Internationalization of SMEs of a Country

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exporting qualities 

Tagged by Muhammad Irfan Azhar about 12 years ago

internationalization theories 

Tagged by Muhammad Irfan Azhar about 12 years ago

small and medium enterprises 

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Tagged by Muhammad Irfan Azhar about 12 years ago

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globals [hist eh cho history d ptc ptc1 r manufr xx xx2 po y z w g maxlife ind vg vg1 vg2 vg3 vg4 vg5 vg6 vg7 vg8 vg9 vg10 vg11 vg12 vg13 vg14 vg15 mhtime
  totord ss pm d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 winner win jack mcor maxbusy maxact maxsuc din damage fk maxloan typeo glob twork eh2 typ1 typ2 typ3 typ4]
breed [knowag knw] ;; knowledge agent 
breed [manuf  ma]    ;; manufacturer
breed [distr  dist] ;; distributer
breed [techag tch]  ;; technology agent
breed [rmatag  rmat] ;; raw material agent
breed [comag cag]  ;; communication agent
breed [crvty crvt];; creativity agent 
breed [competitors cmp];
breed [dcen dcend]
directed-link-breed [streets street]
directed-link-breed [streets1 street1]
directed-link-breed [swats swat]
directed-link-breed [channel chan]
distr-own [demand cdem kdem timefor twill will past wages cdeml qulr fest ecost mak oppertunity perils setcost runcost] 
manuf-own [truck expenditure chul kul certified loan ex arc perception wealth nom nmatt mreq active sklr crvreq capacity pos 
  lev rating temperament life ambition ordfl ftime manage status setst info1 info2 info3 info4 info5 info6 budtech glo
   anarchy bor orig cost suc pay dbos cont matflag assets style qul vision curios experience rgn1 rgn2 rgn3 rgn4 ofcap
   rgn5 rgn6 rgn7 rgn8 rgn9 rgn10 proactive when international htime tky standard socialize dums credit ito w2 learn itime] ;; manufacturer's variables
techag-own [wealth level tecost hird hasten];; tp satisfaction att];; tech agent's var
rmatag-own [wealth matt sdist pickup bsss address reached ondemand yor];; mp pric];; rawmat ag var
comag-own [wealth distanc speed ab bc de ef gh boss v1 vt2 comcost];; comp satisfaction inf att] ;; comm ag var
knowag-own [wealth kp satisfaction skl kcost];; att];; know ag var
crvty-own [wealth ccp fun ccost];; satisfaction vis att]
dcen-own [bsno]
competitors-own [ver1 ver2 ver3 loser]
patches-own [resistance rest units mine]

to setup ;; setting it up
  create-knowag 10
  create-techag 10
  create-rmatag 10
  create-comag 10
  create-manuf 10
  create-distr 10
  create-crvty 10
  create-competitors comp
  set history 10
  set hist (count manuf)
  ask patches
  [  if pycor > 1
    [ set rest (abs pycor)]
   ;; if pycor < 1
   ;; [  set rest (-1 * pycor)]
    set resistance (rest + resistor)
    set mine random-normal 100 200
  set pcolor blue
  if (pxcor > 7 and pxcor < 10 and pycor = -12) or (pxcor > 8 and pxcor < 11 and pycor = 5) or (pxcor > 10 and pxcor < 13 and pycor = -7) or (pxcor > 15 and pxcor < 18 and pycor = 5) or (pxcor > 13 and pxcor < 16 and pycor = 12) or (pxcor > 13 and pxcor < 16 and pycor = 0)
  [ set pcolor (random 100)]] 
  ask knowag
  [set shape "person"
    set skl random 30
    set kcost   ((random 8) + skl / 10)]
  ask manuf
  [set shape "house"
    set wealth 1000
    set assets random-normal 5000 5000
set socialize random-normal 2 4
set learn random-normal 3 5
       set standard abs random-normal 500 1000
    set proactive abs random-normal 1000 1500
    set temperament random-normal 500 300
    set ambition random-normal 5000 1000
    set curios random-normal 50 30
    set orig random-normal 0 1
    set capacity random 300
    set ofcap (capacity - random 20)
    if ofcap < 0
    [set ofcap random 50]
    set when random 10 
    if when < 0
   [ set when random 10 ]
    set perception random-normal 1000 500
    if perception < 0
    [set perception random-normal 1000 500]
    set style random 100
    set cost random 5 + suc / 20
     if capacity = 0
    [set capacity random 50]
    set sklr random 40
    set ordfl -10
    set crvreq random 80] ;; manufacturer's have wealth =1000 at the start
  ask distr
  [set shape "house"
    set color green
    set kdem random 30
    set cdem random 80
    set wages random 10]
  ask competitors
  [set shape "house"
    set color orange];;
  ask rmatag
  [set shape "truck"
    set color lime
    set matt random 10]
  ask techag
  [ set shape "wheel"
    set tecost random 30 + level
    set hasten random 5
    if (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = -10) or (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = -5) or (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = 0) or (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = 5) or (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = 0) or (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = 12)
   [ set level random 10]]
  ask crvty
  [set shape "person"
    set fun random 50
    set ccost random 5]
  ask comag
  [ set shape "arrow"
    set color blue + 2
    set distanc random 9
    set speed random 2
    if distanc > 9
    [set distanc (distanc / 2)]
    if speed > 4
    [set speed (speed / 2)]]
 ask comag
 [let zd (0)
       ask one-of manuf
     [ set zd who]
    set v1 (zd)
    set boss zd
    set comcost (random 2)]
 ask manuf
  [ set color red
    set xcor 4
    set color green
    set sklr (random 40)
    set nmatt (random 10)
    set bor (random-normal 5000 200000) 
    set pay (random-float 0.5)
   ;; set vision random-normal 50 60
    if pay < 0.2
    [set pay (random-float 0.5)] 
    set ycor (random-normal 0 10)
    if any? manuf in-radius .25
    [ask one-of manuf
      [ set ycor (ycor + .5)]
      if any? manuf in-radius .5
    [ask one-of manuf
      [ set ycor (ycor + 1)]]]] 
  ask distr
  [ set oppertunity random-normal 2 3
    set perils random 12
    set runcost random 2
    if runcost < 1
    [set runcost random 2]
    set setcost random-normal 5000 1000
    if setcost < 5000
    [ set setcost random-normal 20000 10000]
    set color red
    set xcor -10
    set color yellow
   set mak random 3
    set ycor (random-normal 0 10)
    if any? distr in-radius .25
    [   ask one-of distr
      [ set ycor (ycor + .5)]
      if any? distr in-radius 1
    [ask one-of distr
      [ set ycor (ycor + 1)]]]]
  ask competitors
  [set ycor 12
    set color red
    set xcor (random-normal 0 10)]

