Osmotic Pressure

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55 Nathan Holbert (Author)



Tagged by Tim Denton about 13 years ago


Tagged by Nathan Holbert over 15 years ago


Tagged by Nathan Holbert over 15 years ago


Tagged by Nathan Holbert over 15 years ago


Tagged by Nathan Holbert over 15 years ago

Parent of 1 model: Child of Osmotic Pressure
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Comments and Questions

Mechanism for Osmosis Model (Question)

This model looks very useful for Biology students struggling with the concept of Osmosis. But students need to understand. What is the mechanism for this model? Is there a reference that was used? It appears that the soluble particles are "trapped" behind the insoluble. Is that a fair description?

Posted about 13 years ago

new model

Hey Tim, Thanks for the interest! A new version of the osmosis model has been uploaded. The previous, much older version, was coded "top-down" -- essentially the molar ratio drove the volume of the two sides. While this is often how osmosis is explained in chemistry classes, is essentially means we have the emergent phenomenon driving the behavior, rather than the other way around. It turns out, however, there isn't an agreed upon mechanism to explain this the colligative property of osmotic pressure! To get to the bottom of it I modeled many different possible behaviors -- such as solutes "trapping" solvents and fewer solutes leading to a higher average solvent kinetic energy. In the end, only one possible mechanism lead to the behavior we observe -- solvent particles becoming "stuck" to the solute particles due to intermolecular attractions. This new model utilizes this "sticking" mechanism (the info tab provides more info). Let me know what you think! I'd be happy to answer any further questions you have about the model!

Posted about 13 years ago

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globals [
  left-side                                 ;; left side of the membrane
  right-side                                ;; right side of the membrane
  split                                     ;; location of membrane
  pre-split                                 ;; location of membrane in prior step, used to calculate the change in membrane location
  equilibrium                               ;; the difference in number of particles moving each direction across membrane
  tick-delta                                ;; how much we advance the tick counter this time through
  max-tick-delta                            ;; the largest tick-delta is allowed to be

breed [solutes solute]
breed [solvents solvent]
breed [membranes membrane]

turtles-own [
  stick-count                              ;; counter for solutes that are stuck to solvents
  linked?                                  ;; flag for solvents stating whether or not they are stuck

to setup
  set-default-shape solutes "circle"
  set-default-shape solvents "circle"
  set-default-shape membranes "square"
  set max-tick-delta 0.1073
  set split 0

to create-container
  ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor or pycor = min-pycor] [              ;; sets the walls of the container
    set pcolor blue
  ask patches with [pxcor = max-pxcor or pxcor = min-pxcor] [
    set pcolor blue
  set left-side patches with [pxcor < 0]                                   ;; defines the left and right sides of the container equally
  set right-side patches with [pxcor > 0]
  set equilibrium 0                                                        ;; sets equilibrium to starting value (the middle of the container)
  set split 0                                                              ;; sets the starting location of the membrane
  ask patches with [pxcor = 0 and pycor != max-pycor and pycor != min-pycor and abs pycor mod 2 != 0] [
    sprout-membranes 1 [                                                   ;; create the membrane
      set color red
      set size 1.3

to setup-particles                                                      ;; set variable values for each new particle
  set speed 10
  set mass 1
  set energy (0.5 * mass * speed * speed)
  if breed = solutes [
    set stick-count 0
    set size 1.3
  set heading random 360
  set linked? false
  set last-collision nobody

;; Osmotic pressure is a colligative property, meaning the number of particles matter more than the identity of the particles.
;; So when spawning particles, we have to take into account whether or not particles dissociate (break up into ions) in the solvent.
;; Covalent compounds, such as sugar, do not break up, while ionic compounds, such as sodium chloride do.  Therefore, when we create 10 solute
;; particles of sugar, 10 solute particles are created.  However, when we create 10 solute particles of sodium chloride, the particles break up into
;; sodium and chloride ions -- so for every one particle of sodium chloride, we get 2 particles of ions (in the model, these still retain the "solute"
;; breed).  Magnesium chloride breaks up into one magnesium ion, and two chloride ions (so 1 magnesium chloride gets you 3 ion particles),
;; and aluminum chloride breaks up into one aluminum ion, and three chloride ions (so 1 aluminum chloride gets you 4 ion particles).
;; In the code below, this is accomplished by creating solute particles based on the slider value, and then "hatching" new solute particles based on
;; the number of ions the compound forms.  So for sodium chloride, we create the number of particles indicated by the slider, and then each solute
;; spawns an extra solute particle to make a total of two ion particles for each solute particle added.

