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5 collaborators

Default-person Robin Groch (Author)
Light_dependent_reaction_background Luke Elissiry (Author)
Richard Newton (Advisor)
Dean Reese (Advisor)
Rodger Johnson (Advisor)




Tagged by Robin Groch about 11 years ago

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;[malesHMZDom maleHMZDom]; three genotypes of males homozyg dominant, heterzy, homozyg recessive
;[malesHETZ maleHETZ]; AA, Aa, aa
;[malesHMZRec maleHMZRec]
   ; different types of turtles and should be put with plural followed by singular
;[femalesHMZDom femaleHMZDom]; 3 genotypes of females (AA, Aa, aa)
;[femalesHETZ femaleHETZ]
breed [people person] 
breed [mosquitos mosquito] ; mosquito vector              ; example. [wolves wolf]  
                ; this way you can call all wolves or one specific wolf
breed [forest]
people-own [ allele1 allele2 gender generation ] ; allows people and person to own attributes of genotype and gender

to setup
  ca  ;short for clear-all
  reset-ticks ; sets ticks back to zero when pushing the setup button 
ask patches with 
  pxcor >= 0
] ; set up the color of the green right side
  set pcolor 56
ask patches with 
  pxcor < 0
] ; set up the color of the highlands
  set pcolor 36

create-people HomozygousDominantMales
  set generation 1
  set allele1 1; means there two versions of each allele 0=a 1=A
  set allele2 1
  set gender 1; means there are 2 different genders 0= female 1= males
create-people HeterozygousMales
  set generation 1
  ifelse random 2 = 0 [set allele1 0 set allele2 1][set allele1 1 set allele2 0]; means there two versions of each allele 0=a 1=A
  set gender 1; means there are 2 different genders 0= female 1= males
create-people HomozygousRecessiveMales
  set generation 1
  set allele1 0; means there two versions of each allele 0=a 1=A
  set allele2 0
  set gender 1; means there are 2 different genders 0= female 1= males
create-people HomozygousDominantFemales
  set generation 1
  set allele1 1; means there two versions of each allele 0=a 1=A
  set allele2 1
  set gender 0; means there are 2 different genders 0= female 1= males
create-people HeterozygousFemales
  set generation 1
  ifelse random 2 = 0 [set allele1 0 set allele2 1][set allele1 1 set allele2 0]
  set gender 0; means there are 2 different genders 0= female 1= males
create-people HomozygousRecessiveFemales
  set generation 1
  set allele1 1; means there two versions of each allele 0=a 1=A
  set allele2 1
  set gender 0; means there are 2 different genders 0= female 1= males


 create-mosquitos Number_of_mosquitos ; create a turtle good guys variable number of goodguys for slider
  [set shape "mosquitos"; make a person shape
    set size 2; make person size 1
    ;set color blue; make the person blue
    setxy (random max-pxcor) (random-ycor)]; just put the person in a random place
 create-forest Number_of_forest
 [set shape "trees"; make trees
   set size 4; make the tree size 4
   setxy -9  -6 pen-down]
 ask forest [fd 2]
 ask patch 8 8 [ask patches in-radius 4 [set pcolor brown]]

to go
  ask turtles with [breed != forest] ; ask all breeds to move between 1 and 29 spaces (!= bang equals means not equal to so exclude forest)
    rt (random 20) lt (random 20)  ; with helps you make exceptions
    if patch-ahead 1 = nobody ; makes sure they haven't gone off the edge (end)
      [rt 180]; right turn 180 degrees
    fd 1
    ask people [
      if any? mosquitos in-radius 1 [
        ifelse allele1 = 1 and allele2 = 1
          [ifelse (random 100) > (HomozygousDominantSurvivalChance - 1) [show "I'm dead, argh" die][show "I survived Malaria"]]
          [ifelse allele1 = 1 and allele2 = 0 or allele1 = 0
            [ifelse (random 100) > (HeterozygousSurvivalChance - 1) [show "I'm dead, argh" die][show "I survived Malaria"]]
            [if allele1 = 0 and allele2 = 0 [
              ifelse (random 100) > (HomozygousRecessiveSurvivalChance - 1) [show "I'm dead, argh" die][show "I survived Malaria"]]
  wait .3
  ask people [people_breed]


to people_breed ; subroutine to let males and females find each other
  let TEMP1 0
  let TEMP2 0
  ask people with [gender = 0]
    [ifelse any? people with [gender = 1 and generation = [generation] of myself ]  in-radius 2 
      repeat 2
      ifelse random 2 = 0 [set TEMP1 allele1][set TEMP1 allele2] ; flipping the coin
      ask one-of people with [gender = 0] in-radius 2
        ifelse random 2 = 0 [set TEMP2 allele1][set TEMP2 allele2] 
          hatch-people 1 
            set generation generation + 1
            set allele1 TEMP1
            set allele2 TEMP2
            fd random 6 - 3
      ask one-of people with [gender = 0] in-radius 2
   ] [ setxy random xcor random ycor]
 ask people ;ask goodguys [if any? badguys in-radius 1 [di
        if (Recessive_lethals = true)
        [ ;show "I'm checking"
          if ((allele1 = 0) and (allele2 = 0))
          [show" I'm dead, argh"

to express
  ask people
  if gender = 0 and allele1 = 0 and allele2 = 0  
  [ set shape "femalesHMZRec"; make female homozygous recessive aa
    set size 3
    setxy (random-xcor) (random-ycor); just put the person in a random place

   if gender = 1 and allele1 = 0 and allele2 = 0  
  [ set shape "malesHMZRec"; make female homozygous recessive aa
    set size 3
    setxy (random-xcor) (random-ycor); just put the person in a random place
   if gender = 0 and ( allele1 = 1 and allele2 = 0 ) OR ( allele1 = 0 and allele2 = 1)
  [ set shape "femalesHETZ"; make female homozygous recessive aa
    set size 3
    setxy (random-xcor) (random-ycor); just put the person in a random place
   if gender = 1 and ( allele1 = 1 and allele2 = 0 ) OR ( allele1 = 0 and allele2 = 1)
  [ set shape "malesHETZ"; make female homozygous recessive aa
    set size 3
    setxy (random-xcor) (random-ycor) ; just put the person in a random place

  if gender = 0 and allele1 = 1 and allele2 = 1
  [ set shape "femalesHMZDOM"; make female homozygous recessive aa
    set size 3
    setxy (random-xcor) (random-ycor) ; just put the person in a random place

  if gender = 1 and allele1 = 1 and allele2 = 1
  [ set shape "malesHMZDom"; make female homozygous recessive aa
    set size 3
    setxy (random-xcor) (random-ycor); just put the person in a random place

to bounce
  if patch-ahead 1 = nobody; makes sure they haven't gone off the edge (end)
    rt 180; right turn 180 degrees

There are 2 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Luke Elissiry over 10 years ago testing Download this version
Robin Groch about 11 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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