Traffic Scheduler

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1 collaborator

Default-person Coram Bryant (Author)


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Model group sharona-modeling-class | Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 4.1 • Viewed 1098 times • Downloaded 78 times • Run 26 times
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breed [cars car]
breed [trains train]
breed [walkers walker]
breed [traffic-lights traffic-light]

;; direction is one of 0, 90, 180, 270
cars-own           [speed acceleration direction turning-left? turning-right? truck? emergency-vehicle? start-time]
trains-own         [speed direction]
walkers-own        [orig-speed speed direction student? start-time]
  intersection? sidewalk? crosswalk? track?
  sensor1? sensor2? sensor3? sensor4? from change-marker

  gen-freq max-speed
  car-length truck-length
  road-color sidewalk-color lane-divider-color crosswalk-color track-underlay-color rail-color tie-color

to setup

to setup-globals
  set log-id 0
  set gen-freq 10
  set max-speed 2
  set car-length 10
  set truck-length 20
  set road-color 3             ;; dark gray
  set lane-divider-color 46    ;; light yellow
  set sidewalk-color 8         ;; light gray
  set crosswalk-color 9.5      ;; off-white
  set track-underlay-color 38  ;; light-brown
  set rail-color 2             ;; steel gray
  set tie-color 33             ;; brown 
  set round-robin-state 2
  set round-robin-last "EW"
  set tick-count-last 0
  set num-accidents-cars 0
  set num-accidents-pedestrians 0
  set max-wait-time-cars 0
  set max-wait-time-pedestrians 0
  set min-wait-time-cars 0
  set min-wait-time-pedestrians 0
  set total-wait-time-cars 0
  set total-wait-time-pedestrians 0
  set total-cars 0
  set total-pedestrians 0

