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Default-person sigal samon (Author)



Tagged by Tim Denton over 12 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 4.1.2 • Viewed 552 times • Downloaded 40 times • Run 1 time
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This model is based on the classic arcade game, Frogger. The object of the game is to get the frog, found at the bottom of the view, across the traffic and river to a safe lily pad on the other side.


There are two main obstacles to overcome, the road and the river. The road has cars and trucks moving at various speeds that are liable to run over the frog. Once you have crossed the road safely, you must overcome the danger lurking in the river. Unfortunately, you will die if you jump in the river, so you must keep moving towards the lily pads by jumping on the logs or sets of turtles moving back and forth in the river's current.

You must also avoid getting pushed off the edge by a log or turtle. In addition, in the later levels, some of the turtles will dive under water -- if you happen to be standing on them you will drown! Finally, you must also get across the board before the allotted amount of time runs out.



- NEW-GAME resets the game

- START starts the game

- The direction buttons (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) will move your frog in that direction


- FROGS LEFT tells you how many remaining lives you have

- LEVEL monitors the current level you are playing

- TIME LEFT shows you how much time remains

- FROG JUMPS tells you how many jumps you has taken


- START-LIVES will determine how many lives you will start with

- START-TIME sets how much time you start out with

- START-LEVEL is used to determine which level you will start on

Cast of characters:

- Green Frog: This is you.

- Truck: This is a truck. Avoid at all costs. They are usually pretty slow.

- Car: This is a car. Avoid at all costs. They are usually fast.

- Brown Squares: This is a log. You need to jump onto these to get across the river.

- Turtle: This is a turtle. You need to jump onto these. Avoid ones that dive.

- Green Circles: This is the lily pad. You want to get on these to win the level.

- Blue Squares: This is the river. You can't land on this.

- Gray Squares: This is the road. You can jump on this, but watch out for vehicles.

- Green Patches: This is grass. You are pretty safe here.


See if you can get through all of the levels.

Try to beat your previous time.

Try to make as few jumps as possible in the time allotted.

Try to use as few lives as possible.


Determine how many jumps it would take to get across the board without obstacles.

Determine how many jumps it would take to get across the board with obstacles.

How does each of the two questions above relate to the time it takes you to complete a level?

If you take just as many jumps with obstacles as without, why does it take different durations of time to get across?


Write your own levels by altering the code in the Procedures tab.

Add some bonuses or additional hazards.

Implement a scoring system.

Write a robot script that will move your frog automatically.


This model uses breeds to implement the different moving game pieces.

The EVERY command is used to control the speed of the game.

The USER-MESSAGE command presents messages to the user.

MOUSE-DOWN?, MOUSE-XCOR, and MOUSE-YCOR are used to detect and handle mouse clicks.


If you mention this model in an academic publication, we ask that you include these citations for the model itself and for the NetLogo software:

- Wilensky, U. (2002). NetLogo Frogger model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

- Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

In other publications, please use:

- Copyright 2002 Uri Wilensky. All rights reserved. See for terms of use.


Copyright 2002 Uri Wilensky. All rights reserved.

Permission to use, modify or redistribute this model is hereby granted, provided that both of the following requirements are followed:

a) this copyright notice is included.

b) this model will not be redistributed for profit without permission from Uri Wilensky. Contact Uri Wilensky for appropriate licenses for redistribution for profit.

This model was created as part of the projects: PARTICIPATORY SIMULATIONS: NETWORK-BASED DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS LEARNING IN CLASSROOMS and/or INTEGRATED SIMULATION AND MODELING ENVIRONMENT. The project gratefully acknowledges the support of the National Science Foundation (REPP & ROLE programs) -- grant numbers REC #9814682 and REC-0126227.

Comments and Questions


how do i upload faile

Posted over 13 years ago

uploading a file

1. go to the model you want to attach the file to. 2. go to "file" tab 3. choose a file, describe it and choose the type 4. press "upload file"

Posted over 13 years ago

Click to Run Model

extensions [ sound ]

breed [ trucks truck ]
breed [ cars car ]
breed [ logs a-log ]
breed [ river-turtles river-turtle ]
breed [ pads pad ]
breed [ frogs frog ] ;; These are all the game pieces.

