Heroes vs Bug
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.5
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breed [mobs mob] breed [heroes hero] globals[ generation startLife startSpeed startDef startAtk ] heroes-own[ max-life life attack defense target ] mobs-own[ max-life life attack defense ] to Start clear-all clear-output set generation 0 set startLife 100 set startDef 1 set startSpeed 1 set startAtk 1 set-default-shape mobs "bug" set-default-shape heroes "person" ask patches [ init ] reset-ticks end to init ;; patch procedure set pcolor green if not any? heroes [ invoke-heroes-no-parent ] if( random-float 1.0 < hero_spawn / 100 and count turtles-here = 0 ) [ invoke-heroes-no-parent ] initMobs end to invoke-heroes-no-parent sprout-heroes 1 [ set max-life startLife + random-float 2 * random-float life_variation set attack startAtk + random-float 2 * random-float attack_variation set defense startDef + random-float 2 * random-float defense_variation set target nobody set life max-life ] end to invoke-heroes [parent1 parent2] sprout-heroes 1 [ set max-life average [max-life] of parent1 [max-life] of parent2 + random-float life_variation set attack average [attack] of parent1 [attack] of parent2 + random-float attack_variation set defense average [defense] of parent1 [defense] of parent2 + random-float defense_variation set target nobody set life max-life ] end to invoke-mobs sprout-mobs 1 [ set max-life random-float [max-life] of max-one-of heroes [max-life] set attack random-float [attack] of max-one-of heroes [attack] set defense random-float [defense] of max-one-of heroes [defense] set life max-life ] end to go ask heroes [moveHeroes] ask mobs [moveMobs] ask heroes [isDead] ask mobs [isDead] if(count mobs = 0)[ reproduce set generation generation + 1 repopMobs ] if not any? heroes [ stop ] tick end to moveHeroes let attackers self ifelse(target != nobody and ([patch-here] of target = [patch-here] of self or [distance attackers] of target < 2))[ ifelse(random 100 < 50)[ ;; output-print (word "ATTACK: " target " attack " self) ask target [attackTarget attackers] attackTarget target ] [ ;; output-print (word "ATTACK: " self " attack " target) attackTarget target ask target [attackTarget attackers] ] ] [ let nearest-neighbor min-one-of mobs [ distance myself ] set target nearest-neighbor if(target != nobody)[ face target fd 0.5 ] ] end to moveMobs let me self let attacker heroes with [target = me] if( count attacker > 0) [ face one-of attacker fd 0.5 ] end to isDead if(life <= 0)[ die ] end to reproduce ask patches [ if ( random-float 1.0 <= hero_spawn / 100.0 and count turtles-here = 0)[ invoke-heroes one-of heroes one-of heroes ] ] end to repopMobs ask patches [initMobs] end to initMobs if( random-float 1.0 < mob_spawn / 100 and count turtles-here = 0 ) [ invoke-mobs ] end to attackTarget [targetAttack] let damage [attack] of self let defenseTarget (random-float 1.0 * [defense] of targetAttack) let variation damage - defenseTarget ;;output-print (word "DAMAGE: " self " deal " variation " to " targetAttack) if(variation > 0) [ ask targetAttack [set life (life - variation)] ] end to-report average [a b] report (a + b) / 2.0 end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 11 years ago by Leo B.
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