Conservation of Mass

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1 collaborator

Kryan_pic Kelly Ryan (Author)


chemical reactions 

Tagged by Kelly Ryan about 11 years ago


Tagged by Kelly Ryan about 11 years ago

conservation of mass 

Tagged by Kelly Ryan about 11 years ago


Tagged by Kelly Ryan about 11 years ago

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breed [reactantAs reactantA] ; this is a synthesis reaction with two reactants and one product
breed [reactantBs reactantB]
breed [products product]

to setup
  clear-all ; clear.
  set-default-shape reactantAs "circle" ; set shapes for the three turtles.
  set-default-shape reactantBs "circle"
  set-default-shape products "circle molecule"
  create-reactantAs amount-of-reactantA ; slider reactantA sets number of green reactantA turtles, placed randomly.
    [set color green
      set size 1
      setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
  create-reactantBs amount-of-reactantB ; slider reactantB sets number of blue reactantB turtles, placed randomly.
    [set color blue
      set size 1
      setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
  reset-ticks ; resets ticks.

to go ; begins reactant behavior.
  ask turtles 
    [right random-float 15 - random-float 15 fd 1] ; turtles move randomly.
    if count reactantAs = 0 [show "reaction complete!" stop] 
    ; checks if reactantA is gone, gives message to observer, and stops reaction.
    if count reactantBs = 0 [show "reaction complete!" stop] 
    ; checks if reactantB is gone, gives message to observer, and stops reaction.
  react ; calls sub-routine react.
  tick ; adds one tick.

to react ; sub-routine which allows the reactants to create a product.
  ask one-of reactantAs ; asks one of the reactantAs to determine if it shares a space with a reactantB.
    [if any? reactantBs in-radius 1
    [set breed products ; if reactantA and reactantB share the same space, reactantA becomes the product with size 2.
      set size 2
     ask one-of reactantBs in-radius 1 [die]]]; at the same time as reactantA becomes the product, reactantB dies.


There is only one version of this model, created about 11 years ago by Kelly Ryan.

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Conservation of Mass.png preview Preview for 'Conservation of Mass' about 11 years ago, by Kelly Ryan Download

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