Wolf Sheep Predation - GoGo Plotter

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1 collaborator

Default-person Arthur Hjorth (Author)


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Model group LS426-2012 | Visible to everyone | Changeable by group members (LS426-2012)
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extensions [gogo]

globals [
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
  ;; @FIrat, all new global parameters for our go go board version
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
  penmovetimer ;; timer for moving pen
  plotting? ;; have we started plotting yet
  lastdsheeppos? ;; was the last change in sheep population positive?
  grass  ;; keep track of how much grass there is
  serial-port   ;; different on different operating systems
  paperstarted? ;; boolean for whether paper has been started

;; Sheep and wolves are both breeds of turtle.
breed [sheep a-sheep]  ;; sheep is its own plural, so we use "a-sheep" as the singular.
breed [wolves wolf]
turtles-own [energy]       ;; both wolves and sheep have energy
patches-own [countdown]

to setup
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;;; @Firat, our new setup procedures
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    
  ;; set last dsheep to positive
  set lastdsheeppos? true
  ;; sets lastsheepcount to 155 because that is just about the mean sheep count with the currently setup parameters
  ;; and so that therefore works as the starting point for the pen
  set lastsheepcount 155
  set grass? true
  set grass-regrowth-time 30
  set paperstarted? false
  set plotting? false
  ;; set the penmovetimer to silly high number so it does not start at first
  set penmovetimer -1
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;;; @Firat, this is the old code
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    

  ;; "old" predation model code
  ask patches [ set pcolor green ]
  ;; check GRASS? switch.
  ;; if it is true, then grass grows and the sheep eat it
  ;; if it false, then the sheep don't need to eat
  if grass? [
    ask patches [
      set countdown random grass-regrowth-time ;; initialize grass grow clocks randomly
      set pcolor one-of [green brown]
  set-default-shape sheep "sheep"
  create-sheep initial-number-sheep  ;; create the sheep, then initialize their variables
    set color white
    set size 1.5  ;; easier to see
    set label-color blue - 2
    set energy random (2 * sheep-gain-from-food)
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  set-default-shape wolves "wolf"
  create-wolves initial-number-wolves  ;; create the wolves, then initialize their variables
    set color black
    set size 1.5  ;; easier to see
    set energy random (2 * wolf-gain-from-food)
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  set grass count patches with [pcolor = green]

to go
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;; @Firat: These are our new procedures
  ;; we start plotting when there are exactly 155 sheep
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  


  if(count sheep = 155)
    set plotting? true
    ask sheep [set color red]    
    if (not paperstarted?) [runpaper]

;  if(count sheep = 155)
;  [
;      runpaper
;      movepen
;      set plotting? true
;      ask sheep [set color red]
;  ]
  ;; if we have started plotting, we check if the pen move timer is up
  ;; the pen move timer is a set amount of time from the last time we started the motors
  ;; and is calculated in move-pen-for-time
  ;; if we are plotting and the pen move timer is up, we move the pen again
;  if (plotting?)
;  [
;    if timer > penmovetimer
;    [
;      movepen
;    ]
;  ]
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;;; @Firat OLD CODE  
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
  if not any? turtles [ stop ]
  ask sheep [
    if grass? [
      set energy energy - 1  ;; deduct energy for sheep only if grass? switch is on
  ask wolves [
    set energy energy - 1  ;; wolves lose energy as they move
  if grass? [ ask patches [ grow-grass ] ]
  set grass count patches with [pcolor = green]

if (stop?) [stoppaper]  
if (not stop?) [go]

to move  ;; turtle procedure
  rt random 50
  lt random 50
  fd 1

to eat-grass  ;; sheep procedure
  ;; sheep eat grass, turn the patch brown
  if pcolor = green [
    set pcolor brown
    set energy energy + sheep-gain-from-food  ;; sheep gain energy by eating

to reproduce-sheep  ;; sheep procedure
  if random-float 100 < sheep-reproduce [  ;; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce
    set energy (energy / 2)                ;; divide energy between parent and offspring
    hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 1 ]   ;; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step

to reproduce-wolves  ;; wolf procedure
  if random-float 100 < wolf-reproduce [  ;; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce
    set energy (energy / 2)               ;; divide energy between parent and offspring
    hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 1 ]  ;; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step

