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;; Dhruv Koul
;; EECS 372 - Spring 2013
;; Final Project

;; breeds used in model
breed [tornadoes tornado]
breed [trees tree]
breed [houses house]              ;; for small and medium cities
breed [buildings building]        ;; for medium and large cities (and a few in small cities)
breed [cars car]

globals [total-life initial-city-value initial-buildings-value initial-houses-value
  final-city-value final-buildings-value final-houses-value total-damage
  initial-car-count car-casualty-tornado car-casualty-accident final-car-casualty-count]
tornadoes-own [lifetime t-speed]
buildings-own [initial-bvalue b-damage b-time-with-tornado]    ;; value is average value for buildings in specified city size
houses-own [initial-hvalue h-damage  h-time-with-tornado]        ;; value is average value for homes in specified city size
cars-own [speed]

;; setting default shapes aids in simplifying the setup process

to set-default-shapes
  set-default-shape trees "tree"
  set-default-shape tornadoes "target"
  set-default-shape houses "house"
  set-default-shape buildings "box"
  set-default-shape cars "car"

;; tornado procedure
;; sets lifetime of each tornado (taken from average tornado lifetimes and adjusts it for time (explained in report)

to set-total-life
  set total-life (tornado-lifetime / 10 * 60 * 50)

;; initialize global variables and call this in the setup functions

to set-initial-values
  set initial-buildings-value (sum [initial-bvalue] of buildings)
  set initial-houses-value (sum [initial-hvalue] of houses)
  set initial-city-value (initial-buildings-value + initial-houses-value)
  set total-damage 0
  set car-casualty-tornado 0
  set car-casualty-accident 0

;; tornado procedure
;; creates tornadoes (function since tornadoes are same across cities - reusable code)

to make-tornadoes-appear
  create-tornadoes 1 [
    set color gray                                            ;; will focus less on the actual physics of the tornado as that will be difficult to
    set lifetime 0
    set size (tornado-strength / 2 + 1)                       ;; model accurately - instead will focus on the movement of tornadoes, the probability
    set t-speed (movement-speed / 100)
    move-to one-of patches with [count turtles-here = 0]      ;; of them jumping from place to place, and the actual damage they cause based on a reference
  ]                                                           ;; pattern from previous tornadoes in similar-sized areas

;; cars procedure
;; creates cars (cars same across cities and # defined by user - reusable code)

to make-cars-appear
  create-cars number-of-cars [
    set initial-car-count number-of-cars
    set color red
    set speed (car-speed / 100)                              ;; car speed is normalized to move at a "see-able" pace (just like tornado mph)
    move-to one-of patches with [count turtles-here = 0]

;; SETUP OF CITIES - three types of cities are being set up - large cities, medium-sized cities
;; and small town/rural areas. These setups are going to be pre-defined and captured in three different
;; setup buttons. The user can choose which type of city they want to use and pair with a certain
;; strength of tornado to assess damage done. The rationale for the setups will be scattered in comments
;; throughout the code as well as detailed in the report's final analysis. The values given to the buildings and
;; houses in each of the type of cities is the average property value for such types in examples of cities that are
;; the same size as the ones I've chosen for this model (explained in the report).

to setup-large-city
  ask patches [
    set pcolor green - 2.5     ;; chose green to be the "landscape" of the cities - same for medium and small cities
  create-trees 50 [                   
    set color green                   
    move-to one-of patches with [
      count turtles-here = 0 and
      pxcor > 24
  ;; downtown setting
  create-buildings 40 [
    set size 3 + random 3             ;; for large city - at least a size of 3
    set color blue
    set initial-bvalue 500000000
    set b-time-with-tornado 0
    set b-damage 0
    move-to one-of patches with [
      count turtles-here = 0 and
      not any? turtles in-radius 2 and
      pxcor < 11 and pycor > 0
  ;; less densely-populated, non-downtown area
  create-buildings 15 [
    set size 1.5 + random 2             ;; for large city - at least a size of 3
    set color gray + 1
    set initial-bvalue 250000000      ;; in lesser downtown - property is slightly cheaper
    set b-time-with-tornado 0
    set b-damage 0
    move-to one-of patches with [
      count turtles-here = 0 and
      not any? turtles in-radius 2 and
      pxcor < 11 and pycor < -5