to go
  if ticks > 100000
  ask knowag  ;; movement of agents < 55
  [ ifelse pcolor > gray or pcolor < gray 
    [  fd 1
     if xcor < -10
     [set xcor 0
     fd 1]] 
      [if color = 0
     [ stop]]]
   ask techag
   [if color = red
  [ifelse (pcolor > blue or pcolor < blue) 
    [ fd 2
    if xcor < -10
     [ set xcor 0
     fd 2]]]]
  ask rmatag
  [if color = lime
  [ifelse pcolor != blue
    [ if (pcolor != gray)
    [ stop]
   [ fd 2
    if xcor < -10
     [set xcor 0
     fd 2]]] ]
  ask comag
  [fd speed]
     ask crvty
  [ifelse pcolor > gray  or pcolor < gray 
    [  fd 1
     if xcor < -10
   [  set xcor 0
     fd 1]] 
      [if color = 0
     [ stop]]]
;; piracy

to failuresit
  ask manuf
  [ ifelse color = white
  [set temperament ( temperament + 100)
    set bor (bor + (random 30))]
  [set temperament (temperament - 1.25)
  if temperament < 200
  [set color red
   ;; wait .1
  if temperament < 0
  ask manuf with [orig > 1]
  [  if any? manuf in-radius 10  with [orig < -2 ]
  [ set bor (bor + 6000)]]
  if bor < 100 
  [set color black]
  if bor = 6000
  [set color pink]
 ;; if bor = 60000
 ;; [die]
 ;; if bor = -5000
 ;; [die]
  if loan > assets or wealth < -3000
   [set fk (fk + 1)
if count manuf < 8
  [create-manuf zk
    set history (history + zk)
    ask manuf
    [  if who > 70 and life < 100
  [set proactive abs random-normal 10000 15000
    set xcor 4
    set color green
    set shape "house"
    set sklr (random 40)
       set socialize random-normal 2 4
       set standard abs random-normal 500 1000
    if sklr < 5
    [set sklr (random 40)]
    set curios random-normal 50 30
    set nmatt (random 10)
    if nmatt < 3
    [   set nmatt random 10]
    set bor (random-normal 5000 200000)
    set assets random-normal 5000 5000
    set proactive abs random-normal 1000 1500
    set learn random-normal 3 5
    set cost (random 15 + suc / 10)
    set orig random-normal 0 1
    set temperament random-normal 500 300
   ;; set vision random-normal 50 60
    set style random 100
    set when random 10 
    if when < 1
    [set when random 10 ]
    set ambition random-normal 5000 1000
    set perception random-normal 1000 500
    if perception < 0
    [set perception random-normal 1000 500]
    set capacity random 300
    if capacity < 50
    [set capacity random 300]
     set ofcap (capacity - random 20)
    if ofcap < 0
    [set ofcap random 50]
    set pay random-float 0.5
    if pay < 0
   [ set pay random-float 0.5]
    if wealth > 5000
    [set pay random-float 1]
        if pay < 0.2
    [set pay random-float 0.5]
    if pay > .7
    [set pay random-float 0.5]
    if wealth < 1001
    [ set wealth 1000]
    set crvreq random 80
    if crvreq < 8
    [set crvreq random 80]
    if manufr = limt
 [ask manuf
   [  if (temperament < 500 or ambition > 6000) and status = 0 and suc < 1
     [set sklr (random 40)
   set crvreq (random 50)
   set bor (bor - random 30)
   set nmatt (random 10)
   set lev (random 20)]]]
   if manufr > limt
  [ set manufr 0]
    set ycor (random-normal 0 10)
    if any? manuf in-radius .25
    [ ask one-of manuf
      [ set ycor (ycor + .5)]
      if any? manuf in-radius .5
    [ ask one-of manuf
      [ set ycor (ycor + 1)]]]]]]

to setdmd       ;; demands for distributers set here. they vary with every day.
  set d (d + 1)
  if d = 50
  [ask distr
    set oppertunity random-normal 2 3
    set perils random 12
    set setcost (random-normal 5000 1000 )
    if setcost < 5000
    [ set setcost random-normal 10000 1000]
     set runcost abs random 5 + ( count( my-in-links))
    if runcost < 1
    [set runcost random 5]
    set qulr random 20 + (qulsld)
    set demand (random 20 * sld1) ;; slider 1 for demand
    if demand < 10
    [   set demand (random 20 * sld1)]
    set kdem (random 40)
    if kdem < 8
    [  set kdem random 40]
    set cdem (random 80)
    if cdem < 10
    [set cdem random 80]
    set ecost random 100
    set cdeml (cdem + random 5)
    set wages (random 20)
    if wages < 4
    [set wages (random 20)]
    set timefor (random 20)
    set twill (random 500)
    ifelse twill > 250
    [set will 1]
    [set will 0]
    if timefor = 0
    [set timefor (random 10)]]]
  if d > 50
  [set d 0]