to setup-patches
  ask patches
    set pcolor green
    set intersection? false
    set track? false
    set sensor1? false
    set sensor2? false
    set sensor3? false
    set sensor4? false
    set change-marker 0
    ;; road
    if (pycor >= -10 and pycor <= 10) or
       (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= 10)
      set pcolor road-color
    ;; interesection
    if (pycor >= -10 and pycor <= 10) and
       (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= 10)
      set intersection? true
      set pcolor road-color
    ;; sidewalk
    if ((pxcor >  10 and pxcor <=  15) and (pycor < -10 or pycor > 10)) or 
       ((pxcor < -10 and pxcor >= -15) and (pycor < -10 or pycor > 10)) or
       ((pycor >  10 and pycor <=  15) and (pxcor < -10 or pxcor > 10)) or
       ((pycor < -10 and pycor >= -15) and (pxcor < -10 or pxcor > 10))
      set sidewalk? true
      set pcolor sidewalk-color
    ;; crosswalk
    if ((pxcor >  10 and pxcor <=  15) and (pycor >= -10 and pycor <= 10)) or 
       ((pxcor < -10 and pxcor >= -15) and (pycor >= -10 and pycor <= 10)) or
       ((pycor >  10 and pycor <=  15) and (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= 10)) or
       ((pycor < -10 and pycor >= -15) and (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= 10))
       set crosswalk? true
    ;; crosswalk lines
    if ((pxcor =  11 or pxcor =  15) and (pycor >= -10 and pycor <= 10)) or 
       ((pxcor = -11 or pxcor = -15) and (pycor >= -10 and pycor <= 10)) or
       ((pycor =  11 or pycor =  15) and (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= 10)) or
       ((pycor = -11 or pycor = -15) and (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= 10))
       set pcolor crosswalk-color
    ;; sensors
    if (pxcor < -15 and pxcor >= -20) and (pycor <   0 and pycor >= -10) [set sensor1? true set from  90 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 135]] ;;pink
    if (pxcor <   0 and pxcor >= -10) and (pycor >  15 and pycor <=  20) [set sensor1? true set from 180 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 135]] ;;pink
    if (pxcor >  15 and pxcor <=  20) and (pycor >   0 and pycor <=  10) [set sensor1? true set from 270 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 135]] ;;pink
    if (pxcor >   0 and pxcor <=  10) and (pycor < -15 and pycor >= -20) [set sensor1? true set from   0 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 135]] ;;pink
    if (pxcor < -10 and pxcor >= -15) and (pycor >  10 and pycor <=  15) [set sensor2? true set from 180 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 49]] ;; yellow
    if (pxcor < -10 and pxcor >= -15) and (pycor < -10 and pycor >= -15) [set sensor2? true set from  90 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 49]] ;; yellow
    if (pxcor >  10 and pxcor <=  15) and (pycor < -10 and pycor >= -15) [set sensor2? true set from   0 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 49]] ;; yellow
    if (pxcor >  10 and pxcor <=  15) and (pycor >  10 and pycor <=  15) [set sensor2? true set from 270 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 49]] ;; yellow
    if (pxcor < -55 and pxcor >= -60) and (pycor <   0 and pycor >= -10) [set sensor3? true set from  90 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 117]] ;;purple
    if (pxcor <   0 and pxcor >= -10) and (pycor >  55 and pycor <=  60) [set sensor3? true set from 180 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 117]] ;;purple
    if (pxcor >  55 and pxcor <=  60) and (pycor >   0 and pycor <=  10) [set sensor3? true set from 270 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 117]] ;;purple
    if (pxcor >  0  and pxcor <=  10) and (pycor < -55 and pycor >= -60) [set sensor3? true set from   0 if show-sensors? [set pcolor 117]] ;;purple
    if (pxcor > 0 and pxcor <= 15) and (pycor < 60 and pycor >= 55) [set sensor4? true if show-sensors? [set pcolor 68]] ;;green
    if (pxcor < 0 and pxcor >= -15) and (pycor > 70 and pycor <= 75) [set sensor4? true if show-sensors? [set pcolor 68]] ;;green
    ;; train tracks
    if (pycor > 60 and pycor <= 70)
       set track? true
       set pcolor track-underlay-color
    ;; train rails
    if (pycor >= 60 and pycor <= 61) or (pycor <= 70 and pycor >= 69)
      set pcolor rail-color
  ;; lane-dividers (do this for the entire patch set, not each patch)
  paint-stripes  15   0  1  0 max-pxcor 1         lane-divider-color 5
  paint-stripes -15   0 -1  0 min-pxcor 1         lane-divider-color 5
  paint-stripes   0  15  0  1 1         max-pycor lane-divider-color 5
  paint-stripes   0 -15  0 -1 1         min-pycor lane-divider-color 5
  ;; ties (do this for the entire patch set, not each patch)
  let index min-pxcor
  let width 2
  let len 9
  let step 5
  while [index <= max-pxcor]
    let w 0
    while [w < width]
      let l 0
      while [l < len and (index + w <= max-pxcor)]
        ask patch (index + w) (61 + l) [set pcolor tie-color] 
        set l (l + 1)
      set w (w + 1)
    set index (index + step) 

to paint-stripes [x-start y-start x-incr y-incr x-max y-max col len]
  let on? true
  let patch-count 0
  let x x-start
  let y y-start
  while [abs x <= abs x-max and abs y <= abs y-max]
    if patch-count mod len = 0 [set on? (not on?)]
    ask patch x y
      if on? [set pcolor col]
    set x (x + x-incr)
    set y (y + y-incr)
    set patch-count (patch-count + 1)

to setup-agents
  ;; cars
  set-default-shape cars "car"
  ;; walkers
  set-default-shape walkers "person"
  ;; train
  set-default-shape trains "train"

to setup-traffic-lights
  foreach [0 180]         [set-car-light ? red]    ;; "NS"
  foreach [90 270]        [set-car-light ? green]  ;; "EW"
  foreach [0 90 180 270]  [set-walker-light ? red] ;; "ped"

to set-car-light [dir col]
  ask patches with [sensor1? = true and from = dir] [set pcolor col set change-marker ticks]

to set-walker-light [dir col]
  ask patches with [sensor2? = true and from = dir] [set pcolor col set change-marker ticks]

