this line alone. If any node-name mismatches occur, this variable is changed.
   set errors! false
   ;; STEP 3
   ;; Define the rules for the relationships among nodes, called "edges".
   ;; The define-rule: helper procedure does this for you.
   ;; The parameters are:
   ;; WHEN: a meaningless helper reporter. Can be ommitted.
   ;; inlet-node: A string (or node variable) naming the node that may be trending up or down.
   ;;     This node feeds the rule (ede)
   ;; Relationship verb 1: A number. Can be plus 1 or minus 1. Use the helper reporter INCREASE or DECREASE
   ;; Target-node: A string (or node variable) naming the node that is affected by the trend of the source node.
   ;; Relationship verb 2: A number, just like relationship 1
   ;; BY: a meaningless helper reporter, can be savely ommitted
   ;; Relationship magnitude: A positive number. This describes the relative amount by which source affects target.
   ;;      1 is usual, and means that when source is increasing (by any amount) target increases by 1
   ;;      If a weaker relationship is desired, then use a fraction.
   ;;      If a stronger relationshiup is desired, then use a value greater than 1
   ;;      (I do not know if this is a feature of fuzzy cog maps or not, but there is it, if you want it.
   ;; A note on trend direction: By combining INCREASE and DECREASE, the trend direction is established.
   ;; For example, if both are INCREASE, or both are DECREASE, then a positive relationship is made.
   ;; (also, note that WHEN apples INCREASE oranges INCREASE is the SAME relationship as 
   ;; WHEN apples DECREASE oranges DECREASE. The one implies the other. Likewise for INCREASE and DECREASE.
   ;; However, A INCREASE B INCREASE is NOT the same rule as B INCREASE A INCREASE!
   ;; In a fuzzy-cog-map rule, only the target / outlet of the rule is changed by the rule!
;;   define-rule: when ill      increase suscept  decrease by 1   ;; people get sick
   define-rule: when suscept  decrease ill      increase by 1   ;; same rule ?
   define-rule: when ill      increase immune   increase by 1 ;; some people recover with immunity
   define-rule: when ill      increase suscept  increase by 1 ;; some people recover as susceptible
   define-rule: when ill      increase dead     increase by 1 ;; some sick people die
   define-rule: when immune   increase suscept  increase by 1 ;; some people lose immunity
;; define-rule: when poachers increase sheep    decrease by 1   ;; poachers steal sheep
;; define-rule: when poachers increase wolves   decrease by 0.1 ;; poachers kill wolves
;; define-rule: when wolves   increase poachers decrease by 0.5 ;; wolves kill poachers
;; define-rule: when sheps    increase poachers decrease by 0.1 ;; sheps catch poachers
;; define-rule: when sheep    increase poachers increase by 1   ;; sheep attract poachers
;; define-rule: when sheps    increase grass    increase by 1   ;; sheps expand grass

    ;; if any missing or mismated name strings occured, this will stop the model
    if errors! = true [ stop ]

to create-node: [ node-name node-value node-trend lower-limit-list upper-limit-list]
   cct-nodes 1
   [ set name node-name
     set value node-value
     set trend node-trend
     ;; process limit inputs
     set has-lower-limit? first lower-limit-list
     if has-lower-limit? [ set lower-limit last lower-limit-list ]
     set has-upper-limit? first upper-limit-list
     if has-upper-limit? [ set upper-limit last upper-limit-list ]
     ;; following properties are for display purposes
     set shape "beveled-circle"
     set size 8
     set color gray + 2.5
     set label (word name " \n" value)
     set label-color black

to define-rule: [ edge-inlet edge-relation-1 edge-outlet edge-relation-2 edge-mag]
   cct-edges 1
     set inlet one-of nodes with [ name = edge-inlet ]
     set outlet one-of nodes with [ name = edge-outlet ]
     if inlet = nobody or outlet = nobody
     [ message (word "Name mismatch: looking for inlet node [ " edge-inlet " ] to match [ " edge-outlet " ]! \nCheck spelling!")
       set errors! true

     set direction edge-relation-1 * edge-relation-2
     set magnitude edge-mag
     set influence direction * magnitude
     ;; display-related properties follow
     set shape "line"
     set color black
     set label-color black
     set label influence if influence > 0 [ set label (word "+" label)] 

to finalize-connections
   ;; nodes collect the sets of edges that connect this node to other nodes
   ask nodes
   [ set inlets edges with [ outlet = myself ]
     set outlets edges with [ inlet = myself ]