to setchar 
    set r (r + 1)
    set manufr (manufr + 1)
 if r = 100 
 [ask knowag
   [   set skl (random 40)
     set kcost   ((random 8) + skl / 10)]
   ask crvty
   [set fun (random 60)]
   ask rmatag
   [set matt (random 10)]
   ask techag
   [ set level (random 20)]  
   ask comag
   [  set speed (random 2)
     set distanc (random 9)
   if distanc > 9
    [set distanc (distanc / 2)]
    if speed > 2
    [set speed (speed / 2)]]
   ask competitors
   [set xcor random 6
     set ycor random 10]]
 if r > 100
 [set r 0]
 if manufr = limt 
 [ask manuf
   [ if proactive < 0 
    [set proactive random-normal 10000 15000]
     if cost < 4
     [set cost (random 15 + suc / 10)]
      if (temperament < 500 or ambition > 6000) and status = 0 and suc < 1
     [set sklr (random 40)
   set crvreq (random 50)
   set bor (bor - random 30)
   set nmatt (random 10)
   set lev (random 20)]]]
   if manufr > limt
  [ set manufr 0]

to environment
 let io 0
  ask patches
  [ set io io + 1
    if io = 100
    [  if (pxcor > 7 and pxcor < 10 and pycor = -12) or (pxcor > 8 and pxcor < 11 and pycor = 5) or (pxcor > 10 and pxcor < 13 and pycor = -7) or (pxcor > 13 and pxcor < 16 and pycor = 5) or (pxcor > 13 and pxcor < 16 and pycor = 12) or (pxcor > 13 and pxcor < 16 and pycor = 0)
  [ set pcolor (random 100)  ] 
       set resistance (rest + resistor)
      set mine random-normal 100 200
      set io 0 ]
    if pxcor > -17 and pxcor < -13 and pycor = 16
   [ if any? turtles in-radius 0.5
    [set pcolor blue]
      if policy > 0 and policy < 5
     [ set pcolor red]
     if policy > 5 and policy < 10
     [set pcolor brown]
     if policy > 10 and policy < 15
     [set pcolor pink]
     if policy > 15 and policy < 20
     [set pcolor yellow]]]

to exhibition
  let riq 0
 let ecostt 0
 let distbosw 0
  set din (din + 1)
 if din = 300
[ set din 0]
  if din = 100
  [ask distr with [oppertunity > 2.5]
  [ set fest 1
    set distbosw who
   set ecostt ecost]]
  ask distr with [fest = 1 ]
  [  if din > 280
  [set fest 0]
  ask patches in-radius 0.5
  [set pcolor pink]
  ask manuf
  [if any? manuf with [info6 = 1 and curios > 60 and crvreq > info3 and status = 0 ]
  [ set eh (eh + 1) ]]
  ask manuf with [info6 = 1 and curios > 60 and status = 0 and crvreq > info3 ]
    [ set ex (ex + 1)
     set eh2 (eh2 + 1)
      set status 1
      set wealth (wealth - info4)
      set ordfl (capacity)
      set ftime 1
      set color orange
      set dbos info1
      set info6 0 ]]
   ask distr with [fest = 0]
   [ask patches in-radius 0.5
      [set pcolor blue]]

to certificate
    ask manuf
    [if life > 1000 and wealth > 3000 and suc > 15
      [   set certified (certified + 1)]
      if certified > 0
      [ set color yellow ]]

to team
  ask manuf
    ifelse show-sklr? 
    [ set label sklr ]
    [ set label "" ]
    ask knowag in-radius 2
    [ if skl = [sklr] of myself
    [ set color black]]
     ask crvty in-radius 2
    [if fun = [crvreq] of myself
     [set color green]]
    if any? techag in-radius 0
    set ito  [level] of one-of techag in-radius 0 ]
    ifelse any? knowag in-radius 2 with [skl = [sklr] of myself] or any?  crvty in-radius 2 with [fun = [crvreq] of myself] 
       [set color white  
        ;;wait .1
      ask patches in-radius 2
      [set pcolor 5]
       set qul (sklr + ito)]
     [ set color green
      ask patches in-radius 2
      [set pcolor blue]
      ask knowag in-radius 2
      [set color red
        fd 1]
      ask crvty in-radius 2
      [set color orange 
        fd 1]]
   ask knowag
     [ifelse show-skl? ;; wealth display
    [ set label skl ]
    [ set label "" ]]
  ask manuf
   [ ifelse show-wealth? ;; wealth display
    [ set label wealth ]
    [ set label "" ]]

to setstatus
  ask manuf 
  [if color = green
 [ set setst 0]]
  ask manuf with [color = white]
   [ ask manuf with-max [suc]
     [ set setst 1]]