;; runtime

to go

to manage-traffic-light
if scheduling-algorithm = "round-robin" [manage-traffic-light-round-robin]
;;if scheduling-algorithm = "simple-priority" [manage-traffic-light-simple-priority]

to manage-traffic-light-round-robin
  ;; simple round robin
  if (round-robin-state = 2 and ticks - tick-count-last = green-light-duration)
    ;; change to orange
    if (round-robin-last = "NS")
      foreach [0 180] [set-car-light ? orange]
    if (round-robin-last = "EW")
      foreach [90 270] [set-car-light ? orange]
    if (round-robin-last = "ped")
      foreach [0 90 180 270] [set-walker-light ? orange]
    set round-robin-state 0
    ;;type "(" type round-robin-state type ") " type "set tick-count-last " print ticks
    set tick-count-last ticks
  if (round-robin-state = 0 and ticks - tick-count-last = orange-light-duration) 
    ;; change orange to red
     if (round-robin-last = "NS")
      foreach [0 180] [set-car-light ? red]
    if (round-robin-last = "EW")
      foreach [90 270] [set-car-light ? red]
    if (round-robin-last = "ped")
      foreach [0 90 180 270] [set-walker-light ? red]
    set round-robin-state 1
    ;;type "(" type round-robin-state type ") " type "set tick-count-last " print ticks
    set tick-count-last ticks
  if (round-robin-state = 1 and ticks - tick-count-last = all-red-duration)
    let next-dir round-robin-last
    ;; new green lights
    if (round-robin-last = "NS")
      foreach [90 270] [set-car-light ? green]
      set next-dir "EW"
    if (round-robin-last = "EW")
      foreach [0 90 180 270] [set-walker-light ? green]
      set next-dir "ped"
    if (round-robin-last = "ped")
      foreach [0 180] [set-car-light ? green]
      set next-dir "NS"
    set round-robin-state 2
    ;;type "(" type round-robin-state type ") " type "set tick-count-last " print ticks
    set tick-count-last ticks
    set round-robin-last next-dir

to gen-trains
  if (ticks mod gen-freq = 0)
    if ((random 100) < train-frequency) and (not any? trains)
      ask patch min-pxcor 65
        sprout-trains 1 [init-train]

to init-train
  set heading 90
  set size 20
  set speed ((random 10) + 10) / 10
  ;; visualize the train sensor
  ask patches with [sensor4? = true] [if show-sensors? [set pcolor red]]

to move-trains
  ask trains
    ifelse can-move? speed
    [ fd speed]
      ask patches with [sensor4? = true] [if show-sensors? [set pcolor 68]]

to gen-walkers
  if (ticks mod gen-freq = 0)
    ;;show ticks
    foreach [0 90 180 270]
      let x 0
      let y 0
      let create? false
      if ? = 0 and (random 100) < S-pedestrian-density
        set x 13
        set y min-pycor
        set create? true
      if ? = 90 and (random 100) < W-pedestrian-density
        set x min-pxcor
        set y -13
        set create? true
      if ? = 180 and (random 100) < N-pedestrian-density
        set x -13
        set y max-pycor
        set create? true
      if ? = 270 and (random 100) < E-pedestrian-density
        set x max-pxcor
        set y 13
        set create? true
      if create? = true
        ask patch x y
          sprout-walkers 1
            ;; pass in the current direction of the foreach loop
            init-walker ?

to init-walker [dir]

  if dir = 0 [set color violet]
  if dir = 90 [set color orange]
  if dir = 180 [set color 76]
  if dir = 270 [set color 96]  
  set heading dir
  set direction dir
  set size 5
  set speed ((random 5) + 5) / 30
  set orig-speed speed
  set student? random 100 < 90 ; slider?
  if student? [set shape "person-student"]
  set start-time ticks 

to move-walkers
ask walkers
    ifelse can-move? speed
      ;; stop if at train sensor and train is passing
      let on-sensor4? false
      ask patch-here [if sensor4? [set on-sensor4? true] ]
      ifelse on-sensor4? and any? trains 
      [ set speed 0 ]
      [ if speed = 0 [set speed orig-speed] ]
      ;; stop if at a traffic light and the color is red
      let on-sensor2? false
      let patch-from -1
      ask patch-here
        if sensor2?
          set on-sensor2? true
          set patch-from from
      if on-sensor2?
        ifelse pcolor != green and direction = patch-from
        [ set speed 0 ]
        [ if speed = 0 [set speed orig-speed] ]
      fd speed
      let wait-time (ticks - start-time)
      if wait-time > max-wait-time-pedestrians [set max-wait-time-pedestrians wait-time]
      if (min-wait-time-pedestrians = 0) or (wait-time < min-wait-time-pedestrians) [set min-wait-time-pedestrians wait-time]
      set total-wait-time-pedestrians (total-wait-time-pedestrians + wait-time)
      set total-pedestrians (total-pedestrians + 1)

