Gatherer Model v1

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1 collaborator

Default-person Audrey Hosford (Author)


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Part of project 'Hunter-Gatherer Final Project'
Model group MAM-2013 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by everyone
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.4 • Viewed 401 times • Downloaded 26 times • Run 0 times
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turtles-own [has-food?]

to setup
  set-default-shape turtles "person" ;; create hunters
  ask patches
  [ ifelse random-float 100 < density 
    [set pcolor yellow] ;; scatter food
    [set pcolor green] ]
  create-turtles number [
    set color white
    set size 5
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set has-food? false

to go
  ;; AH: Adding correct indentation here makes it a lot easier to read and code. Just highlight and press tab. :)

  ask turtles [
    ask turtles with [not has-food?] [find-food]
    ask turtles with [has-food?] [find-pile]
;    place-food
;    eat-food
;    check-dead 

;; We move in a separate procedure

to move 
  fd 1
  rt 20 - random 40

;; You call this procedure recursively and move around, instead of moving around for each tick, and then calling this
;; procedure.

to find-food
  ;; AH: If you use ifelse, you should use equals, and not 'not equals', if just for readability. The else-bracket here
  ;; is executed when the pcolor is not not yellow, which just doesn't read very well.

  ;; AH: If the pcolor is yellow you move forward until the pcolor is not yellow.
  ;; If the pcolor is not yellow, then you set the pcolor to green, set the color of the gatherer to red
  ;; and move forward 10 in some random direction. I am not sure what you are trying to do here.

;; old code
;    ifelse pcolor != yellow
;    [ set pcolor green
;      set color red
;      rt random 360
;      fd 10 ]
;    [fd 1
;      find-food]
    ;; we pick up food only if there is not already a lot of food around it
    ;; (i.e. on at least three patches)
    if pcolor = yellow and count neighbors with [pcolor = yellow] < 3 [
      ;; pick up food
      set has-food? true
      ;; remove food from patch
      set pcolor green

to find-pile
  ;; old code
;  ;; AH: You call this procedure recursively too.
;  if pcolor != yellow
;  [rt random 360
;    fd 1
;    find-pile
;  ]

  if pcolor = yellow and [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != yellow [
    ask patch-ahead 1 [set pcolor yellow]
    set has-food? false

;to place-food
;  ;; AH: You call this procedure recursively too.
;  ifelse pcolor = yellow
;  [ ask patch-ahead 1 [ set pcolor yellow ] 
;    set color white
;    rt random 360
;    fd 5
;  ]
;  [ rt random 360
;    fd 10
;    place-food
;  ]

;to eat-food
;  ;; This procedure runs the find-pile procedure which you have already run, and then sets
;  ;; the color of the patch that the turtle ends up on to green. I get that 
;  find-pile
;  set pcolor green

;to check-dead
;  ;; You ask all turtles to check if all patches are not yellow, and only then do you check 
;  ;; the color of the turtle to see if it should die. I am really not sure what you are trying to do here.
;  if not any? patches with [pcolor = yellow]
;   [ if color = white [ die ] ]

There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Audrey Hosford.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
AudreyHosford_May13.docx word Progress Report 5/13 over 11 years ago, by Audrey Hosford Download

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