to bus
  let n (0)
  let n2(0)
    let kt (0)
    let mt (0)
    let wage 0
    let yo 0
  let gr (0)
  let gr11 0
  let kt11 0
  let ax (0)  ;; for knowing demand
  let bx (0) ;; for time in which to deliver
  let rolx (0)
  let tolx 0
  let distbos 0
  let cdeml2 0
  let loanq 0
  let qq 0
 ask manuf
 [ if color = white
   [   set kt (sklr)
     set mt (crvreq)]]
   ask distr
   [ set gr (kdem)
     set cdeml2 cdeml
     set qq qulr 
     set gr11 (cdem)
     set rolx demand
     set tolx timefor
     set wage wages
     set loanq ((wages / 5) * demand)
     set distbos who
     if tolx = 0
     [set tolx 1]
     ifelse any? manuf with [color = white and (sklr > [kdem] of myself and crvreq > [cdem] of myself)  and capacity > [(demand / (timefor + 1))] of myself and cost < [wages] of myself and status = 0 and wealth > 1000 and qul > [qulr] of myself and ordfl < 1 ] and will > 0 
     [   set color green
     ;;  type "r"
       set n (1)
       set ax (demand)
      set bx (timefor) 
      ;; ifelse count manuf with [color = white and sklr > gr and crvreq > gr11  and crvreq < cdeml2 and capacity > (rolx / tolx) and cost < wage and wealth > loanq and qul > qq] > 1
      ;;  [ ask manuf with [(color = white and sklr > gr and crvreq > gr11 and capacity > (rolx / tolx) and cost < wage and setst = 1 and wealth > loanq and qul > qq) or certified > 1 ]
      ;;  [  set yo who
      ;;   set status 1
      ;;   set dbos distbos
      ;;  ask distr with [who = distbos]
      ;;  [set past 1] ]]
      ask manuf with [color = white and (sklr > [kdem] of myself and crvreq > [cdem] of myself)  and capacity > [(demand / (timefor + 1))] of myself and cost < [wages] of myself and status = 0 and wealth > 1000 and qul > [qulr] of myself and ordfl < 1 ]
       [ set dbos [who] of myself
         set ordfl [demand] of myself
         set ftime [timefor] of myself
         set status 1
      ;;   set dbos distbos
        ask distr with [who = [dbos] of myself]
        [set past 1]]
   create-streets-to manuf with [color = white and (sklr > [kdem] of myself and crvreq > [cdem] of myself)  and capacity > [(demand / (timefor + 1))] of myself and cost < [wages] of myself and status = 0 and wealth > 1000 and qul > [qulr] of myself and ordfl < 1 ] ;;and status = 0]
   ask streets [set color white]
   [set color yellow
     set n 0
      ;; ask streets
      ;; [die]]]
   ask manuf
   [if color != white or  ordfl < 1
     [set status 0]
    if status = 1
  set dbos dbos]]
   set xx (xx + n)

to buspast
  let nwq (0)
  let n2(0)
    let kt (0)
    let mt (0)
    let yo 0
  let gr (0)
  let gr11 0
  let kt11 0
  let ax (0)  ;; for knowing demand
  let bx (0) ;; for time in which to deliver
  let rolx (0)  
  let tolx 0
  let distbos 0
  let dpast 0
 ask manuf
 [if color = white
   [   set kt (sklr)
     set mt (crvreq)
    ;; set dpast who
   ask distr
   [set gr (kdem)
     set gr11 (cdem)
     set rolx demand
     set tolx timefor 
     set dpast who
    if tolx = 0
     [set tolx 1]
     ask distr
     ifelse any? manuf with [(color = white and capacity > [(demand / (timefor + 1))] of myself and dbos = [who] of myself and status = 0 and ordfl < 1) or (info6 = 1 and dbos = [who] of myself)] and twill > 150
     [set color white
       type 2
       set nwq (1)
       ask manuf with [(color = white and capacity > [(demand / (timefor + 1))] of myself and dbos = [who] of myself and status = 0 and ordfl < 1) or (info6 = 1 and dbos = [who] of myself)]
     [  set ordfl [demand] of myself
      set ftime [timefor] of myself
        set yo who
         set status 1
         set dbos [who] of myself]
   create-streets-to manuf with [(color = white and capacity > [(demand / (timefor + 1))] of myself and dbos = [who] of myself and status = 0 and ordfl < 1) or (info6 = 1 and dbos = [who] of myself)];and status = 0]
   ask streets [set color yellow]]
     [set nwq 0
       set color yellow
       ask streets
   ask manuf
   [ if color != white and ordfl < 1
     [set status 0]
      if status = 1
  set dbos dbos]
   set xx2 (xx2 + nwq)

to fanyl
  ask manuf
  [ if suc < 1
    [set credit 2]
     if suc > 0 and suc < 4
    [set credit 1.4]
     if suc > 4 and suc < 8
    [set credit 1 ]
    if suc > 8 and suc < 16
    [set credit .8]
    if suc > 16 and suc < 32
    [set credit .6]
    if suc > 32 
    [set credit .4]
    if wealth < perception 
    [ set loan (loan + (perception - abs wealth))
      set wealth (wealth + loan) ]
    set loan (loan + (loan * interest) + credit)
    if loan > maxloan
    [set  maxloan loan]
    if wealth > (5 * perception) and loan > 0
    [   set wealth (wealth - loan)
      set loan 0 ]
    if style > 10 and style < 25
    [set expenditure 1]
    if style > 25 and style < 50
    [set expenditure 3]
     if style > 50 and style < 70
    [ set expenditure 5]
     if style > 75 
    [ set expenditure 7]