;; Variables ;;

globals [
  action            ;; Last button pressed. Prevent the player from moving the frog until the
                    ;; the game is running.  Checks the status of this button every loop.
  dead?             ;; True when no frog lives are left - used to stop the game
  lives             ;; Remaining lives
  level             ;; Current level
  jumps             ;; Current number of jumps
  time-left         ;; Time remaining
  pads-done         ;; Number of frogs that have successfully reached the pads

;; In NetLogo, all the breeds are "turtles".  This can be confusing because
;; there are also "turtles" in the game of Frogger -- they swim in the river.
;; To avoid confusion, we call those turtles "river-turtles".

turtles-own [
  speed            ;; The 'time' variable will be initialized to the value of 'speed' after the turtle moves
  time             ;; This keeps track of how many time loops have occurred since the turtle last moved.
                   ;; It actually counts down from 'speed' to zero.  Once it reaches zero, the turtle
                   ;; moves forward one space

river-turtles-own [
  dive?            ;; True when the turtle dives

;;; Setup Procedures ;;;

to startup            ;; Setup is the 'New Game' button, this will setup the game.

to setup              ;; Initializes the game
  set action 0
  set dead? false
  set lives start-lives
  set-default-shape frogs "frog"
  set-default-shape cars "car"
  set-default-shape logs "log"
  set-default-shape river-turtles "turtle"
  set level start-level

to next-level        ;; This will call the appropriate level procedure, where the level is created
  if ( level = 1 )
    [ level-1 ]
  if ( level = 2 )
    [ level-2 ]
  if ( level = 3 )
    [ level-3 ]
  if ( level = 4 )
    [ level-4 ]
  if ( level = 5 )
    [ level-5 ]
  if ( level = 6 )
    [ user-message "Actually, that was the last level.\\nPerhaps you should program some more :-)"
      set dead? true]

;; This will color the patches to make the grass, road, and river, and creates the frog.
;; The second line causes the grass to be various similar shades of green so it looks
;; more like real grass.

to draw-map
  cp ct
  ask patches
    [ set pcolor scale-color green ((random 500) + 5000) 0 9000 ]
  ask patches with [pycor <= max-pycor and pycor >= 3]
    [ set pcolor blue ]
  ask patches with [pycor <= -1 and pycor >= -5]
    [ set pcolor gray ]
  set pads-done 0
  create-frogs 1
    [ set color 53

;; Initializes the frog by setting it to the right patch and facing the right direction

to reset-frog
  setxy 0 min-pycor
  set heading 0
  set jumps 0
  set time-left start-time

;; Creates the five pads equally spaced at the top of the board.
;; The second line uses the modulus operation to determine which x-cor
;; is divisible by three.  This is an easy way to have a pad created every
;; three patches.

to setup-pads
  set-default-shape pads "pad"
  ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor and pxcor mod 3 = 0]
    [ sprout-pads 1 ]

to create-truck [ x y direction quickness ]   ;; Creates and initializes a truck
  let truckColor (random 13 + 1) * 10 + 3
  ask patches with [(pxcor = x or pxcor = (x + 1)) and pycor = y]
    [ sprout-trucks 1
        [ set color truckColor
          set heading direction
          set speed quickness
          set time speed
          ifelse ((pxcor = x) xor (direction = 90))
            [ set shape "truck" ]
            [ set shape "truck rear" ]

to create-car [x y direction quickness]     ;; Creates and initializes a car
  create-cars 1
    [ set color (random 13 + 1) * 10 + 3
      setxy x y
      set heading direction
      set speed quickness
      set time speed

;; Creates and initializes a log.

to create-log [x y leng quickness]
  ask patches with [pycor = y and pxcor >= x and pxcor < (x + leng)]
    [ sprout-logs 1
        [ set color brown
          set heading 90
          set speed quickness
          set time speed

to create-river-turtle [x y leng quickness]    ;; Creates and initializes a river-turtle
  ask patches with [pycor = y and pxcor >= x and pxcor < (x + leng)]
    [ sprout-river-turtles 1
        [ set heading 270
          set speed quickness
          set time speed
          set color 54
          set dive? false

to make-river-turtle-dive [num]    ;; Causes a random river-turtle(s) to dive underwater.
  repeat num
    [ ask one-of river-turtles with [not dive?]
        [ set dive? true ]

;;; Runtime Procedures ;;;

to go            ;; The main procedure
  if dead?
    [ stop ]

;; This is the time loop: every 0.1 seconds it decrements every turtle's 'time'
;; variable and check to see if it should move (when it reaches zero).  It then will
;; reset the 'time' if it is zero.  The logs and river-turtles need their own special
;; procedure to move since they "carry" the frog with them.

to move
  every 0.1
    [ ask turtles
        [ decrement-time ]
      ask turtles with [time = 0.0 and breed != frogs]
        [ set time speed
          ifelse (breed = logs)
            [ move-log ]
            [ ifelse (breed = river-turtles)
                [ move-river-turtle ]
                [ fd 1 ]