to setup-medium-city
  ask patches [
    set pcolor green - 2.5
  create-trees 40 [     
    set color green
    move-to one-of patches with [
      count turtles-here = 0 and
      pxcor > 1
  ;; on one side of the trees will exist houses
  ;; the other side of the trees will be the "downtown" area
  create-houses 40 [
    set size 1.25
    set color yellow
    set initial-hvalue 200000
    set h-time-with-tornado 0
    set h-damage 0
    move-to one-of patches with [
      count turtles-here = 0 and
      not any? turtles in-radius 2 and
      pxcor > 3
  ;; medium city downtown area
  create-buildings 25 [
    set size 1 + random 3
    set color gray + 1
    set initial-bvalue 100000000
    set b-time-with-tornado 0
    set b-damage 0
    move-to one-of patches with [
      count turtles-here = 0 and
      not any? turtles in-radius 2 and
      pxcor < 1 and pycor > 0
  ;; smaller buildings in non-downtown area
  create-buildings 10 [
    set size 1 + random 2
    set color gray + 1
    set initial-bvalue 50000000         ;; worth a little less than the downtown buildings
    set b-time-with-tornado 0
    set b-damage 0
    move-to one-of patches with [
      count turtles-here = 0 and
      not any? turtles in-radius 2 and
      pxcor < 1 and pycor < -8


to setup-small-city
  ask patches [
    set pcolor green - 2.5
  create-trees 80 [
    set color green
    move-to one-of patches with [
      count houses = 0 and
      count buildings = 0
  ;; houses around the city except near shopping district
  create-houses 50 [
    set size 1.25
    set color yellow
    set initial-hvalue 125000
    set h-time-with-tornado 0
    set h-damage 0
    move-to one-of patches with [
      count turtles-here = 0 and
      pxcor < 4 or (pxcor > 4 and pycor < 0)
  ;; tight little "shopping district"
  create-buildings 10 [
    set size 1.5
    set color gray + 1
    set initial-bvalue 20000000
    set b-time-with-tornado 0
    set b-damage 0
    move-to one-of patches with [
      count turtles-here = 0 and
      pxcor > 6 and pycor > 6


to go
  if not any? tornadoes [

;; tornadoes procedure
;; tornadoes will move based on a probability which user assigns - a probabilistic movement
;; is consistent with the average tornado. Though tendecies for tornadoes are to move from SW - NE,
;; I've decided to allow the user to assign a probability to make the model exhibit "emergent" behavior
;; I'm also bouncing off world boundaries to avoid the tornado getting caught - just for action purposes

to move-tornadoes
  ask tornadoes [
    if patch-ahead 0.1 != nobody and abs [pxcor] of patch-ahead 0.1 = max-pxcor [
      set heading (- heading)
    if patch-ahead 0.1 != nobody and abs [pycor] of patch-ahead 0.1 = max-pycor [
      set heading (180 - heading)
    ]                                                             ;; according to probability - this is just so it
  ;; doesn't get stuck (I've unchecked wrapping)
  if random 100 < movement-probability [
    ask tornadoes [
      fd t-speed

;; cars procedure
;; cars will try and move away from tornadoes and buildings and houses (avoid massive collisions
;; also checking that the cars try and bounce away from the ends of the world to avoid getting fully stuck there

to move-cars
  ask cars [
    if patch-ahead 0.1 != nobody and abs [pxcor] of patch-ahead 0.1 = max-pxcor [
      set heading (- heading)
    if patch-ahead 0.1 != nobody and abs [pycor] of patch-ahead 0.1 = max-pycor [
      set heading (180 - heading)
    avoid-tornadoes              ;; only move when a tornado is approaching
    check-for-car-accidents      ;; after moving, check for car accidents

;; cars procedure
;; checks for tornadoes and tries to escape them

to avoid-tornadoes
  if any? tornadoes in-radius 4 [
    face one-of tornadoes in-radius 4
    rt 180
    fd speed