to-report free-space [x y dir]
  ;;set log-id (log-id + 1)
  let dist 0
  let max-dist (truck-length + 1)
  let x-delta 0
  let y-delta 0
  if dir = 0   [ set y-delta 1 ]
  if dir = 90  [ set x-delta 1 ]
  if dir = 180 [ set y-delta -1 ]
  if dir = 270 [ set x-delta -1 ]
  while [dist <= max-dist]
    let next-patch patch x y
    if next-patch != nobody
      let car-ahead one-of turtles-on next-patch
      if car-ahead != nobody and is-car? car-ahead
        ;;type log-id print "false"
        report false      
    set x (x + x-delta)
    set y (y + y-delta)
    set dist (dist + 1)
  ;;type log-id print "true"
  report true

to gen-cars
  if (ticks mod gen-freq = 0)
    ;;show ticks
    foreach [0 90 180 270]
        let free-space? false;
        let x 0
        let y 0
        if ? = 0 and (random 100 < S-car-density)
          set x 5
          set y min-pycor
          set free-space? (free-space x y ?)
        if ? = 90 and (random 100 < W-car-density)
          set x min-pxcor
          set y -5
          set free-space? (free-space x y ?)
        if ? = 180 and (random 100 < N-car-density)
          set x -5
          set y max-pycor
          set free-space? (free-space x y ?)
        if ? = 270 and (random 100 < E-car-density)
          set x max-pxcor
          set y 5
          set free-space? (free-space x y ?)
        ;; TODO: decision here, or make it configurable? : only generate a car if there's room,
        ;;   or let them stack up
        ;; if (x != 0) prevents the generation of cars when the randomization
        ;; above does not yield one :)
        if (x != 0) ;; and free-space?
          ask patch x y
            sprout-cars 1
              ;; pass in the current direction of the foreach loop
              init-car ?

to init-car [dir]

  if dir = 0   [set color 37]  ;; brown
  if dir = 90  [set color 47]  ;; yellow
  if dir = 180 [set color 97]  ;; blue
  if dir = 270 [set color 127] ;; magenta  
  set heading dir
  set direction dir
  set turning-left? (random 100) < percent-turning-left
  set turning-right? (not turning-left?) and ((random 100) < percent-turning-right)
  set truck? random 100 < percent-trucks
  set emergency-vehicle? random 100 < percent-emergency-vehicles
  ifelse truck?
    set shape "truck-rotate"
    set size truck-length
    set speed ((random 5) + 5) / 10
    set acceleration ((random-float .5) + .5) / 10
    if dir = 270 [set shape "truck-rotate-inverted"]
    ifelse emergency-vehicle?
      set shape "ambulance"
      set size 15
      set color red
      set speed ((random 10) + 10) / 10
      set acceleration ((random-float 1.5) + .5) / 10
      if dir = 270 [set shape "ambulance-inverted"]
      set size car-length
      set speed ((random 8) + 8) / 10
      set acceleration ((random-float 1) + 1) / 10
      if dir = 270 [set shape "car-inverted"]
  set start-time ticks

to check-ahead-and-react
  let current-speed speed
  ;;type current-speed type "__"
  ;; adjust if there's a car in front of you
  let found-car? false
  let dist 0
  let max-dist (size / 2) + (truck-length / 2) + 1

  while [dist <= max-dist and found-car? = false ]
    let next-patch patch-ahead dist
    if next-patch != nobody
      let car-ahead one-of turtles-on next-patch
      if car-ahead != nobody and is-car? car-ahead and car-ahead != self
        set found-car? true
        set speed (([speed] of car-ahead) - acceleration)
        ;; type dist type " [" type size type "] " type "[" type [size] of car-ahead type "]"
        ;; slow the car down even more if it is overlapping another car
        if dist < size or dist < [size] of car-ahead [set speed 0]
    set dist (dist + 1)

  ;; if no car, accelerate
  if found-car? = false [set speed speed + acceleration]

  if speed < 0 [set speed 0 ]
  if speed > max-speed [set speed max-speed]

  ;;type "__" print speed

to-report clear-on-other-side [max-dist]

  let found-car? false
  let dist 0
  while [dist <= max-dist and found-car? = false ]
    let next-patch patch-ahead dist
    if next-patch != nobody
      let car-ahead one-of turtles-on next-patch
      if car-ahead != nobody and is-car? car-ahead and car-ahead != self
        set found-car? true
    set dist (dist + 1)
  report not found-car?