;; This will decrement the 'time' for all non-frogs and it will decrement the 'time-left'
;; global variable.  The precision function is needed to verify there is only one decimal
;; place on the time variables.

to decrement-time
  ifelse (breed = frogs)
    [ set time-left precision (time-left - 0.1) 1 ]
    [ set time precision (time - 0.1) 1 ]

;;  Every time loop, we need to see what the frog's status is (dead, on a pad, etc..)
;;  First it will need to see if it is on a pad and make sure there are no other frogs there
;;  (by checking the shape of the the pad).  Then you need to check to see if the frog is in
;;  a space where he should die.  Finally, it checks to see if the level is complete.

to check-frog
  ask frogs
    [ if any? pads-here with [shape = "pad"]
        [ sound:play-drum "CRASH CYMBAL 2" 97
          ask pads-here
            [ set shape "frog"
              set heading 0
              set color 54
              set pads-done (pads-done + 1)
      if ((any? trucks-here) or (any? cars-here) or (time-left <= 0) or
         ((pcolor = blue) and
          (count pads-here = 0) and
          (count logs-here = 0) and
          (count river-turtles-here with [not hidden?] = 0)))
        [ kill-frog ]
  if ( pads-done = 5 )
    [ set level (level + 1)
      set pads-done 0
      user-message (word "Congrats, all your frogs are safe!\\nOn to level " level "...")

to kill-frog        ;; This is called when the frog dies, checks if the game is over
  set lives (lives - 1)
  ifelse (lives = 0)
    [ user-message "Your frog died!\\nYou have no more frogs!\\nGAME OVER!"
      set dead? true
    [ user-message (word "Your frog died!\\nYou have " lives " frogs left.")

;; This is a special procedure to move a log.  It needs to move any frogs that
;; are on top of it.

to move-log
  ask frogs-here
    [ if (pxcor != max-pxcor)
        [ set xcor xcor + 1 ]
  fd 1

;; This is a special procedure to move the river-turtles.  It needs to move any frogs that
;; are on top of it.

to move-river-turtle
  fd 1
  ask frogs-at 1 0
    [ set xcor xcor - 1
      if (xcor = max-pxcor)
        [ set xcor xcor + 1 ]

;; If a river-turtle has been instructed to dive, this procedure will implement that.
;; It will also cause it to splash and rise back up.  It uses a random numbers to
;; determine when it should dive and rise back up.  Theoritically, it will dive about
;; every eighth move and stay down for about five moves, but this isn't always the case
;; (the randomness is added for increasing the challenge of the game)

to dive-river-turtle
  if dive?
    [ ifelse (hidden? and random 5 = 1)
        [ show-turtle ]
        [ if ( shape = "splash" )
            [ set shape "turtle"
          if (shape = "turtle" and random 8 = 1)
            [ set shape "splash" ]

;;; Interface Procedures ;;;

to move-frog
  if (action != 0)
    [ if (action = 1)
        [ move-left ]
      if (action = 2)
        [ move-right ]
      if (action = 3)
        [ move-down ]
      if (action = 4)
        [ move-up ]
      sound:play-drum "LONG GUIRO" 50
      set action 0

to move-left
  ask frogs with [xcor != min-pxcor]
    [ set heading 270
      fd 1
      set jumps ( jumps + 1 )

to move-right
  ask frogs with [xcor != max-pxcor]
    [ set heading 90
      fd 1
      set jumps ( jumps + 1 )

to move-up
  ask frogs with [ycor != max-pycor]
    [ set heading 0
      fd 1
      set jumps ( jumps + 1 )

to move-down
  ask frogs with [ycor != min-pycor]
    [ set heading 180
      fd 1
      set jumps ( jumps + 1 )

;;; Levels ;;;

to level-1
  create-truck 5 -5 270 .9
  create-truck 0 -5 270 .9
  create-truck -8 -4 90 .9
  create-truck -5 -4 90 .9
  create-truck 2 -4 90 .9
  create-truck -3 -3 270 .8
  create-truck 6 -3 270 .8
  create-car 0 -2 90 .4
  create-car -4 -2 90 .4
  create-car 8 -1 270 .2
  create-car 3 -1 270 .2
  create-log 4 3 3 .6
  create-log -8 3 5 .6
  create-log 4 5 2 .7
  create-log -4 5 3 .7
  create-log 1 7 4 .3
  create-log -6 7 4 .3
  create-river-turtle 2 4 2 .4
  create-river-turtle -4 4 4 .4
  create-river-turtle 5 4 4 .4
  create-river-turtle -3 6 4 .5
  create-river-turtle 7 6 3 .5