to intel

to production
  let fv 0
 ;; let w2 0
  let ccost2 0
  let kcost2 0
  let comcost2 0
  let sdistcost2 0
  let gm 0
  let mreq2 0
  let temp2 0
  let pol2 0
  let loanc 0
  let tcost 0
  let mak2 0
  let sab 0
  ask manuf
    if temperament > 500 and temperament < 300
  [  set temp2 2]
    if temperament > 300 and temperament < 100
  [  set temp2 6]
    set gm (who) 
    if status = 1
    [ ask comag with [boss = who]
      [set comcost2 comcost]
      ask rmatag in-radius 2
      [set sdistcost2 sdist
        set mreq2 pickup]
    ask knowag in-radius 2
    [set kcost2 kcost]
    ask techag in-radius 1
    [set tcost tecost]
    ask crvty in-radius 2
    [set ccost2 ccost]]
    set wealth (wealth + w2 - ((kcost2 + ccost2 + comcost2 + sdistcost2 + tcost) * (pay + temp2) + (pol2) + (mreq2 / 10) + expenditure) )
    ifelse (ordfl > 0 and mreq > 0 ) or (ordfl > 0 and info6 = 1 and mreq > 0) or (dums = 1 and ordfl > 0)
    [  set manage (ordfl / (capacity + 1))
      set experience (experience + mak2)
      if ordfl > 0 ;; (manage < ftime or manage = ftime)
         set ordfl (ordfl - (capacity))
       ;; type "g"
        set w2 (capacity * cost)
        if dums = 1
          set w2 (w2 /( count (manuf with [vision = [vision] of myself])+ 1))]
     ;;  type "ordfl" show ordfl
     ;;  type "status"  show status
   ;; type "ton" show (wealth + w2 + ((kcost2 + ccost2 + comcost2) * pay) )
   ;;    type "suc" show suc
   ;;    type "cost" show cost
   ;;    type "batch" show capacity
    ;;   type"wealth" show w2
    ;;   type "dist" show sdistcost2
    ;;   type "cost2" show ccost2
    ;;   type "kcost2" show kcost2
     ;;  type "comcost2" show comcost2
     ;;  type "pay" show pay
     ;;  type "boss" show dbos
     ;;  type "mwas" show mreq
     ;;  type "tax" show pol2
      ;; type"total" show jack
      ;; type"exh" show info6
       set mreq 0]
     ;;  type "mis" show mreq
     ;;  type " "
        if (ordfl = 0) or (ordfl < 0) 
        [set totord (totord + 1)
        set pol2 policy
        set jack jack + 1
        set color pink
        set status 0
          set suc (suc + 1)
          if dbos = 50
          [set rgn1 (rgn1 + 1)]
          if dbos = 51
          [set rgn2 (rgn2 + 1)]
          if dbos = 52
          [set rgn3 (rgn3 + 1)]
          if dbos = 53
          [set rgn4 (rgn4 + 1)]
          if dbos = 54
          [set rgn5 (rgn5 + 1)]
          if dbos = 55
          [set rgn6 (rgn6 + 1)]
          if dbos = 56
          [set rgn7 (rgn7 + 1)]
          if dbos = 57
          [set rgn8 (rgn8 + 1)]
          if dbos = 58
          [set rgn9 (rgn9 + 1)]
          if dbos = 59
          [set rgn10 (rgn10 + 1)]
          set temperament 1000
          if suc > maxsuc
          [   set maxsuc suc]
 ;; set status (status + 1)
            ]]     [ set color green
      set w2 0
      set status 0
   ;; show capacity
    ;;type "___________"
   ;; show ordfl
   ;; type "- - - - - - "

to game
  let ev (0)
  let ev1 (0)
  let ev2 (0)
  ask competitors
    [ if loser = 0
      [   ask distr
        [set twill (twill)]]]
 set pm (pm + 1) 
  if pm = 24
  [ask competitors
  [set ver1 (random c1)
    set ver2 (random c2)
    set ver3 (random c3)
    set loser losers
    ifelse  any? distr with [(cdem > [ver1] of myself and kdem > [ver2] of myself and demand > [ver3] of myself)] and loser = 0
    [ ask streets1 [die]
      set shape "face sad"
      set color red]
    [ set shape "face happy"
    set color white
    ask one-of distr
    [if twill > 200
   [ set twill (twill - (random 4))
     set color red]]
    ask one-of manuf [
      if color > white or color < white
      [set color gray
        set temperament (temperament - 2)]]
   create-streets1-to manuf with [color = gray]
   ask streets1 [set color white]]]]
  if pm > 24
  [set pm 0]
  ask distr
 [ ask manuf with-min [anarchy] [
    if anarchy > 10000
    [   ask distr
      [ set twill 1000]]]
   ask competitors with-max [ver2]
    [if ver1 < 10  and ver2 < 10 and ver3 < 10
      [    ask distr
        [  set color blue
        set twill (twill + 10)]]]]

to histor
 let p (count manuf with [color = white])
 let xy 0
 let rv 0
 ifelse z > p
 [ set z (z)]
 [set z (p)]
 set w (z)
    ask manuf
    [ ifelse status = 1
      [set nom (nom + 1)
        set active (active + 1)
        if nom > maxbusy
        [set maxbusy nom]
        if active > maxact
        [set maxact active]]
      [set nom 0
        set active (active + 0)] 
    ifelse color = white
    [ if xy > 1 
      [set xy 0]
      set rating (rating + xy)
       set xy (xy + 1)  ]
    [set xy 0]
    if htime > mhtime
    [set mhtime htime]
    set life (life + 1)
  if life > maxlife 
  [set ind (who)
  set maxlife (life)]  ;; reward
   if (wealth - loan) > winner
  [ set win who
   set winner (wealth - loan)]]

to materials
  ask rmatag
  [ if color = lime
    [ set pickup units]
    set pickup pickup + 0]

to materialhandling
    ask rmatag with [(pcolor != blue) and color = lime]
  [ if (pcolor != gray)
   [ set pickup pcolor]]
  ask rmatag 

    if any? manuf with [(nmatt < [matt] of myself) and mreq = 0] and ondemand = 0 and color = lime and pickup > 0
      set color red
      set ondemand 1
      set color white]
    if ondemand = 1 and pickup > 0
      ifelse any? manuf with [nmatt < [matt] of myself and mreq = 0] 
       ask one-of manuf with [(nmatt < [matt] of myself) and mreq = 0][set truck [who]of myself ]
       if xcor < 4 or xcor > 6
     set xcor (xcor + (1 - 0.05 * resistance))
     set sdist (sdist + 1)]
      if xcor > 4
   if ycor != [ycor] of one-of manuf with [truck = [who] of myself]
     set ycor ycor + 1]
    move-to one-of manuf with [truck = [who] of myself and mreq = 0]
      ask manuf with [(nmatt < [matt] of myself) and mreq = 0 and truck = [who] of myself]    [set mreq [pickup] of myself ]  set color lime set pickup 0 set ondemand 0 set sdist 0]][set color lime set ondemand 0 set sdist 0 set pickup 0]]]

