Random Boolean Network

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1 collaborator

Default-person David Weintrop (Author)


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breed [nodes node]

nodes-own [
  state ; 0 or 1
  rule ; this number of the rule to follow (between 0 and 255)
  input-nodes ; this is the nodes whose states I take as input
  community ; used for finding components
  visits ; how frequency I am visited during strong component calculation

to setup
  set-default-shape nodes "circle"
  create-nodes 9 [
    set label who + 1
    set state random 2
    set color item state [red blue]

;    to decide a random set of rules
;    set rule random 256
;    set links-to []
;    repeat 3 [
;      set input-nodes lput random 8 input-nodes
;    ]

;   to visualize links
;    foreach links-to [
;      if not (who = ?)
;      [ create-link-with node ? ]
;    ]
;  setup hard coded rules and links for node
;  note - this was initially decided using the above commented out lines
  ask node 0 [ set rule 92 set input-nodes [3 7 0] ]
  ask node 1 [ set rule 229 set input-nodes [0 6 7] ]
  ask node 2 [ set rule 70 set input-nodes [3 6 5] ]
  ask node 3 [ set rule 160 set input-nodes [4 8 1] ]
  ask node 4 [ set rule 75 set input-nodes [7 1 1] ]
  ask node 5 [ set rule 107 set input-nodes [0 3 1] ]
  ask node 6 [ set rule 245 set input-nodes [7 3 2] ]
  ask node 7 [ set rule 105 set input-nodes [3 5 2] ]
  ask node 8 [ set rule 11 set input-nodes [5 0 8] ]          
  layout-circle (sort nodes) (max-pxcor - 1)

; iterates through every possible state and figures out what state it will transistion to

to map-out-network
  let future-network-state []
  let state-iter 0
  let c 0
  let my-inputs []
  let element-of-rule-to-follow 0
  ; for each possible state in the network
  while [ state-iter < 2 ^ count nodes ] [
    ; set each nodes state to match state-iter
    ask nodes [ set state item who to-binary state-iter ]
    set future-network-state []
    set c 0
    ;calculate next state based on current configuration
    ; ask each node in order, what it's next state will be
    while [ c < count nodes ] [
      set my-inputs []
      ask node c [
        ; figure out which element of my rule to follow
        set my-inputs lput [state] of node (item 0 input-nodes) my-inputs
        set my-inputs lput [state] of node (item 1 input-nodes) my-inputs
        set my-inputs lput [state] of node (item 2 input-nodes) my-inputs
        ; I know know which element of my rule to follow
        set element-of-rule-to-follow to-decimal my-inputs
        ; add future state for this node to array for future network state
        set future-network-state lput item element-of-rule-to-follow to-binary rule future-network-state
      set c c + 1
;    show (se "from " state-iter " to: " to-decimal future-network-state)    
    ; write out the current state and future state
    ; this file can be read in later
    file-open "Final_3_P3_network.txt"
    file-write state-iter
    file-write to-decimal future-network-state
    file-print " "
    set state-iter state-iter + 1

; helper function, takes in a number and returns an array of the binary version ex: 5 -> [1 0 1]

to-report to-binary [in-number]
  let i 10
  let binary []
  ; set each node to be 1 or 0
  while [i >= 0] [
    ifelse in-number >= 2 ^ i
      set binary fput 1 binary
      set in-number in-number - 2 ^ i
      set binary fput 0 binary
    set i i - 1
  report binary

; helper function, takes in a binary array and returns the number ex: [1 0 1] -> 5

to-report to-decimal [binary]
  let i 0
  let num 0
  while [ i < length binary] [
    if 1 = item i binary 
    [ set num num + 2 ^ i ]
    set i i + 1
  report num

to load-network
  create-nodes 512 [
    set color red
    set community 0
    set size .5
  layout-circle (sort nodes) (max-pxcor - 1)
  file-open "Final_3_P3_network.txt"
  ;; Read in all the data in the file
  while [not file-at-end?]
    ;; this reads a single line into a three-item list
    let items read-from-string (word "[" file-read-line "]")

    ask node item 0 items
    [ create-link-to node item 1 items ]      

; control logic to find strong components

to find-strong-components
;  reset network
  ask nodes [
    set color white
    set community 0
    set visits 0
  let community-id 1
  while [any? nodes with [community = 0] ]
    ask one-of nodes with [community = 0] [
      ;first node is definately in the network, so set visits to 2 to ensure it is included
      set visits 1
      find-component community-id
   ; look at every visited node, if visited more than 1, it is part of a strong component
   ask nodes with [community = community-id] [
     ;; if only visited once, you're a weak connection, reset state
     if visits <= 1 [
       set visits 0
       set community 0
   if count nodes with [community = community-id] > 1 [
     let com-color random 256
     ask nodes with [community = community-id] [ set color com-color]
   set community-id community-id + 1

; recursively visit neighbors at least once

to find-component [community-id]
  ifelse visits > 2
  [set visits visits + 1 ] ; i've seen this node before, mark the second visit and stop to prevent infinite loops
    set visits visits + 1
    ;visit neighbors in your component or in no component
    if  community = 0 or community = community-id [
      ;;set color item community-id base-colors
      set community community-id
      ask out-link-neighbors [find-component community-id]

; this outputs info about the components to the console

to display-component-info
  let community-size-count []
  let largest-community 0
  foreach [community] of nodes [
    if count nodes with [community = ?] > largest-community
    [ set largest-community count nodes with [community = ?] ]
  repeat largest-community + 1 [
    set community-size-count lput 0 community-size-count

  foreach [community] of nodes [
    set community-size-count replace-item count nodes with [community = ?] community-size-count (item count nodes with [community = ?] community-size-count + 1) 
  let c 1
  while [c < largest-community + 1] [
    show (se (item c community-size-count / c) " strong component(s) of size: " c)
    set c c + 1

There is only one version of this model, created almost 13 years ago by David Weintrop.

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