Hunter-Gatherer Modal FINAL

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1 collaborator

Default-person Audrey Hosford (Author)


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Part of project 'Hunter-Gatherer Final Project'
Model group MAM-2013 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by everyone
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.4 • Viewed 605 times • Downloaded 50 times • Run 0 times
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breed [hunters hunter] ;; create necessary breeds
breed [gatherers gatherer]
breed [rabbits rabbit]
breed [hunters-2 hunter-2]
breed [gatherers-2 gatherer-2]

globals [regrow] ;; likelihood of plants regrowing

hunters-own [ energy
             has-rabbit? ] 

gatherers-own [ has-food?
                energy ]

hunters-2-own [ energy
              has-rabbit? ]

gatherers-2-own [ has-food?
                energy ]

rabbits-own [ energy ]

to setup
  set-default-shape hunters "person" ;; create hunters
  set-default-shape gatherers "person" ;; create gatherers
  set-default-shape rabbits "rabbit" ;; create rabbits
  set regrow 100 ;; set plant regrowth likelihood
  ask patches
  [ ifelse random-float 100 < density 
    [ set pcolor yellow ] ;; scatter food based on selected density via slider
    [ set pcolor green ] ]
  create-hunters hunter-pop [ ;; create hunters based on selected pop. via slider
    set color red
    set size 5
    set energy 50 ;; they start hungry
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set patience 100
    set has-rabbit? false
  create-gatherers gather-pop [
    set color white
    set size 5
    set energy 50 ;; start hungry
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set has-food? false
  create-rabbits rabbit-pop [
    set color brown
    set size 3
    set energy 50
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  if two-tribes? [ ;; if two-tribe switch is ON, go ahead and create second tribe
    set-default-shape hunters-2 "person" ;; create hunters
    set-default-shape gatherers-2 "person" ;; create gatherers
    create-hunters-2 hunter-pop-two [
    set color blue
    set size 5
    set energy 50
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set patience 100
    set has-rabbit? false
  create-gatherers-2 gather-pop-two [
    set color orange
    set size 5
    set energy 50
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set has-food? false

to go
  ask turtles [
    if not any? turtles [ stop ] ;; check to see if there are any live turtles
    move    ;; make all turtles move
    ask gatherers with [ not has-food? ] [ find-food ] ;; tell gatherers to find food
    ask gatherers with [ has-food? ] [ find-pile ] ;; once food is found, go put it in a pile
    ask gatherers with [ not has-food? ] [
      if energy < 70 [ eat-food ] ] ;; if they are hungry and don't have food in their hands, go eat
    ask hunters with [ not has-rabbit? ] [ hunt-rabbits ] ;; tell hunters to go hunt
    ask hunters with [ has-rabbit? and energy < 70 ] [ eat-rabbit ] ;; tell hungry hunters with rabbit in hand to eat
    if count rabbits = 0 [ ;; if there are no rabbits
      ask hunters with [ energy < 70 ] [ eat-food ;; eat from the food stores and lose patience
                                       set patience patience - 5  ]
      ask hunters with [ patience = 0 and energy < 30 ] [ kill-hunter2 ;; if patience has run out, attack other tribe and add to patience
                                                        set patience 50 ] ]
    if two-tribes? [ ;; if there are two tribes, let second tribe members perform same functions as above
      ask gatherers-2 with [ not has-food? ] [ find-food ]
      ask gatherers-2 with [ has-food? ] [ find-pile ]
      ask gatherers-2 with [ not has-food? ] [
        if energy < 70 [ eat-food ] ]
      ask hunters-2 with [ not has-rabbit? ] [ hunt-rabbits ]
      ask hunters-2 with [ has-rabbit? and energy < 70 ] [ eat-rabbit ]
      if count rabbits = 0 [
      ask hunters-2 with [ energy < 70 ] [ eat-food
                                       set patience patience - 5 ] ]
      ask hunters-2 with [ patience = 0 and energy < 30 ] [ kill-hunter
                                         set patience 50 ]
    if ticks mod 100 = 0 [ set energy (energy - 10) ] ;; lose some energy every 100 ticks
    if count rabbits != 0 [
      ask one-of rabbits [ reproduce-rabbits ] ] ;; if rabbits are still alive, reproduce
    ask rabbits with [ energy < 40 ] [ rabbit-eat ] ;; if rabbits are hungry, go eat food
    ask turtles with [ energy <= 0 ] [ die ]  ;; turtles with 0 energy die
  harvest-time ;; food regrows
  if count gatherers != 0 [ ;; if gatherers are healthy enough, there is a 10% chance one of them will reproduce
  if mean [energy] of gatherers > 60 and random 100 < 10 [ ask one-of gatherers [reproduce-human] ] ]
  if count gatherers-2 != 0 [
  if mean [energy] of gatherers-2 > 60 and random 100 < 10 [ ask one-of gatherers-2 [reproduce-human-2] ] ]
  if not any? turtles [ stop ] ;; stop conditions for model
  if not any? hunters and not any? hunters-2 and not any? gatherers and not any? gatherers-2 [ stop ] ;; we want model to stop when people are dead