;; this set of reporters provide a more human-readable syntax for the create-node entries
;; this shows an example of how a little work can improve the self-documenting features
;; of code. And since these are only used during setup, the slight extra execution time
;; added by using extra reporters, and the processing required to interpret the results
;; has no effect on the main loop execution speed
;; this is also a demonstration of one way to implement variable numnbers of inputs

to-report no-lower-limit
   report [ false ]

to-report no-upper-limit
   report [ false ]

to-report lower-limit-is [ low-value ]
   report (list true low-value)

to-report upper-limit-is [ high-value ]
   report (list true high-value)

to-report when [ node-name ]
   report node-name

to-report increase
   report 1

to-report decrease
   report -1

to-report by [ amount ]
   report amount

;;;;;     GO 

;; Once the nodes and edges are defined, then all that's left is to iterate
;; the relationships,and possibly display the ongoing results on the screen

to go
   set iterations iterations + 1
   ifelse iterations > iteration-limit
   [ if final-text-output?
     [ go-text-output ]
   [ get-fuzzy
     if display-intermedate-results?
     [ if text-ouput? [ go-text-output ]
       if graphic-display? [ go-graphic-display ] 

;;;;;     GET-FUZZY -- fuzzy cognitive map processing procedure

;; this is the meat of the model, the procedure that performs the iterations
;; of the fuzzy cog map

to get-fuzzy
    ;; edges examine node trend, calculate net-influence of trend
    ask edges
    [ set net-influence influence * trend-of inlet ]
    ask nodes 
    [ ;; nodes collect influences from edges, calculate new trend
      ifelse any? inlets
      [ set trend sum values-from inlets [ net-influence ] 
        if binary-trend? [ set trend sign trend ]
      [ set trend 0 ]
      ;; calculate new value, based on influence trend      
      set old-value value
      set value value + trend
      ;; apply limits, if required
      if has-lower-limit? and value < lower-limit
      [ set value lower-limit ]
      if has-upper-limit? and value > upper-limit
      [ set value upper-limit ]


;; These procedures and reporters exist only to create and update the display

to setup-graphic-display
   let node-count count nodes
   let angle 360 / node-count
   ask nodes
   [ home rt angle / 3 + who * angle jump screen-edge-x * .75 ]
   ask edges
     setxy xcor-of outlet ycor-of outlet
     ifelse is-turtle? inlet
     [ set size distance-nowrap inlet
       if size > 0
       [ set heading towards-nowrap inlet
         jump .5 * size
         rt 90
         jump 1
         lt 90
         lt 180
         set size size - 5
     [ set heading 0
       jump 5
       set heading 180

to setup-text-output

to go-graphic-display
   ask nodes
   [ set label value
     ifelse has-lower-limit? and value = lower-limit [ set color red   + 2.5 ][
     ifelse has-upper-limit? and value = upper-limit [ set color green + 2.5 ][
            set color gray + 2.5
     set label (word name " \n" value)

to go-text-output

to goto-turtle [ agent ]
   setxy xcor-of agent ycor-of agent

to goto-patch [ agent ]
   setxy pxcor-of agent pycor-of agent

to-report sign [ number ]
   report ifelse-value (number > 0) [ 1 ] [ ifelse-value ( number < 0 ) [ -1 ] [ 0 ] ]

There is only one version of this model, created over 10 years ago by George Dombi.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Fuzzy logic Epidemic Model.png preview Preview for 'Fuzzy logic Epidemic Model' over 10 years ago, by George Dombi Download

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