Modified Random Clusters

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1 collaborator

Jm1_vsm James Millington (Author)



Tagged by Reuven M. Lerner over 11 years ago


Tagged by Reuven M. Lerner over 11 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.1 • Viewed 1120 times • Downloaded 62 times • Run 0 times
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Model not running (Question)

Hi there! I am pretty new to NetLogo and trying to do something that incorporates the code from this model. There are a few glitches that are preventing the model from running, any advice or help on that? Thanks, Ale

Posted about 6 years ago

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;;  Modified random clusters method for landscape pattern simulation - NetLogo  ;;
;;                                                                              ;;
;;  Code licenced by James D.A. Millington (  ;;
;;  under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0          ;;
;;  Unported License (see    ;;
;;                                                                              ;;
;;  This code is based on the method by Saura & Martinez-Millan (2000)          ;;
;;  Landscape Ecology 15 661-678      ;;

  cover        ;; cover of patch
  cluster_ID   ;; id of cluster patch belongs to
  cluster      ;; holds a patch which is that cluster's "leader" - arbitrarily chosen

  cluster-area-list  ;for plotting purposes


to generate-landscape

  set cluster-area-list []
  set_random_seeds                                 ;; randomly distribute cluster seeds (Step 1 in Saura & Martinez-Millan 2000 p.664)

  set-cover                                        ;; identify and label clusters (Steps 2 & 3 in above)
  fill_landscape                                   ;; fill remaining patches to dominant neighbour (Step 4 in above)
  ask patches [ set pcolor (cover * 10) + 5 ]      ;; color patches according to cover types

  plotting                                         ;; plot bar plots


to set-cover
    let seed one-of patches with [ ( cluster = nobody and pcolor = blue ) ]   ;; pick a random seed we haven't labelled yet
    if seed = nobody                                                          ;; if we have labelled all seeds stop
      [ stop ]
    ask seed                   
      set cluster self                     ;; make the seed the "leader" of a new cluster by assigning itself to its own cluster
      set cover ( random Number-of-Types )       ;; assign this "leader" a random cover      
      grow-cover_cluster                   ;; then grow-cover_cluster to find the rest of the cluster     
      set cluster-area-list fput count patches with [cluster = myself] cluster-area-list        


to grow-cover_cluster               
  without-interruption              ;; we use without-interruption here so each patch only gets added to the cluster once
    let neighbours nobody
    ifelse(Neighbourhood = "Moore") 
    [ set neighbours neighbors with [ cluster = nobody and pcolor = [pcolor] of myself ] ]
    [ set neighbours neighbors4 with [ cluster = nobody and pcolor = [pcolor] of myself ] ]
    ask neighbours
      set cluster [cluster] of myself    ;;assign neighbouring patch to seed patch cluster
      set cover [cover] of myself        ;;assign neighbouring patch to seed patch cover
      set cluster_ID [cluster_ID] of myself
      grow-cover_cluster                 ;;recursive call!


to set_random_seeds
  let cluster-counter 0
  ask patches 
    set cover nobody                  
    set cluster_ID nobody                 
    set cluster nobody                    
  ask patches 
    ifelse ( (random-float 1) < cluster-probability )  ;set patch as seed if rand no is less than cluster_probability
      set pcolor blue                                ;seeds are blue
      set cluster_ID cluster-counter 
      set cluster-counter cluster-counter + 1
    [ set pcolor red ]                               ;non-seeds are red