;; cars procedure
;; checks for nearby cars and trees to avoid collisions

to avoid-cars-and-trees
  if any? trees in-radius 1 or any? cars in-radius 1 [
    fd speed
    avoid-cars-and-trees             ;; when avoiding tornadoes, it's also important to watch out for other
    avoid-houses-and-buildings       ;; obstacles, like other cars, houses, trees and buildings

;; cars procedure
;; checks for nearby buildings and houses to avoid collisions

to avoid-houses-and-buildings
  if any? houses in-radius 1 or any? buildings in-radius 1 [
    fd speed

;; cars procedure
;; check for collisions with houses, buildings, trees, or other cars
;; account for those collisions in casualty-by-accident count

to check-for-car-accidents
  ask cars with [color != black] [
    if any? buildings-here or any? houses-here or any? trees-here or any? other cars-here [
      set speed 0
      set color black
      set car-casualty-accident car-casualty-accident + 1

;; turtles procedure
;; allow users to choose the speed at which the tornado actually travels
;; research shows that speed is generally between 30 - 70 mph (hence the limits)

to wiggle
  rt random 30
  lt 15

;; tornado procedure
;; if the user allows tornado reproduction, then there is a .1% chance that a tornado will
;; reproduce - tornado "families" are rare, so that's why the percentage chance is so low

to check-reproduction
  if allow-reproduction? and random 1000 = 0 [
    ask one-of tornadoes [
      hatch 1 [set lifetime 0]

;; tornado procedure
;; if the tornado encounters a car, it treats the car just like a tree (throwing it) - with the
;; car becoming damaged and added to the car casualty percentage

to throw-cars
  ask tornadoes [
    if any? cars in-radius (tornado-strength / 2) [
      ask cars in-radius (tornado-strength / 2) [
        move-to one-of patches in-radius (sqrt ((tornado-strength ^ 2) + ((0.05 * (movement-speed)) ^ 2)))
        ask cars in-radius (tornado-strength / 2) with [color != black] [
          set speed 0
          set color black
          set car-casualty-tornado car-casualty-tornado + 1

;; tornado procedure
;; if it encounters a tree in its path, throw it to another patch based on tornado strength and movement speed
;; this is a little arbitrary but it's a sort of vector math, using movement-speed as a vector
;; proceed to check if the thrown tree has hit a building or a home

to throw-trees
  ask tornadoes [
    if any? trees in-radius (tornado-strength / 2) [
      ask trees in-radius (tornado-strength / 2) [
        move-to one-of patches in-radius (sqrt ((tornado-strength ^ 2) + ((0.05 * (movement-speed)) ^ 2)))

;; turtles procedure
;; if the tree was thrown to a spot where there are any buildings or houses here
;; then inflict damage to them (assuming houses are hurt more than buildings)

to check-if-hit-something
  ask buildings-here [
    set b-damage b-damage + 3000
  ask houses-here [
    set h-damage h-damage + 10000

;; tornado procedure
;; calculate damage done by tornadoes - the targets are going to be in a certain
;; radius size depending on strength of tornado because the tornado can cause damage
;; with its winds in similar settings

to tornado-damage-to-houses
  ask tornadoes [
    if any? houses in-radius (tornado-strength / 2) [
      ask houses in-radius (tornado-strength / 2) [
        set h-time-with-tornado h-time-with-tornado + 1

;; tornado procedure
;; calculate damage done by tornadoes - the targets are going to be in a certain
;; radius size depending on strength of tornado because the tornado can cause damage
;; with its winds in similar settings

to tornado-damage-to-buildings
  ask tornadoes [
    if any? buildings in-radius (tornado-strength / 2) [
      ask buildings in-radius (tornado-strength / 2) [
        set b-time-with-tornado b-time-with-tornado + 1

;; otherwise set damage according to this model (mathematical model I've chosen that
;; works out to reflect some average reference pattern statistics - and it takes into
;; account some relevant factors of the tornado)

to calculate-house-damage
  ifelse (h-damage >= initial-hvalue)
    [set h-damage initial-hvalue]
    [set h-damage ((tornado-strength ^ 3) * (e ^ (h-time-with-tornado / 50)) * 100000)]

to calculate-building-damage
  ifelse (b-damage >= initial-bvalue)
    [set b-damage initial-bvalue]
    [set b-damage ((tornado-strength ^ 3) * (e ^ (b-time-with-tornado / 50)) * 100000)]