to level-2
  create-truck 4 -5 270 .8
  create-truck -3 -5 270 .8
  create-truck 0 -4 90 .9
  create-truck -4 -4 90 .9
  create-truck -1 -3 270 .8
  create-truck 4 -3 270 .8
  create-truck -5 -3 270 .8
  create-car 0 -2 90 .2
  create-car -4 -2 90 .2
  create-car 8 -2 90 .2
  create-car 6 -1 270 .4
  create-car 2 -1 270 .4
  create-car -3 -1 270 .4
  create-car -6 -1 270 .4
  create-log 6 3 3 .6
  create-log -4 3 4 .6
  create-log 0 5 3 .3
  create-log -6 5 3 .3
  create-log 1 7 4 .5
  create-log 6 7 4 .5
  create-river-turtle 0 4 4 .3
  create-river-turtle 6 4 4 .3
  create-river-turtle 0 6 4 .4
  create-river-turtle 6 6 3 .4
  make-river-turtle-dive 1

to level-3
  create-truck -8 -5 270 .7
  create-truck -4 -5 270 .7
  create-truck 0 -5 270 .7
  create-truck -2 -4 90 .7
  create-truck 2 -4 90 .7
  create-truck -6 -4 90 .7
  create-truck -4 -3 270 .7
  create-truck 0 -3 270 .7
  create-truck 4 -3 270 .7
  create-car -3 -2 90 .2
  create-car -5 -2 90 .2
  create-car 5 -2 90 .2
  create-car 1 -2 90 .2
  create-car 0 -1 270 .3
  create-car 5 -1 270 .3
  create-car -7 -1 270 .3
  create-car -3 -1 270 .3
  create-log -6 3 4 .4
  create-log -2 5 3 .4
  create-log 5 5 3 .4
  create-log -4 7 2 .2
  create-log 0 7 2 .2
  create-log 4 7 2 .2
  create-river-turtle -4 4 4 .3
  create-river-turtle 5 4 4 .3
  create-river-turtle -1 6 3 .4
  create-river-turtle -8 6 3 .4
  make-river-turtle-dive 3

to level-4
  create-truck -8 -5 270 .5
  create-truck -2 -5 270 .5
  create-truck 6 -5 270 .5
  create-truck 4 -4 90 .6
  create-truck -1 -4 90 .6
  create-truck -6 -4 90 .6
  create-car -4 -3 270 .3
  create-car 0 -3 270 .3
  create-car 4 -3 270 .3
  create-car 7 -3 270 .3
  create-car -3 -2 90 .2
  create-car -5 -2 90 .2
  create-car 5 -2 90 .2
  create-car 1 -2 90 .2
  create-car 0 -1 270 .3
  create-car 5 -1 270 .3
  create-car -7 -1 270 .3
  create-car -3 -1 270 .3
  create-log -3 3 3 .3
  create-log -3 5 3 .3
  create-log -3 7 3 .3
  create-river-turtle -4 4 4 .3
  create-river-turtle 4 4 4 .3
  create-river-turtle -7 4 1 .3
  create-river-turtle -1 6 3 .4
  create-river-turtle -8 6 3 .4
  create-river-turtle 3 6 2 .4
  make-river-turtle-dive 4

to level-5
  create-car -4 -5 270 .3
  create-car 0 -5 270 .3
  create-car 4 -5 270 .3
  create-car 7 -5 270 .3
  create-car -3 -4 90 .2
  create-car -5 -4 90 .2
  create-car 5 -4 90 .2
  create-car 1 -4 90 .2
  create-car 8 -4 90 .2
  create-car -4 -3 270 .3
  create-car 0 -3 270 .3
  create-car 4 -3 270 .3
  create-car 7 -3 270 .3
  create-car -3 -2 90 .2
  create-car -5 -2 90 .2
  create-car 4 -2 90 .2
  create-car 1 -2 90 .2
  create-car 7 -2 90 .2
  create-car 0 -1 270 .3
  create-car 5 -1 270 .3
  create-car -7 -1 270 .3
  create-car -3 -1 270 .3
  create-log -5 3 2 .2
  create-log 0 5 2 .1
  create-log -5 7 2 .2
  create-river-turtle -4 4 2 .3
  create-river-turtle 4 4 3 .3
  create-river-turtle -7 4 2 .3
  create-river-turtle -1 6 2 .3
  create-river-turtle -8 6 2 .3
  create-river-turtle 3 6 3 .3
  make-river-turtle-dive 5

; Copyright 2002 Uri Wilensky. All rights reserved.
; The full copyright notice is in the Information tab.

There is only one version of this model, created over 13 years ago by sigal samon.

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