simple interaction

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1 collaborator

Default-person Eleanor Anderson (Author)


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Part of project 'Organizational Change Set'
Model group MAM-2013 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.4 • Viewed 509 times • Downloaded 33 times • Run 0 times
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[ opinion
  current-group ]

[ group-center ]

to setup
  create-turtles 100
  [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor 
  set opinion one-of ["reformer" "defender"]
  set current-group 0
  set-colors ]
  if movement = "groups"
  [ group-set ]

to set-colors
  if opinion = "defender"
   [ set color blue ]
    if opinion = "reformer"
   [ set color red ] 

;; create evenly sized groups of group-size size
;; do this by selecting a group of turtles of the right size as many times as is needed
;; create a temporary leader of each group
;; kill any turtles that don't fit evenly into groups of the chosen size
;; use leaders to stake out a patch for each group

to group-set
  let number-groups floor (count turtles / group-size )
  let leaders no-turtles
  repeat number-groups 
  [ ask n-of group-size turtles with [ current-group = 0 ]
    [ set current-group number-groups ]
    set leaders (turtle-set leaders (one-of turtles with [current-group = number-groups ]) )
    set number-groups number-groups - 1 ]
  ask turtles with [ current-group = 0 ]
  [ die ]
  layout-circle leaders 13

  ask leaders
  [ ask patch-here 
    [ set group-center [ current-group ] of myself ] ]
  ask turtles
  [ join ]

to join
   move-to one-of patches with [group-center = [ current-group ] of myself ]
   bk 2

to go
  if movement = "groups"
  [ choose-movers ]
  ask turtles
  [ meet-others
    set-colors ]

;; identify a group of turtles that will move, one from each group
;; set their current-group to 0

to choose-movers
  let number-groups floor (count turtles / group-size )
  let movers one-of turtles
  let mover-groups (list [ current-group ] of movers )
  while [ length mover-groups < number-groups ]
  [ ask turtles
    [ if not member? current-group mover-groups
      [ set mover-groups ( sentence mover-groups current-group )
        set movers ( turtle-set movers self ) ] ] ]
  ask movers 
  [ set current-group 0 ]

;; turtles interact in different ways, depending on what kind of movement is selected

to meet-others
  if movement = "all random"
  [ wiggle ]
  if movement = "a few at a time"
  [ some-move ]
  if movement = "groups"
  [ group-move ]

to wiggle
  rt random 90
  lt random 90
  fd 1 

to some-move
  let chance random-float 1
  if chance < moving-probability
  [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]

to group-move
  ask turtles with [ current-group = 0 ]
  [ choose-again 
    join ]

;; add turtles to groups, making sure they all remain the same size

to choose-again  
  let number-groups floor (count turtles / group-size )
  set current-group 1 + random number-groups
  if count other turtles with [ current-group = [ current-group ] of myself ] > group-size
  [ choose-again ]  

;; turtles take on the opinion of the majority of turtles around them

to learn
  let defenders count turtles in-radius turtle-vision with [ color = blue ]
  let reformers count turtles in-radius turtle-vision with [ color = red ]
  if defenders > reformers 
  [ set opinion "defender" ]
  if reformers > defenders 
  [ set opinion "reformer" ]

There are 2 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Eleanor Anderson over 11 years ago added 3 types of turtle movement Download this version
Eleanor Anderson over 11 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
EleanorAnderson_ 5 20 13.docx word project update 5 20 13 over 11 years ago, by Eleanor Anderson Download
simple interaction.png preview Preview for 'simple interaction' over 11 years ago, by Eleanor Anderson Download

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