Child of Climate Change
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globals [ sky-top ;; y koordinata vrha neba earth-top ;; y koordinata vrha zemlje temperature ;; temperatura ] breed [rays ray] ;; količina sončne svetlobe breed [IRs IR] ;; količina IR breed [heats heat] ;; količina toplotne energije breed [CO2s CO2] ;; količina CO2 breed [clouds cloud] clouds-own [cloud-speed cloud-id] ;; ;; potek začetnih nastavitev ;; to setup clear-all set-default-shape rays "ray" set-default-shape IRs "ray" set-default-shape clouds "cloud" set-default-shape heats "dot" set-default-shape CO2s "CO2-molecule" setup-world set temperature 12 reset-ticks end to setup-world set sky-top max-pycor - 5 set earth-top 0 ask patches [ ;; nastavo barve sveta if pycor > sky-top [ ;; vesolje set pcolor scale-color white pycor 22 15 ] if pycor <= sky-top and pycor > earth-top [ ;; nebo set pcolor scale-color blue pycor -20 20 ] if pycor < earth-top [ set pcolor red + 3 ] ;; zemlja if pycor = earth-top ;; površina zemlje [ update-albedo ] ] end ;; ;; Potek izvajanja ;; to go ask clouds [ fd cloud-speed ] ; premikaj oblake run-sunshine ;; koraki svetlobe ;; ob spremembi odbojnosti spremeni barvo površine zemlje ask patches with [pycor = earth-top] [ update-albedo ] run-heat ;; koraki temperature run-IR ;; koraki IR run-CO2 ;; koraki CO2 tick end to update-albedo set pcolor scale-color green Odboj_svetlobe 0 1 end to add-cloud ;; pobriše vse oblake in jih naredi na novo - 1 oblak let sky-height sky-top - earth-top ;; izbere naključno višino ;; in poskrbi da je v ozračju let y earth-top + (random-float (sky-height - 4)) + 2 ;; hitrost oblaka ne sme biti 0 let speed (random-float 0.1) + 0.01 let x random-xcor let id 0 ;; ne zanima nas kakšen je oblak dokler ;; vse želvice nimajo istega ;; id if any? clouds [ set id max [cloud-id] of clouds + 1 ] create-clouds 3 + random 20 [ set cloud-speed speed set cloud-id id ;; vse želvice, ki predstavljajo oblak ;; so si blizu setxy x + random 9 - 4 ;; oblaki se generirajo ;; lahko pride do sprememb y + 2.5 + random-float 2 - random-float 2 set color white ;; različne velikosti so samo za izgled ;; saj gledamo samo trke set size 2 + random 2 set heading 90 ] end to remove-cloud ;; pobriše vse oblake in jih naredi na novo - 1 oblak if any? clouds [ let doomed-id one-of remove-duplicates [cloud-id] of clouds ask clouds with [cloud-id = doomed-id] [ die ] ] end to run-sunshine ask rays [ if not can-move? 0.3 [ die ] ;; ustavi jih na robu fd 0.3 ;; drugače naj se premikajo ] create-sunshine ;; sončni žarki pridejo z vrha reflect-rays-from-clouds ;; preveri odboj oblakov encounter-earth ;; preveli absorbcijo in odboj zemlje end to create-sunshine ;; ni potrebo narediti žarka za vsak dogodek ;; ob večji svetlobi jih naredi več if 10 * moc_sonca > random 50 [ create-rays 1 [ set heading 160 set color yellow ;; žarek pride skozi majhno območje ;; blizu površja zemlje setxy (random 10) + min-pxcor max-pycor ] ] end to reflect-rays-from-clouds ask rays with [any? clouds-here] [ set heading 180 - heading ;; obrni okoli ] end to encounter-earth ask rays with [ycor <= earth-top] [ ;; glede na odbojnost ;; zemlja vpije ali pa odbije ifelse 100 * Odboj_svetlobe > random 100 [ set heading 180 - heading ] ;; odboj [ rt random 45 - random 45 ;; absorbcija v zemljo set color red - 2 + random 4 set breed heats ] ] end to run-heat ;; napredovanje toplotnih želvic ;; temperatura je odvisna od števila temperaturnih želvic set temperature 0.99 * temperature + 0.01 * (12 + 0.1 * count heats) ask heats [ let dist 0.5 * random-float 1 ifelse can-move? dist [ fd dist ] [ set heading 180 - heading ] ;; ko zadaneš rob sveta se obrni if ycor >= earth-top [ ;; če se usmeri nazaj v nebo ifelse temperature > 20 + random 40 ;; toplota uide le skozi majhno območje ;; to naredi model lepši vendar prispeva k ;; stopnji izgube toplote and xcor > 0 and xcor < max-pxcor - 8 [ set breed IRs ;; nekaj IR mora iti skozi set heading 20 set color magenta ] [ set heading 100 + random 160 ] ;; obrni proti zemlji ] ] end to run-IR ask IRs [ if not can-move? 0.3 [ die ] fd 0.3 if ycor <= earth-top [ ;; pretvori v toploto če se ponovno zadane v zemljo set breed heats rt random 45 lt random 45 set color red - 2 + random 4 ] if any? CO2s-here ;; preveri za trk z CO2 [ set heading 180 - heading ] ] end to add-CO2 ;; naključno dodaj 25 molekul CO2 let sky-height sky-top - earth-top create-CO2s 25 [ set color green ;; naključno izberi pozicijo v ozračju setxy random-xcor earth-top + random-float sky-height ] end to remove-CO2 ;; naključno odstrani 25 molekul CO2 repeat 25 [ if any? CO2s [ ask one-of CO2s [ die ] ] ] end to run-CO2 ask CO2s [ rt random 51 - 25 ;; malo obrni let dist 0.05 + random-float 0.1 ;; obdrži CO2 v ozračju if [not shade-of? blue pcolor] of patch-ahead dist [ set heading 180 - heading ] fd dist ;; malo premakni naprej ] end ; Copyright 2007 Uri Wilensky. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
There is only one version of this model, created almost 11 years ago by Miklavz Sef.
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Parent: Climate Change
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