to spawn-particles
  create-solvents 1000 [                                               ;; creates 1000 solvent molecules
    set color blue + 2
    move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black]                       ;; randomly distribute them throughout the world
    while [any? other turtles-here] [
      move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = black]

  if Solute_Type = "Sugar" [                       ;; checks to see the identity of the solute based on the chooser
    output-type "C12H22O11"                        ;; write the chemical formula in the output area
    create-solutes-and-ions 1                      ;; since sugar is covalent and it does not break into ions in solvent, one molecule is formed

  if Solute_Type = "Sodium Chloride" [
    output-type "NaCl"
    create-solutes-and-ions 2                      ;; Sodium Chloride breaks up into Na+ and Cl- ions, so two ions are formed

  if Solute_Type = "Magnesium Chloride" [
    output-type "MgCl2"
    create-solutes-and-ions 3                      ;; Magnesium Chloride breaks up into Mg2+ and two Cl- ions, so three ions are formed

  if Solute_Type = "Aluminum Chloride" [
    output-type "AlCl3"
    create-solutes-and-ions 4                      ;; Aluminum Chloride breaks up into Al3+ and three Cl- ions, so four ions are formed

to create-solutes-and-ions [ions]
  create-solutes solute-left [                              ;; create the number of particles on the left indicated by the slider
      set color white
      move-to one-of left-side with [pcolor = black]        ;; move to an open space on the left side
      while [any? other turtles-here] [
        move-to one-of left-side with [pcolor = black] ]
      hatch-solutes (ions - 1) [                            ;; since one particle was already created above, 
        set color white                                     ;; we hatch 1 less than the total number of ions the substance has
        fd 0.2                                              ;; move forward a bit so we can see the particles better
    create-solutes solute-right [                           ;; create the number of particles on the right indicated by the slider
      set color white
      move-to one-of right-side with [pcolor = black]       ;; move to an open space on the right side
      while [any? other turtles-here] [
        move-to one-of right-side with [pcolor = black] ]
      hatch-solutes (ions - 1) [
        set color white
        fd 0.2

to-report particles
  report (turtle-set solutes solvents)

to particle-jump
  ask solutes with [xcor >= pre-split and xcor <= split] [       ;; check for solutes in the way of a membrane jump
    set heading 90                                                                           ;; turn proper direction and jump
    jump (split - pre-split) + 1
  ask solutes with [xcor <= pre-split and xcor >= split] [
    set heading 270
    jump (pre-split - split) + 1

to calculate-wall
  set pre-split split                                                  ;; save location of the membrane before it moves
  let nudge ((equilibrium * -1) / 10)                                  ;; calculates the amount to move the membrane
  set split split + nudge                                              ;; set split to be the new location of the membrane
  particle-jump                                                        ;; move solutes in the way of the membrane jump
  ask membranes [
    set xcor split                                                     ;; move membrane turtles according to nudge value

  set left-side patches with [pxcor < split]                           ;; redefine right and left sides
  set right-side patches with [pxcor > split]
  set equilibrium 0                                                    ;; reset equilibrium so we can keep track of what happens during the next tick

to go
  if count turtles-on right-side = 0 or count turtles-on left-side = 0 [                    ;; stops model if membrane reaches either edge
    user-message "The membrane has burst! Make sure you have some solute on both sides!"
  ask particles [ set old-pos xcor ]                            ;; saves starting position of particles
  ask particles [ bounce ]                                      ;; all particles bounce off of walls and solutes bounce off of the membrane
  ask particles with [ linked? = false ] [ move ]               ;; only particles not linked should move -- these are "unstuck" particles
  ask links [ check-for-release ]                               ;; links have a chance of dying -- stuck particles have a chance of getting free
  ask particles [ check-for-collision ]                         ;; particles bounce off of each other
  ask solvents [ check-for-stick ]                              ;; solvent particles can stick to solute molecules

  ask solvents [
    if old-pos < split and xcor >= split [                      ;; if a solvent moves from the left of the membrane to the right of the membrane
      set equilibrium equilibrium + 1                           ;; add one to equilibrium
    if old-pos > split and xcor <= split [                      ;; if a solvent moves from the right of the membrane to the left of the membrane
      set equilibrium equilibrium - 1                           ;; subtract one from equilibrium
  tick-advance tick-delta
  calculate-wall                                                ;; recalculate the new location of the wall

