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; This model simulates the formation of photochemical smog over time. 

globals [
  earth-top      ;; y-coordinate that splits earth from atmosphere
  timeofday      ;; time of day in hours (0-24)
  sunlight       ;; level of sunlight (0-100)
  p-rate         ;; adjuster for emission rate of pollutants (0-1)
  NO2-rate       ;; rate of NO2-splitting reaction
  O3-rate        ;; rate of O3-formation reaction
  sunrise        ;; time at which sun rises
  sunset ]       ;; time at which sun sets

patches-own [
  patch-type ]   ;; 0 = earth, 1 = buildings, 2 = sky

breed [VOC]   ;; volatile organic chemicals
breed [NO2]   ;; nitrogen dioxide
breed [NO]    ;; nitrogen oxide
breed [O1]    ;; oxygen radicals
breed [O2]    ;; oxygen
breed [O3]    ;; ozone
breed [Ox]    ;; photochemical oxidants

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SETUP PROCEDURES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to Setup
  set-default-shape VOC "dot"   ;; set default shapes for all turtle breeds
  set-default-shape NO2 "dot"
  set-default-shape O3 "dot"
  set-default-shape NO "dot"
  set-default-shape O1 "dot"
  set-default-shape O2 "dot"  
  set-default-shape Ox "dot"  
  set sunrise 420
  set sunset 1140
  set timeofday 0                ;; reset clock 
  reset-ticks                    ;; reset tick counter

to setup-world
  set earth-top -12
  set sunlight sunlight-intensity
  ask patches with [             ;; create grass
    pycor < earth-top ] [
    set patch-type 0
    set pcolor 64 ]
  ask patches with [
    pycor >= earth-top ] [        ;; create sky
    set patch-type 2 
    set pcolor scale-color sky sunlight 0 100 ]
  ask patches with [             ;; create buildings
    pycor >= earth-top and
    pycor <= earth-top + 1 and
    pxcor >= -8 and
    pxcor <= 8 ]
    [ set patch-type 1 
    set pcolor 3 ]
  ask patches with [
    pycor >= earth-top and
    pycor <= earth-top + 4 and
    pxcor >= 2 and
    pxcor <= 3 ]
    [ set patch-type 1 
    set pcolor 3 ]
  ask patches with [
    pycor >= earth-top and
    pycor <= earth-top + 6 and
    pxcor >= -1 and
    pxcor <= 1 ]
    [ set patch-type 1 
    set pcolor 3 ]    
  ask patches with [
    pycor >= earth-top and
    pycor <= earth-top + 2 and
    pxcor >= -5 and
    pxcor <= -3 ]
    [ set patch-type 1 
    set pcolor 3 ]
  ask patches with [
    pycor >= earth-top and
    pycor <= earth-top + 4 and
    pxcor > -4 and
    pxcor <= -3 ]
    [ set patch-type 1 
    set pcolor 3 ]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; RUNTIME PROCEDURES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to Go
  ifelse timeofday < 1440 [        ;; time progresses, one minute per tick
    set timeofday timeofday + 1 ][
    set timeofday 0]  
  ifelse pollutants-cycle [        ;; add primary pollutants to atmosphere
  ifelse atmosphere-inversion [    ;; move the pollutants around 
  run-reactions                    ;; perform chemical reactions on primary pollutants 

to update-sunlight
  ifelse day-night-cycle [    
    if timeofday < sunrise or timeofday >= sunset [      ;; night
      set sunlight 0]
    if timeofday >= sunrise and timeofday < sunset [     ;; day
      set sunlight sunlight-intensity ]
    [set sunlight sunlight-intensity]
  ask patches with [
    patch-type = 2 ] [ 
    set pcolor scale-color sky sunlight 0 100 ]             ;; color sky according to sunlight level  

to cycle-pollutants            ;;;;;;;;;; Add pollutants to the atmosphere in a cycle ;;;;;;;;;
  if timeofday < sunrise or timeofday >= sunset [            ;; night (no pollution)
    set p-rate 0]
  if timeofday >= sunrise and timeofday < sunset  [           ;; day (max pollution rate)
    set p-rate 1 ]
  create-NO2 p-rate * nitrogen-dioxide [
    set color brown
    setxy random-xcor earth-top + random-float max-pycor]
  create-VOC p-rate * volatile-organic-compounds [
    set color gray
    setxy random-xcor earth-top + random-float max-pycor]   

to add-pollutants             ;;;;;;;;;; Add pollutants to the atmosphere (no cycle) ;;;;;;;;;
  create-NO2 nitrogen-dioxide [
    set color brown
    setxy 0 -6
    set heading -90 + random-float 180 ]
  create-VOC volatile-organic-compounds [
    set color gray
    setxy 0 -6 
    set heading -90 + random-float 180 ] 

to run-pollutants-inversion    ;;;;;;;;;; Make pollutants move around, with atmospheric inversion ;;;;;;;;;
  ask turtles [
    let dist 0.5 * random-float 1
    ifelse can-move? dist
      [ fd dist ]
      [ set heading heading + 180 
        fd dist ]                     ;; if turtle hits the edge of the world, it turns around
    if ycor <= earth-top 
      [ set heading random-float 80 ] ;; if turtle hits ground, return it to atmosphere

to run-pollutants              ;;;;;;;;;; Make pollutants move around (no inversion) ;;;;;;;;;
  ask turtles [
    let dist 0.5 * random-float 1
    ifelse can-move? dist
      [ fd dist ]
      [ die ]                  ;; if turtle hits the edge of the world, it dies
    if ycor <= earth-top 
      [ set heading random 80 ] ;; if turtle hits ground, return it to atmosphere

to run-reactions                 ;;;;;;;;;;; Chemical reactions WITHOUT O2 turtles ;;;;;;;;;;
  set NO2-rate sunlight                   ;; set reaction rate for splitting NO2
  set O3-rate sunlight                    ;; set reaction rate for forming O3
  ask NO2 [                               ;; (1) SPLIT NO2 
    if random-float 200 < NO2-rate [        ;; roll dice to see if there'e enough energy for reaction
      set breed O1                            ;; if there is, convert the NO2 turtle to O1
      set color yellow
      hatch-NO 1 [                            ;; and create a new turtle that is NO
        set color orange 
        set heading random-float 360 ]]      
  ask O1 [                                ;; (2) CREATE OZONE
    if random-float 200 < O3-rate [         ;; roll dice to see if there's enough energy for reaction
        set breed O3                          ;; if there is, convert O1 turtle to O3
        set color violet
        set heading random-float 360 ]       
  ask NO [                                ;; (3) DESTROY OZONE
    if any? O3-here [                       ;; see if there are any O3 in the patch
      set breed NO2                           ;; if there are, convert NO turtle to NO2
      set color brown
      set heading random-float 360 ]  
    let reactant one-of O3-here               ;; destroy used up O3 turtle 
    if reactant != nobody [
      ask reactant [ die ]]
  ask VOC [                               ;; (4) CREATE OXIDANTS
    if any? NO-here [                       ;; see if any NO are in the patch
      set breed Ox                            ;; if there are, convert VOC turtle to Ox
      set color red
      set heading random-float 360 ]     
    let reactant one-of NO-here               ;; destroy used up NO turtle
    if reactant != nobody [
      ask reactant [die]]


There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Madison Fitzpatrick.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Smog.png preview Smog screenshot over 11 years ago, by Madison Fitzpatrick Download

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