to move-cars
ask cars
    ifelse can-move? speed
      ;; stop if at train sensor and train is passing
      let on-sensor4? false
      ask patch-here [if sensor4? [set on-sensor4? true] ]
      if on-sensor4?
        ifelse any? trains or not clear-on-other-side (15 + size) 
        [set speed 0]
        [if speed = 0 [ set speed .1]]
      ;; approaching intersection / traffic light
      let on-sensor1? false
      ask patch-here [if sensor1? [set on-sensor1? true]]
      if on-sensor1?
        ;; stop if at a traffic light and the color is red
        ;; stop at intersection if there is no room on the other side
        ;; TODO also handle turns (this will stop a car from turning even if there is room!)
        ifelse pcolor = red or (any? trains and not clear-on-other-side (20 + size))
        [set speed 0]
        [if speed = 0 [set speed .1]]
      let in-intersection? false
      ask patch-here [if intersection? [set in-intersection? true]]
      if in-intersection?
        if turning-left?
          if direction = 0
            ifelse ycor > 0 and ycor < 5
            [set heading (heading - (15 * speed) / 2)]
            [if ycor >= 5 [set heading 270 
                ifelse truck? [set shape "truck-rotate-inverted"] [set shape "car-inverted"]]]
          if direction = 90
            ifelse xcor > 0 and xcor < 5
            [set heading (heading - (15 * speed) / 2)]
            [if xcor >= 5 [set heading 0]]
          if direction = 180
            ifelse ycor < 0 and ycor > -5
            [set heading (heading - (15 * speed) / 2)]
            [if ycor <= -5 [set heading 90]]
           if direction = 270
             ifelse xcor < 0 and xcor > -5
             [set heading (heading - (15 * speed) / 2)]
             [if xcor <= -5 [set heading 180
                 ifelse truck? [set shape "truck-rotate"] [set shape "car"]]]
        if turning-right?
          if direction = 0
            ifelse ycor > -10 and ycor < -6
            [set heading (heading + (15 * speed) / 2)]
            [if ycor >= -6 [set heading 90]]
          if direction = 90
            ifelse xcor > -10 and xcor < -6
            [set heading (heading + (15 * speed) / 2)]
            [if xcor >= -6 [set heading 180]]
          if direction = 180
            ifelse ycor < 10 and ycor > 6
            [set heading (heading + (15 * speed) / 2)]
            [if ycor <= 6 [set heading 270 
                ifelse truck? [set shape "truck-rotate-inverted"] [set shape "car-inverted"]]]
           if direction = 270
             ifelse xcor < 10 and xcor > 6
             [set heading (heading + (15 * speed) / 2)]
             [if xcor <= 6 [set heading 0
                 ifelse truck? [set shape "truck-rotate"] [set shape "car"]]]
      fd speed
      let wait-time (ticks - start-time)
      if wait-time > max-wait-time-cars [set max-wait-time-cars wait-time]
      if (min-wait-time-cars = 0) or (wait-time < min-wait-time-cars) [set min-wait-time-cars wait-time]
      set total-wait-time-cars (total-wait-time-cars + wait-time)
      set total-cars (total-cars + 1)

to plot-data

 ;; write "m:" write count-make write " d:" print count-die

  set-current-plot "Car Wait Time"
  set-current-plot-pen "max-wait-time"
  plot max-wait-time-cars
  set-current-plot-pen "min-wait-time"
  plot min-wait-time-cars
  set-current-plot-pen "avg-wait-time"
  ifelse total-cars != 0 [plot total-wait-time-cars / total-cars] [plot 0]
  set-current-plot "Pedestrian Wait Time"
  set-current-plot-pen "max-wait-time"
  plot max-wait-time-pedestrians
  set-current-plot-pen "min-wait-time"
  plot min-wait-time-pedestrians
  set-current-plot-pen "avg-wait-time"
  ifelse total-pedestrians != 0 [plot total-wait-time-pedestrians / total-pedestrians] [plot 0]
  ; set-current-plot "Accidents"
  ; set-current-plot-pen "car-car"
  ; plot count d
  ; set-current-plot-pen "car-pedestrian"
  ; plot count e

There is only one version of this model, created over 14 years ago by Coram Bryant.

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