to calculate-tick-delta
  ;; tick-delta is calculated in such way that even the fastest
  ;; particle will jump at most 1 patch length when we advance the
  ;; tick counter. As particles jump (speed * tick-delta) each time, making
  ;; tick-delta the inverse of the speed of the fastest particle
  ;; (1/max speed) assures that. Having each particle advance at most
  ;; one patch-length is necessary for it not to "jump over" a wall
  ;; or another particle.
  ifelse any? particles with [speed > 0]
    [ set tick-delta min list (1 / (ceiling max [speed] of particles)) max-tick-delta ]
    [ set tick-delta max-tick-delta ]

to bounce  ;; particle procedure
  ;; get the coordinates of the patch we'll be on if we go forward 1
  let new-patch patch-ahead 1
  let new-px [pxcor] of new-patch
  let new-py [pycor] of new-patch

  ;; if hitting the membrane...
  if any? membranes in-cone 3 180 and breed = solutes
    [ set heading (- heading) ]

  ;; if we're not about to hit a wall, we don't need to do any further checks
  if not shade-of? blue [pcolor] of new-patch
    [ stop ]

  ;; if hitting left or right wall, reflect heading around x axis
  if (abs new-px = max-pxcor) or (abs new-px = min-pxcor)
    [ set heading (- heading) ]
  ;; if hitting top or bottom wall, reflect heading around y axis
  if (abs new-py = max-pycor) or (abs new-py = min-pycor)
    [ set heading (180 - heading)]

to move  ;; particle procedure
  if patch-ahead (speed * tick-delta) != patch-here
    [ set last-collision nobody ]
  jump (speed * tick-delta)

to check-for-release
  ;; there is a 5% chance that a stuck particle will become unstuck
  if random 100 <= 5 [
    ask end1 [
      set stick-count stick-count - 1                                   ;; lower the stick counter of the solute
    ask end2 [
      set linked? false                                                 ;; set the solvent's flag to "unstuck"
      set color color + 2                                               ;; return the color to normal

to check-for-collision  ;; particle procedure
  ;; Here we impose a rule that collisions only take place when there
  ;; are exactly two particles per patch.  We do this because we want them to
  ;; form a uniform wavefront.
  ;; Why do we want a uniform wavefront?  Because it is actually more
  ;; realistic.  
  ;; Why is it realistic to assume a uniform wavefront?  Because in reality,
  ;; whether a collision takes place would depend on the actual headings
  ;; of the particles, not merely on their proximity.  Since the particles
  ;; in the wavefront have identical speeds and near-identical headings,
  ;; in reality they would not collide.  So even though the two-particles
  ;; rule is not itself realistic, it produces a realistic result.  Also,
  ;; unless the number of particles is extremely large, it is very rare
  ;; for three or more particles to land on the same patch (for example,
  ;; with 400 particles it happens less than 1% of the time).  So imposing
  ;; this additional rule should have only a negligible effect on the
  ;; aggregate behavior of the system.
  ;; Why does this rule produce a uniform wavefront?  The particles all
  ;; start out on the same patch, which means that without the only-two
  ;; rule, they would all start colliding with each other immediately,
  ;; resulting in much random variation of speeds and headings.  With
  ;; the only-two rule, they are prevented from colliding with each other
  ;; until they have spread out a lot.  (And in fact, if you observe
  ;; the wavefront closely, you will see that it is not completely smooth,
  ;; because some collisions eventually do start occurring when it thins out while fanning.)

  if (count other turtles-here with [breed != membranes] = 1)
    ;; the following conditions are imposed on collision candidates:
    ;;   1. they must have a lower who number than my own, because collision
    ;;      code is asymmetrical: it must always happen from the point of view
    ;;      of just one particle.
    ;;   2. they must not be the same particle that we last collided with on
    ;;      this patch, so that we have a chance to leave the patch after we've
    ;;      collided with someone.
    let candidate one-of other turtles-here with [breed != membranes and who < [who] of myself and myself != last-collision]
    ;; we also only collide if one of us has non-zero speed. It's useless
    ;; (and incorrect, actually) for two particles with zero speed to collide.
    if (candidate != nobody) and (speed > 0 or [speed] of candidate > 0)
      collide-with candidate
      set last-collision candidate
      ask candidate [ set last-collision myself ]