;; buildings procedure
;; changes the color/shape of a building depending on amount of damage done to it percentage-wise

to show-building-damage-visually
  if (b-damage / initial-bvalue) >= 0.333 [
    set color brown
  if (b-damage / initial-bvalue) >= 0.667 [
    set color brown - 2
  if (b-damage / initial-bvalue) >= 1 [
    set color black
    set shape "circle"                       ;; indicates a sort of 2D "heap" of building material

;; houses procedure
;; changes the color/shape of a house depending on amount of damage done to it percentage-wise

to show-house-damage-visually
  if (h-damage / initial-hvalue) >= 0.333 [
    set color brown
  if (h-damage / initial-hvalue) >= 0.667 [
    set color brown - 2
  if (h-damage / initial-hvalue) >= 1 [
    set color black
    set shape "circle"                       ;; indicates a sort of 2D "heap" of building material

;; tornadoes procedure
;; make the tornado creep closer to dissipation

to increment-tornado-life
  ask tornadoes [
    set lifetime lifetime + 1

;; tornadoes procedure
;; if the tornado has outlived its allotted lifetime, it dies

to check-tornado-death
  ask tornadoes with [lifetime >= total-life] [die]

;; total damage to the entire city (sum of individual damages of houses and buildings)

to calculate-total-damage
  set total-damage ((sum [h-damage] of houses) + (sum [b-damage] of buildings))

;; calculate final values - again all global variables and called in go function

to set-final-values
  set final-buildings-value (initial-buildings-value - (sum [b-damage] of buildings))
  set final-houses-value (initial-houses-value - (sum [h-damage] of houses))
  set final-city-value (final-buildings-value + final-houses-value)
  set final-car-casualty-count (count cars with [color = black])

;; set up the initial values for the plots (setup in each setup function)

to setup-damage-plot
  set-current-plot "Building Damage vs. Total"
  set-plot-x-range 0 100
  set-plot-y-range 0 1000000
  set-current-plot "House Damage vs. Total"
  set-plot-x-range 0 100
  set-plot-y-range 0 1000000

There are 18 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago Final Upload - Project finished Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago everything done minus behaviorspace - looking to see if anything can be added (not necessary though) Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago tweaked tree hit damage; added an extension possibility Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago all changes should be done Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago fixed plotting and value calculation; adjusted interface tab and commenting; Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago I think interface tab, info tab, and code tab are done Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago info tab first cut done; code tab done; re-check info tab next Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago model should be done; halfway done with info tab; need to go through code cleanup Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago larger view, cars moving around, destruction due to tornadoes vs. due to accidents implemented; next - testing, code refinement, info tab, etc etc Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago denser downtown created, setup tweaked, damage showing visually, graphs added, world unwrapped; add escaping cars perhaps? Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago Damage model working decently, changed some setup; need to add damage color scheme, keep testing damage model with some minor tweaks? Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago trees are being thrown, city values are calculated, damage model is left Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago Tornadoes moving and dissipating, damage model and costs are next Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago Cities setup code should be good to go Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago setup code is mostly done (small city is slightly buggy) Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago Initial Commit Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago Blank model - original file upload Download this version
Dhruv Koul over 11 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
DhruvKoul_June3.pdf pdf Progress report - June 3 over 11 years ago, by Dhruv Koul Download
DhruvKoul_May13.pdf pdf Progress report - May 13 over 11 years ago, by Dhruv Koul Download
DhruvKoul_May20.pdf pdf Progress report - May 20 over 11 years ago, by Dhruv Koul Download
DhruvKoul_May27.pdf pdf Progress report - May 27 over 11 years ago, by Dhruv Koul Download
Koul_Dhruv_Final Report.pdf pdf Final Project Report over 11 years ago, by Dhruv Koul Download
Koul_Dhruv_Poster Presentation.pdf pdf Poster Presentation "Digital Version" over 11 years ago, by Dhruv Koul Download
Koul_Dhruv_Project Proposal.pdf pdf Original Project Proposal over 11 years ago, by Dhruv Koul Download
Koul_Dhruv_Slam.ppt powerpoint Poster "Slam" Slides over 11 years ago, by Dhruv Koul Download

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