to techno
  let zp (0)
  let matr1 (0)
  let dumhird (0)
  let no1 (0)
  set ptc1 (ptc1 + 1)
  if ptc1 = 300
  [ask patches
  [ if (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = -10) or (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = -5) or (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = 0) or (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = 5) or (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = 0) or (pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 6 and pycor = 12)
  [ set pcolor (random 50)  ]]]
  if ptc1 > 300
  [set ptc1 0
    ask techag [set tecost random 30
      set hasten random 5]]
  ask techag
  [ask manuf with [color = white or status = 1]
  [ set matr1 (nmatt) 
    set no1 (who)]
  ifelse  level > matr1
  [ set color yellow 
   ;; wait 1  ;;stat 1
    move-to turtle no1
    set dumhird 1
    set zp (zp + 1)
    if zp = 1
     [ set tecost (tecost + hird)] 
    set hird 1
    set xcor (xcor + 1)]
  [  set color red
    set zp 0
    set hird (hird + dumhird + level / 5)
    set dumhird 0 ]
 if hird > 100
[ set hird (0)]]

to comct
  let ab1 (0)
  let bc1 (0)
  let de1 (0)
  let ef1 (0)
  let gh1 (0)
  let ij1 0
  let ij 0
  let di1 (0)
  let di2 (0)
  let di3 (0)
  let di4 (0)
 ;; let ss (0)
   let dum 10
   let zd 0
  ask comag
 ;;   let ze (0)
   ;; ifelse is-turtle? boss
  ;;  [set boss (v1)]
  ;;  [
   ;; ask one-of manuf [
     ;; set ze who]
   ;; set boss ze
;;    set v1 (ze)]
;;   ask cag 31
   ;; [
   ;; show boss]
   ;; type "_______________"
set ss (boss)
  if xcor < -4 and ycor < 4
  [ set color orange
   ;; wait 0.1
    ifelse any? distr in-radius distanc
    [ask one-of distr in-radius distanc
  [set ab1 who
    set bc1 kdem
    set de1 cdem
    set ef1 ecost
    set gh1 will
    set ij1 fest]
   set ab ab1 
    set bc bc1 
    set de de1 
    set ef ef1 
    set gh gh1
    set ij ij1
    ifelse is-turtle? turtle (boss)
      [ move-to turtle (boss)]
      [ ask one-of manuf
     [set zd who ]
     set boss zd]
  ;;  wait 1
   set dum (dum - 1)
  if dum = 0
  [fd speed]
  set color yellow
 ;; wait .1
    [set color blue + 2]
  set ab ab1 
    set bc bc1 
    set de de1 
    set ef ef1
    set gh gh1 
    set ij ij1 ]]
  let kpo  0
  let kpo2 0
  ask manuf with [who = ss]
  [ ifelse any? comag in-radius 0
    [   ifelse kpo > 0
     [ set info1 0
      set info2 0
      set info3 0
      set info4 0
      set info5 0
      set info6 0] 
   [ set info1 ab1
    set info2 bc1
    set info3 de1
    set info4 ef1
    set info5 gh1
    set info6 ij1]
    set kpo (kpo + 1)]
   [   ifelse kpo2 > 0
      set ab1 0
        set bc1 0
        set de1 0
        set ef1 0
        set gh1 0
        set ij1 0]
     [ set info1 (info1)
    set info2 (info2)
    set info3 (info3)
    set info4 (info4)
    set info5 (info5)
    set info6 (info6)
    if (info2 > sklr) and learn > 2
    [set sklr (sklr + abs (learn / 10))]
      set kpo2 (kpo2 + 1)]
  ;;  show info1 
  ;;  show info2 
  ;;  show info3 
  ;;  show info4 
  ;;  show info5
  ;;  type "_______"

to minefield
  let dang 0
  ask patches ;; with [pxcor < 0]
  [if mine > danger
    ;;  set pcolor black
      if any? rmatag in-radius 1
      [     ask rmatag in-radius 1
          set color black
          set pickup 0 
          set yor yor + 1
          set damage (damage + 1) 
          if yor = 15 
          [set color lime
            set yor 0]
          ] ]
      set mine (mine - random 50)]]