;; implements a collision with another particle.
;; The two particles colliding are self and other-particle, and while the
;; collision is performed from the point of view of self, both particles are
;; modified to reflect its effects. This is somewhat complicated, so I'll
;; give a general outline here:
;;   1. Do initial setup, and determine the heading between particle centers
;;      (call it theta).
;;   2. Convert the representation of the velocity of each particle from
;;      speed/heading to a theta-based vector whose first component is the
;;      particle's speed along theta, and whose second component is the speed
;;      perpendicular to theta.
;;   3. Modify the velocity vectors to reflect the effects of the collision.
;;      This involves:
;;        a. computing the velocity of the center of mass of the whole system
;;           along direction theta
;;        b. updating the along-theta components of the two velocity vectors.
;;   4. Convert from the theta-based vector representation of velocity back to
;;      the usual speed/heading representation for each particle.
;;   5. Perform final cleanup and update derived quantities.

to collide-with [ other-particle ] ;; particle procedure
  ;;; PHASE 1: initial setup

  ;; for convenience, grab some quantities from other-particle
  let mass2 [mass] of other-particle
  let speed2 [speed] of other-particle
  let heading2 [heading] of other-particle

  ;; since particles are modeled as zero-size points, theta isn't meaningfully
  ;; defined. we can assign it randomly without affecting the model's outcome.
  let theta (random-float 360)

  ;;; PHASE 2: convert velocities to theta-based vector representation

  ;; now convert my velocity from speed/heading representation to components
  ;; along theta and perpendicular to theta
  let v1t (speed * cos (theta - heading))
  let v1l (speed * sin (theta - heading))

  ;; do the same for other-particle
  let v2t (speed2 * cos (theta - heading2))
  let v2l (speed2 * sin (theta - heading2))

  ;;; PHASE 3: manipulate vectors to implement collision

  ;; compute the velocity of the system's center of mass along theta
  let vcm (((mass * v1t) + (mass2 * v2t)) / (mass + mass2) )

  ;; now compute the new velocity for each particle along direction theta.
  ;; velocity perpendicular to theta is unaffected by a collision along theta,
  ;; so the next two lines actually implement the collision itself, in the
  ;; sense that the effects of the collision are exactly the following changes
  ;; in particle velocity.
  set v1t (2 * vcm - v1t)
  set v2t (2 * vcm - v2t)

  ;;; PHASE 4: convert back to normal speed/heading

  ;; now convert my velocity vector into my new speed and heading
  set speed sqrt ((v1t ^ 2) + (v1l ^ 2))
  set energy (0.5 * mass * speed ^ 2)
  ;; if the magnitude of the velocity vector is 0, atan is undefined. but
  ;; speed will be 0, so heading is irrelevant anyway. therefore, in that
  ;; case we'll just leave it unmodified.
  if v1l != 0 or v1t != 0
    [ set heading (theta - (atan v1l v1t)) ]

  ;; and do the same for other-particle
  ask other-particle [
    set speed sqrt ((v2t ^ 2) + (v2l ^ 2))
    set energy (0.5 * mass * (speed ^ 2))
    if v2l != 0 or v2t != 0
      [ set heading (theta - (atan v2l v2t)) ]

to check-for-stick ;; particle procedure
  ;; The stick code is similar to the collision code.
  ;; If there are more than one particles on the same patch,
  ;; and the solvent isn't already stuck to another particle,
  ;; the two particles have a chance to stick.
  if (count other turtles-here with [breed != membranes] = 1) and (linked? = false)
    ;; the stick candidate must be a solute and not already be stuck to too many solvents
    let candidate one-of other solutes-here with [stick-count < 5]
    ;; we also only stick if one of us has non-zero speed
    ;; there is a 50% chance to stick
    if (candidate != nobody) and (speed > 0 or [speed] of candidate > 0) and (random 100 <= 50)
      ask candidate [
        create-link-to myself [
        set stick-count stick-count + 1                                    ;; keep a running total of how many solvents are stuck
      set linked? true                                                     ;; flag the solvent as "stuck"
      set color color - 2                                                  ;; tweak the color so we can see it's stuck

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Nathan Holbert about 13 years ago Final Version Download this version
Nathan Holbert about 13 years ago No description provided Download this version
Nathan Holbert over 14 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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