to catch-sheep  ;; wolf procedure
  let prey one-of sheep-here                    ;; grab a random sheep
  if prey != nobody                             ;; did we get one?  if so,
    [ ask prey [ die ]                          ;; kill it
      set energy energy + wolf-gain-from-food ] ;; get energy from eating

to death  ;; turtle procedure
  ;; when energy dips below zero, die
  if energy < 0 [ die ]

to grow-grass  ;; patch procedure
  ;; countdown on brown patches: if reach 0, grow some grass
  if pcolor = brown [
    ifelse countdown <= 0
      [ set pcolor green
        set countdown grass-regrowth-time ]
      [ set countdown countdown - 1 ]

to display-labels
  ask turtles [ set label "" ]
  if show-energy? [
    ask wolves [ set label round energy ]
    if grass? [ ask sheep [ set label round energy ] ]

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;;; Go go specific code
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
;; setup go go board

to setup-gogo
    set serial-port user-one-of "Select a port:" gogo:ports
  gogo:open serial-port
  repeat 5
  [ if not gogo:ping
    [ user-message "The GoGo Board is not responding." ] ]
  gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" "b" "b" "d" ]
  ;; sets the speed of both pen and paper to 1
  gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" ]
  gogo:set-output-port-power 1
  gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "b" ]
  gogo:set-output-port-power 1

to movepen
  ;; find out the change in number of sheep
  ;; if there are more than 200 sheep or less than 110, the graph flatlines at min or max (which is why we
  ;; use a fake sheep count temp var)
  let fakesheepcount 0
  if count sheep > 200 [set fakesheepcount 200]
  if count sheep < 110 [set fakesheepcount 110]
  if fakesheepcount = 0 [set fakesheepcount count sheep]
  ;; find change in sheep
  let dsheep fakesheepcount - lastsheepcount
;  if abs dsheep < 30 [stop]
  ;; swap out lastsheepcount for current sheep count
  set lastsheepcount count sheep
  ;; reverse if last change was positive and it is now negative or vice versa
  if ((lastdsheeppos? and dsheep < 0) or (not lastdsheeppos? and dsheep > 0))
  [ show "reverse" ;; print debug
    show dsheep ;; print debug
    ;; "reverse" last change positive bool
    set lastdsheeppos? not lastdsheeppos?
    ;; reverse pen
  ;; move the pen for 10 ms per sheep. Abs because otherwise we will set it to negative time and it will not work.
  move-pen-for-time abs dsheep * .5

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;;; @Firat new code, our go go related stuff
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  

to gogo-ping
  [ if not gogo:ping
    [ user-message "Unable to ping GoGo Board." ] ]
  [ user-message error-message ]

to move-pen-for-time [time]
  gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" ]
  ;; set the timer 
  set penmovetimer time

to runpen
  gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" ]

to stoppen
gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" ]

to runpaper
  gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "b" ]

to stoppaper
gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "b" ]

to reversepen
  gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "a" ]

to reversepaper
  gogo:talk-to-output-ports [ "b" ]

to pauseanddraw
  ;; find out the change in number of sheep
  ;; if there are more than 200 sheep or less than 110, the graph flatlines at min or max 
  ;; so we either kill extra sheep or make some if there are too few
  let fakesheepcount 0
  if count sheep > 200 [ask n-of (count sheep - 200) sheep [die]]
  if count sheep < 110 [
      create-sheep (110 - count sheep)  ;; create the sheep, then initialize their variables
    set color white
    set size 1.5  ;; easier to see
    set label-color blue - 2
    set energy random (2 * sheep-gain-from-food)
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  if fakesheepcount = 0 [set fakesheepcount count sheep]
  ;; find change in sheep
  let dsheep fakesheepcount - lastsheepcount  
  set lastsheepcount fakesheepcount

  ;; reverse if last change was positive and it is now negative or vice versa
  if ((lastdsheeppos? and dsheep < 0) or (not lastdsheeppos? and dsheep > 0))
  [ ;; wait a second so that go go board does not get confused
    wait 1
     show "reverse" ;; print debug

    ;; "reverse" last change positive bool
    set lastdsheeppos? not lastdsheeppos?
    ;; reverse pen
    show dsheep ;; print debug  
;  runpaper
  if dsheep != 0

    wait abs (dsheep * .01)
;  stoppaper

; Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There is only one version of this model, created about 13 years ago by Arthur Hjorth.

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Parent: Wolf Sheep Predation

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