WSC Solar Race Simulation

WSC Solar Race Simulation preview image

1 collaborator

Ahdekker Anthony Dekker (Author)



Tagged by Anthony Dekker over 10 years ago


Tagged by Anthony Dekker over 10 years ago


Tagged by Anthony Dekker over 10 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.3 • Viewed 566 times • Downloaded 51 times • Run 0 times
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This program is a simple simulator for the World Solar Challenge. Many things are simplified, and control stops are completely ignored. See the associated blog post for a more detailed explanation:


The "Setup" button initialises the simulation, and the "Run" button begins the race. The three green sliders control the car speeds, while the standard slider at the top of the window can be used to speed up the simulation.

Note that the image file "ozmap1.png" is required and that the display will go black during the (simulated) night.

Comments and Questions


For a detailed explanation, see the associated blog post at

Posted over 10 years ago

Click to Run Model

breed [ cars car ]

breed [ waypoints waypoint ]

undirected-link-breed [ roads road ]

globals [ car1 car2 car3 car-colors day hour night?
          wh-coeff waypoint-coords start-grid start-time conditions
          ticks-per-hour km-per-patch initial-battery battery-max ]

patches-own [ old-color ]

cars-own [ car-speed battery goals km-done hours-done history ]

to setup
  let fname "ozmap1.png"
  ifelse (file-exists? fname)
    [ import-pcolors fname ]
    [ user-message (word "The file \"" fname "\" is needed for map display")
      ask patches [ set pcolor brown ]
  set waypoint-coords [ [ 53 91 "Darwin" ] [ 56 86 "Katherine" ] [ 60 72 "Tennant Ck" ] [ 62 62 "Alice Springs" ]  [ 67 45 "Coober Pedy" ]  [ 74 26 "Finish" ] ]
  let last-waypoint nobody
  foreach waypoint-coords [
    create-waypoints 1 [
      setxy (item 0 ?) (item 1 ?)
      set color red
      set shape "circle"
      set size 2
      if (last-waypoint != nobody) [ create-road-with last-waypoint [ set color red ] ]
      set last-waypoint self

  set wh-coeff (list -47.619 2.6927 -0.038214 0.00018056)
  set start-grid (item 0 waypoint-coords)
  set conditions [ "sunny" "hazy" "sunny" "cloudy" "sunny" ]
  set ticks-per-hour 60
  set start-time 8
  set km-per-patch (2996 / (sum [ link-length ] of roads))
  set battery-max 5000
  set initial-battery battery-max
  set night? false
  create-cars 3 [
    set shape "car"
    setxy (item 0 start-grid) (item 1 start-grid)
    set goals (but-first waypoint-coords)
    let wp (item 0 goals)
    facexy (item 0 wp) (item 1 wp)
    set heading 90
    set size 5
    set label-color white
    set battery initial-battery
    set km-done 0
    set hours-done 0
    set car-speed 0
    set history ""
  set car-colors [ blue green pink ]
  let car-list (sort cars)
  (foreach car-list (n-values 3 [ ? ]) [
     ask ?1 [
       set label (?2 + 1)
       set color (item ?2 car-colors)
  set car1 (item 0 car-list)
  set car2 (item 1 car-list)
  set car3 (item 2 car-list)

to-report watts-input-for-time [ t d ]
  let max-solar 1200
  let weather (weather-for-day d)
  ifelse (weather = "hazy")
    [ set max-solar 1000 ]
    [ if (weather = "cloudy") [ set max-solar 800 ] ]
  ifelse (t <= 6 or t >= 18.5)
    [ report 0 ]
    [ let a (cos ((t - 12.25) * 180 / 12.5))
      let b (max-solar * a)
      ifelse (t >= 8 and t <= 17)
        [ report b ]
        [ report 2 * b ]

to-report wh-per-km-for-speed [ s ]
  report sum (map [ ?1 * ?2 ] wh-coeff (list 1 s (s * s) (s * s * s)))

to-report battery-pc
  report battery * 100 / battery-max

to-report relative-hours-done
  report hours-done - km-done / 80

to-report weather-for-day [ d ]
  ifelse (d >= length conditions)
    [ report "cloudy" ]
    [ report (item d conditions) ]

to-report nice-time [ t d long-form ]
  let h (floor t)
  let m ((hour - h) * 60)
  let m1 (floor (m / 10))
  let m2 (floor (m - m1 * 10))
  let weather-text ""
  let day-text (word " [" (d + 1) "]")
  if (long-form) [
    set weather-text (word " (" (weather-for-day d) ")")
    set day-text (word ", day " (d + 1))
  report (word h ":" m1 m2 day-text weather-text)

to-report run-tick [ t d ]
  let w (watts-input-for-time t d)
  set battery (battery + w / ticks-per-hour)
  ifelse (t < 8 or t > 17 or goals = [])
    [ set car-speed 0
      if (battery > battery-max) [ set battery battery-max ]
      report 0
    [ set car-speed (ifelse-value (self = car1) [ speed1 ] [ ifelse-value (self = car2) [ speed2 ] [ speed3 ] ])
      let wd (wh-per-km-for-speed car-speed)
      let dist (car-speed / ticks-per-hour)
      while [ wd * dist > battery ] [
        set car-speed (car-speed - 1)
        set wd (wh-per-km-for-speed car-speed)
        set dist (car-speed / ticks-per-hour)
      set battery (battery - wd * dist)
      if (battery > battery-max) [ set battery battery-max ]
      set km-done (km-done + dist)
      set hours-done (hours-done + 1 / ticks-per-hour)
      report dist

to go  ;; single simulation step
  let h (start-time + (ticks / ticks-per-hour))
  set day (floor (h / 24))
  set hour (h - 24 * day)
  if (hour >= 6 and night?) [
    set night? false
    ask patches [ set pcolor old-color ]
  if (hour >= 18.5 and not night?) [
    set night? true
    ask patches [ set old-color pcolor set pcolor black ]
  ask cars [
    let dist (run-tick hour day)
    while [ dist > 0 and goals != [] ] [
      let wp (item 0 goals)
      let d0 (km-per-patch * distancexy (item 0 wp) (item 1 wp))
      facexy (item 0 wp) (item 1 wp)
      ifelse (dist < d0)
        [ forward (dist / km-per-patch)
          set dist 0
        [ set dist (dist - d0)
          let z (word (item 2 wp) ": " (nice-time hour day false))
          ifelse (history = "")
            [ set history z ]
            [ set history (word history "; " z) ]
          set goals (but-first goals)
  if (count cars with [ goals != [] ] = 0) [ stop ]

There are 2 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Anthony Dekker over 10 years ago Updated model info Download this version
Anthony Dekker over 10 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
ozmap1.png png Background map image (required) over 10 years ago, by Anthony Dekker Download
WSC Solar Race Simulation.png preview Preview for 'WSC Solar Race Simulation' over 10 years ago, by Anthony Dekker Download

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