to fill_landscape                  ;; assign patches not initially assigned (to dominant cover in neighbourhood)
    if ( not any? patches with [ cluster = nobody ] )     ;;if all patches have been assigned to an cover-cluster 
    [ stop ]
    ask one-of patches with [ cluster = nobody ]  ;;pick a patch that has not been assigned to an cover-cluster yet
      let neighbours nobody
      ifelse(Neighbourhood = "Moore") 
      [ set neighbours neighbors ]
      [ set neighbours neighbors4 ]
      ifelse ( any? neighbours with [ cluster != nobody ] )  ;; check if there are any assigned patches in neighbourhood
        let covers []
        ask neighbours with [ cluster != nobody ] 
          set covers fput cover covers    ;;ask neighbours to add their covers to the list
        let unique-covers remove-duplicates covers    ;;create a list of unique covers
        let max-cover-count -1                 ;the number of neighbours with the maximum cover
        let max-cover -1                       ;the maximum cover
        ifelse(length unique-covers > 1)
          ;if there is more than one unique-cover
          foreach unique-covers                  ;for each of the unique covers
            let occ occurrences ? covers          ;count how many neighbours had this cover
            ifelse(occ > max-cover-count)        ;if the count is greater than the current maximum count
              set max-cover ?                    ;set this as the dominant cover
              set max-cover-count occ            ;update the current maximum count
              if(occ = max-cover-count)          ;otherwise, if the count is equal to the current maximum count
                let rand random-float 1          
                if(rand < 0.5) [ set max-cover ? ]  ;randomly pick one of the two covers to be the new dominant cover
          ;otherwise just set the max-cover to the only unique-cover
          set max-cover first unique-covers
        let p one-of neighbours with [ cover = max-cover ]    ;;assign qualities of one of dominant neighbours to patch (no wrap!)
        set pcolor [pcolor] of p 
        set cluster [cluster] of p   
        set cover [cover] of p 
        set cluster_id [cluster_id] of p
      [                                                               ;; if no assigned agents in neighbourhood assign an agent at random
        set cover ( random Number-of-Types) 
        set cluster self                                              ;; remember to start a new cluster!
        set cluster_ID ([cluster_ID] of max-one-of patches [cluster_ID]) + 1

;; count the number of occurrences of an item in a list

to-report occurrences [x the-list]
  report reduce
    [ifelse-value (?2 = x) [?1 + 1] [?1]] (fput 0 the-list)


to plotting
  set-current-plot "Cluster-Distribution"
  histogram cluster-area-list
  set-current-plot "Cover-By-Area"
  let cover-counts []
  let c 0
  while[c < Number-of-Types] 
    set cover-counts fput 0 cover-counts 
    set c c + 1
  ask patches [ set cover-counts replace-item cover cover-counts ((item cover cover-counts) + 1) ]
  set c 0
  while[c < Number-of-Types]
    plotxy c item c cover-counts
    set c c + 1
  set-current-plot "Count-Clusters-By-Cover"
  set cover-counts []
  set c 0
  while[c < Number-of-Types] 
    set cover-counts fput 0 cover-counts 
    set c c + 1
  let max-cluster-ID 0
  ask max-one-of patches [cluster_ID][ set max-cluster-ID cluster_ID ]
  let id 0
  while[id <= max-cluster-ID] 
    let p one-of patches with [cluster_ID = id]
    if(p != nobody)
      ask p
        set cover-counts replace-item cover cover-counts ((item cover cover-counts) + 1) 
    set id id + 1
  print cover-counts
  set c 0
  while[c < Number-of-Types]
    plotxy c item c cover-counts
    set c c + 1


to export-map
  if(file-exists? "export.asc") [file-delete "export.asc"]
  file-open "export.asc"
  file-type "ncols   " 
  file-print world-width
  file-type "nrows   "
  file-print world-height 
  file-print "xllcorner  0" 
  file-print "yllcorner  0" 
  file-print "cellsize   1" 
  file-print "NODATA_value  -9999"
  let x min-pxcor
  let y max-pycor
  while[y >= min-pycor]
    while[x <= max-pxcor]
      ifelse(x = max-pxcor)
        ask patches with [pxcor = x and pycor = y] [ file-print cover ]
        ask patches with [pxcor = x and pycor = y] [ file-type cover file-type " "]
      set x x + 1
    set x min-pxcor
    set y y - 1

There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by James Millington.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Modified Random Clusters.png preview Preview for 'Modified Random Clusters' over 11 years ago, by James Millington Download

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