;; turtle procedure

to move 
  fd 1
  rt 20 - random 40

;; turtle procedure to find food

to find-food   
    ;; we pick up food only if there is not already a lot of food around it
    ;; (i.e. on at least three patches)
    if pcolor = yellow and count neighbors with [ pcolor = yellow ] < 3 [
      ;; pick up food
      set has-food? true
      ;; remove food from patch
      set pcolor green      

;; hunter/gatherer procedure to eat food

to eat-food
  if pcolor = yellow [
    ;; remove food from patch
    set pcolor green
    ;; replenish energy
    set energy ( energy + 5 ) ]
;; gatherer procedure to find pile of food

to find-pile
  ;; if patch is part of a pile
  if pcolor = yellow and [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 1 != yellow [
    ;; set food on patch ahead of me
    ask patch-ahead 1 [ set pcolor yellow ]
    ;; I no longer have food in my hands
    set has-food? false

;; patch procedure to regrow food

to harvest-time
  ;; if random toss is in favor of regrowth
  if random 100 < regrow [
    ;; set a random, isolated green patch yellow (we don't want food sprouting near harvested piles)
  ask one-of patches with [ pcolor != yellow and 
    count neighbors with [ pcolor = yellow ] < 3 ] [ set pcolor yellow ] 
    ;; regrowth will be a bit slower now
    set regrow regrow - 1 ]

;; hunter procedure to get rabbits

to hunt-rabbits
    let prey one-of rabbits-here                    ;; grab a random rabbit
  if prey != nobody                             ;; did we get one?  if so,
    [ ask prey [ die ] 
      set has-rabbit? true] ;; get energy from eating

;; hunter procedure to eat rabbit

to eat-rabbit
  ;; I don't have a rabbit anymore
  set has-rabbit? false
  ;; replenish energy
  set energy energy + 10

;; rabbit procedure to reproduce

to reproduce-rabbits
  if random 10000 < 3 [  ;; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce
    hatch 1 [ rt random 360 fd 1 ]   ;; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step

;; rabbit procedure to eat food

to rabbit-eat
  ;; rabbit doesn't care whether food is in pile or not, it just eats it!
  if pcolor = yellow [ set pcolor green ]
  ;; replenish energy
  set energy energy + 7

;; hunter procedure to attack member of other tribe

to kill-hunter
  ;; 50-50 chance of killing either a hunter or a gatherer
  ifelse random 100 > 50
  [ let prey one-of hunters-2-here
    if prey != nobody
    [ ask prey [ die ] ] ]
  [ let prey one-of gatherers-2-here
    if prey != nobody
    [ ask prey [ die ] ] ]

;; hunter procedure to attack member of other tribe, see above

to kill-hunter2
  ifelse random 100 > 50
  [ let prey one-of hunters-here
    if prey != nobody
    [ ask prey [ die ] ] ]
  [ let prey one-of gatherers-here
    if prey != nobody
    [ ask prey [ die ] ] ]

;; gatherer procedure to reproduce

to reproduce-human
  ;; 50-50 chance of making either another gatherer or a new hunter
  ifelse random 100 > 50
  [ hatch-gatherers 1 [
      ;; give each child original stats from setup above
      rt random 360 fd 1
      set color white
      set size 5
      set energy 50
      set has-food? false ] ]
   [hatch-hunters 1 [
      rt random 360 fd 1
      set color red
      set size 5
      set energy 50
      set patience 100
      set has-rabbit? false
  ] ]

;; gatherer procedure to reproduce, identical to above

to reproduce-human-2
  ifelse random 100 > 50
  [ hatch-gatherers-2 1 [
      rt random 360 fd 1
      set color orange
      set size 5
      set energy 50
      set has-food? false ] ]
  [ hatch-hunters-2 1 [
      rt random 360 fd 1
      set color blue
      set size 5
      set energy 50
      set patience 100
      set has-rabbit? false
  ] ]

There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Audrey Hosford.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
AudreyHosford_FinalPaper.docx word Final Paper accompanying Hunter-Gatherer Model FINAL over 11 years ago, by Audrey Hosford Download
AudreyHosford_Poster.pptx powerpoint Poster over 11 years ago, by Audrey Hosford Download
Gatherer Model v4 copy experiment-spreadsheet.xlsx background BehaviorSpace experiment raw data accompanying Hunter-Gatherer Model FINAL over 11 years ago, by Audrey Hosford Download
Screen Shot 2013-06-11 at 1.27.34 AM.png png Image over 11 years ago, by Audrey Hosford Download

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