to growth
  let rdo 0
  let stc1 0
  let stc2 0
  let stc3 0
  let stc4 0
  let stc5 0
  let stc6 0
  let stc7 0
  let stc8 0
  let stc9 0
  let stc10 0
  let dmd1 0
  let dmd2 0
  let dmd3 0
  let dmd4 0
  let dmd5 0
  let dmd6 0
  let dmd7 0
  let dmd8 0
  let dmd9 0
  let dmd10 0
  let rco1 0
  let rco2 0
  let rco3 0
  let rco4 0
  let rco5 0
  let rco6 0
  let rco7 0
  let rco8 0
  let rco9 0
  let rco10 0
  let pdo 100000
  let bs 0
  ask manuf
    if wealth > proactive and suc > 1
    [set tky 1]
if rgn1 = when and tky = 1
    ask dist 50
    [set stc1 (setcost + setcost *  (count(my-in-links)))
      set dmd1 oppertunity
      set rco1 runcost + (count(my-in-links))]
    set wealth (wealth - rco1)
     if dmd1 > 2
     [set wealth (wealth + (cost * ofcap))
       set htime (htime + 1)
       set temperament 1000 ]
    if wealth > stc1 
    [create-channel-to distr with [who = 50]
      set rgn1 rgn1 + 1
      set wealth (wealth - (stc1 * expenditure))
      set international (count my-out-links)]]
   if rgn2 = when and tky = 1
  [ask dist 51
    [set stc2 (setcost + setcost * (count(my-in-links)))
      set dmd2 oppertunity
      set rco2 runcost  + (count(my-in-links))]
    set wealth (wealth - rco2)
    if dmd2 > 2 
     [set wealth (wealth + (cost * ofcap))
       set htime (htime + 1)
       set temperament 1000]
    if wealth > stc2
   [ create-channel-to distr with [who = 51]
     set rgn2 rgn2 + 1
     set wealth (wealth - (stc2 * expenditure))
     set international (count my-out-links)]]
    if rgn3 = when and tky = 1
  [ask dist 52
    [set stc3 (setcost + setcost * (count(my-in-links) ))
      set dmd3 oppertunity
      set rco3 runcost  + (count(my-in-links))]
    set wealth (wealth - rco3)
    if dmd3 > 2 
     [set wealth (wealth + (cost * ofcap))
       set htime (htime + 1)
       set temperament 1000]
    if wealth > stc3
    [create-channel-to distr with [who = 52]
      set rgn3 rgn3 + 1
      set wealth (wealth - (stc3 * expenditure))
      set international (count my-out-links)]]
     if rgn4 = when and tky = 1
  [ask dist 53
    [ set stc4 (setcost + setcost * (count(my-in-links) ))
      set dmd4 oppertunity
      set rco4 runcost  + (count(my-in-links))]
    set wealth (wealth - rco4)
    if dmd4 > 2 
     [set wealth (wealth + (cost * ofcap))
       set htime (htime + 1)
       set temperament 1000]
    if wealth > stc4
    [create-channel-to distr with [who = 53]
      set rgn4 rgn4 + 1
      set wealth (wealth - (stc4 * expenditure))
      set international (count my-out-links)]]
   if rgn5 = when and tky = 1
  [ask dist 54
    [set stc5 (setcost + setcost * (count(my-in-links)))
      set dmd5 oppertunity
      set rco5 runcost  + (count(my-in-links))
    set wealth (wealth - rco5)
    if dmd5 > 2 
     [set wealth (wealth + (cost * ofcap))
       set htime (htime + 1)
       set temperament 1000]
    if wealth > stc5
    [create-channel-to distr with [who = 54]
      set rgn5 rgn5 + 1
      set wealth (wealth - (stc5 * expenditure))
      set international (count my-out-links)]]
   if rgn6 = when and tky = 1
  [ask dist 55
    [set stc6 (setcost + setcost * (count(my-in-links)))
      set rco6 runcost  + (count(my-in-links))
            set dmd6 oppertunity
     set wealth (wealth - (rco6 * expenditure))
    if dmd6 > 2 
     [set wealth (wealth + (cost * ofcap))
       set htime (htime + 1)
       set temperament 1000]
    if wealth > stc6
    [create-channel-to distr with [who = 55]
      set rgn6 rgn6 + 1
      set wealth (wealth - stc6)
      set international (count my-out-links)]]
   if rgn7 = when and tky = 1
  [ask dist 56
    [set stc7 (setcost + setcost * (count(my-in-links) ))
      set rco7 runcost  + (count(my-in-links))
            set dmd7 oppertunity
     set wealth (wealth - (rco7 * expenditure))
    if dmd7 > 2 
     [set wealth (wealth + (cost * ofcap))
       set htime (htime + 1)
       set temperament 1000]
    if wealth > stc7
    [create-channel-to distr with [who = 56]
      set rgn7 rgn7 + 1
      set wealth (wealth - stc7)
      set international (count my-out-links)]]
     if rgn8 = when and tky = 1
  [ask dist 57
    [set stc8 (setcost + setcost * (count(my-in-links)  ))
      set rco8 runcost  + (count(my-in-links))
            set dmd8 oppertunity]
     set wealth (wealth - (rco8 * expenditure))
    if dmd8 > 2 
     [set wealth (wealth + (cost * ofcap))
       set htime (htime + 1)
       set temperament 1000]
    if wealth > stc8
    [create-channel-to distr with [who = 57]
      set rgn8 rgn8 + 1
      set wealth (wealth - stc8)
      set international (count my-out-links)]]
   if rgn9 = when and tky = 1
  [ask dist 58
    [set stc9 (setcost + setcost * (count(my-in-links) ))
      set rco9 runcost  + (count(my-in-links))
            set dmd9 oppertunity
     set wealth (wealth - (rco9 * expenditure))
    if dmd9 > 2 
     [set wealth (wealth + (cost * ofcap))
       set htime (htime + 1)
       set temperament 1000]
    if wealth > stc9
    [create-channel-to distr with [who = 58]
      set rgn9 rgn9 + 1
      set wealth (wealth - stc9)
      set international (count my-out-links)]]
   if rgn10 = when and tky = 1
  [ask dist 59
    [set stc10 (setcost + setcost * (count(my-in-links) ))
            set dmd10 oppertunity
      set rco10 runcost  + (count(my-in-links))
     set wealth (wealth - rco10)
    if dmd10 > 2 
     [set wealth (wealth + (cost * ofcap))
       set htime (htime + 1)
       set temperament 1000]
    if wealth > stc10
    [create-channel-to distr with [who = 59]
      set rgn10 rgn10 + 1
      set wealth (wealth - (stc10 * expenditure))
      set international (count my-out-links)]]
    ask channel
    [set color red]
    if international > 0
      set glo (glo + 1)
      if glo = 1
      [set glob glob + 1]]

to do-plots
ask manuf
[if life = 2001
  [set vg1 (vg1 + 1)]
  if life = 4001
  [set vg2 (vg2 + 1)]
  if life < 1000 and temperament < 1 
    [set vg (vg + 1)]
    if life = 8001
    [set vg3 (vg3 + 1)]
    if life = 2001 and curios < 60 and socialize < 4
    [set vg4 (vg4 + 1)]
    if life = 2001 and curios > 60 and socialize < 4
    [set vg5 (vg5 + 1)]
    if life = 2001 and curios < 60 and socialize > 4
    [set vg6 (vg6 + 1)]
    if life = 2001 and curios > 60 and socialize > 4
    [set vg7 (vg7 + 1)]
      if life = 4001 and curios < 60 and socialize < 4
    [set vg8 (vg8 + 1)]
    if life = 4001 and curios > 60 and socialize < 4
    [set vg9 (vg9 + 1)]
    if life = 4001 and curios < 60 and socialize > 4
    [set vg10 (vg10 + 1)]
    if life = 4001 and curios > 60 and socialize > 4
    [set vg11 (vg11 + 1)]
      if life = 8001 and curios < 60 and socialize < 4
    [set vg12 (vg12 + 1)]
    if life = 8001 and curios > 60 and socialize < 4
    [set vg13 (vg13 + 1)]
    if life = 8001 and curios < 60 and socialize > 4
    [set vg14 (vg14 + 1)]
    if life = 8001 and curios > 60 and socialize > 4
    [set vg15 (vg15 + 1)]
    if life = 1 and curios < 60 and socialize < 4
    [set typ1 (typ1 + 1)]
     if life = 1 and curios > 60 and socialize < 4
    [set typ2 (typ2 + 1)]
     if life = 1 and curios < 60 and socialize > 4
    [set typ3 (typ3 + 1)]
     if life = 1 and curios > 60 and socialize > 4
    [set typ4 (typ4 + 1)]
   set-current-plot "SME"
   set-current-plot-pen "p1"
    plot history 
 set-current-plot "sme"
 set-current-plot-pen "p2"
    plot vg
    set-current-plot "sme"
 set-current-plot-pen "p3"
    plot vg1
     set-current-plot "sme"
 set-current-plot-pen "p4"
    plot vg2
      set-current-plot "sme"
    set-current-plot-pen "p5"
    plot vg3
      set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p6"
    plot vg4
      set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p7"
    plot vg5
      set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p8"
    plot vg6
      set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p9"
    plot vg7
       set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p10"
    plot vg8
      set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p11"
    plot vg9
      set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p12"
    plot vg10
      set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p13"
    plot vg11
       set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p14"
    plot vg12
      set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p15"
    plot vg13
      set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p16"
    plot vg14
      set-current-plot "t"
    set-current-plot-pen "p17"
    plot vg15

to movmanage
   ask knowag
   [ if count knowag in-radius 3 > 2
     [ask one-of knowag in-radius 2
       [fd 4] ]]
    ask rmatag
   [ if count rmatag in-radius 2 > 2
     [ask one-of rmatag in-radius 2
       [fd 4] ]]
   ask crvty
   [if count crvty in-radius 3 > 2
     [ask one-of crvty in-radius 2
       [fd 4] ]]

to reckp
   let n 0
     ask manuf 
       if life = 1000 or life = 2000 or life = 4000 or life = 8000 or suc > 300 or (international = 1 and glo = 1)
      type "time" show ticks
       type "active" show active
      type "sklr" show sklr
      type "learn" show learn
       type "capacity" show capacity
     type "crvreq" show crvreq
      type "success" show suc
       type "X" show xcor
      type "y" show ycor
     type "material"  show nmatt
     type "nature" show socialize
      type "mt" show mreq
     type "tech" show budtech
     type "curios" show curios
     type "when" show when
      type "old" show life
     ] if suc > 300 [die] ]

to piracy

to social
   let cre 0
   let mre 0
   let lead 0
   let group 0
   let checker 0
   let skill2 0
   let crv2   0
   let capacity22 0 
   let d2r 0
   let day2r 0
   let bs2r 0
   let mater2 0
   let qull2 0
   ask manuf
   [if (temperament < standard or wealth < standard) and (socialize > 4) and (suc < 100) and (mreq > 0)
    set group random-normal 100 12
    set vision group
    set checker group
  ;;  if any? manuf with [vision = checker] 
 ;;   [
 ;;   set color red
 ;;   ]
      ask manuf in-radius 4 with [suc < 100]
      [if socialize > 4 
         [set color red
           set vision group]
  ]     type who 
     if count (manuf with [(vision = checker) and (vision > 0) and (suc < 100)] ) > 1
     ask manuf with [(vision = checker) and (status = 0) and (suc < 100)] 
       if skill2 < sklr
       [set skill2 sklr]
       if sklr < skill2 
       [if learn > 4
        [ set sklr sklr + .5
          set wealth (wealth - .100)]]
       if crv2 < crvreq 
       [set crv2 crvreq]
       if crvreq < crv2 
       [if learn > 4
         [set crv2 crv2 + .5
           set wealth (wealth - .200)]]
       if capacity22 < capacity
       [set capacity22 capacity]
       if capacity < capacity22 ;;and learn > 4
       [if learn > 4
         [set capacity capacity + 1
           set wealth (wealth - .500)]]
       if mater2 < mreq
       [set mater2 mreq]
       if qull2 < qul
       [set qull2 qul]
      ifelse any? distr with [kdem < skill2 and demand > capacity22 and twill > 200 and qulr < qull2] 
       create-swats-to distr with [kdem < skill2 and demand > capacity22 and twill > 200 and qulr < qull2] 
       ask swats
       [set color orange]
       set twork (twork + 1)
       set twork (twork)
      ask distr with [kdem < skill2 and demand > capacity22 and twill > 200 and qulr < qull2] 
        set d2r demand
        set day2r timefor
        set bs2r who]
        set ftime day2r
        set dbos bs2r
        set ordfl d2r
         set dums 1
      set status 1
       type capacity22
       type "B"
       type skill2
      type crv2 
     ] [set dums 0
       set status 0
       ask swats[die]]]]

There are 5 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Muhammad Irfan Azhar about 12 years ago Internationalization of SMEs of a country Download this version
Muhammad Irfan Azhar about 12 years ago Internationalization of SMEs of a country Download this version
Muhammad Irfan Azhar about 12 years ago Internationalization of SMEs of a country Download this version
Muhammad Irfan Azhar about 12 years ago Internationalization of SMEs of a country Download this version
Muhammad Irfan Azhar about 12 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

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model.png png image over 11 years ago, by Muhammad Irfan Azhar Download

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